Breast cancer
posted by WicklowLady
13 February 2013

Is everyone ok?

Last reply: 22 February 2013 17:48

Just wondering at the 'lull' in postings. It's very quiet, hope all is well with everyone xxxx



commented by youngk
13 February 2013

13 February 2013 21:26

Had a bit of a low start to the week - tried to get back into walking after reading the posts on exercise but have no energy reserves and felt very tired. Feel I should be doing better so many months after Chemo and RT. need to get fitter to cope with recon.
Feeling a lot better today as I got out of the house and went for tea in my favourite bookshop in Cloughjordan and a chat with my friend there.

Hope everyone else doing OK.


commented by wilmaone
16 February 2013

16 February 2013 22:08

Gosh it really is quiet this week.hopefully that's a good sign everyone doing well.


commented by FunkyChick
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 10:26

Had problem logging in all week. Looks like it's fixed today.

commented by shirls
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 17:27

We're back in action girlies Image removed. Have to say really missed the chat for the last week. It made me realise how fantastic this forum has been for me on this journey. Don't know how you managed to post Wicklowlady Image removed.
Hope everyone is doing well,


commented by WicklowLady
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 18:31

God here was I thinking everyone had deserted me lol. I missed the postings dreadfully. Had a great weekend we celebrated my mammys 80th birthday with 40 family and friends it was great and it was a double celebration as I'd got the all clear and everyone was thrilled.

Just back from Dr McVey radiotherapy oncologist, he was lovely. Says we can book a holiday even asked was it a week or two weeks we wanted to go away for. A week will do me and then start the radiotherapy when we get back. My poor husband deserves a break. Normality is what we crave at the moment, it'll be so exciting to go to the airport again, happy days.

Must dash need to speak to my travel agent lol xxxx.

Delighted we are back although I didn't know there was a problem xxx

commented by Neadi
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 19:01

We're back in business!! Couldn't get on Here all week!! Hope all are good!!

I met mr mcvey last friday. I think he's a pet!! The most positive meeting out of all the meetings anyway. And it's nice to see life will be returning to some degree of normality during radiotherapy.

Just chemo to get through.......

Missed ye all!! Hope life is good!!

commented by WicklowLady
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 19:06

Oh neadie good to see you on, I had this vision of all my cyber friends being too down to post. I was worried. Dr McVey was a treasure, I to,d him he had a lot to live up to with Jane and Janice , he laughed. He'd great praise for Jane. How is your chemo going neadie? I think my leg is a little improved. I'm going to mass for lent in the mornings , gets me out of bed and I need to be grateful for how good I am. Yes he reassured me things can go on as normal , happy days.

commented by Neadi
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 19:21

Chemo going as well as it can Mary. Days 1-6 are pretty icky- tired down and feeling I'll, but from day 7 it tends to pick up and I'm back going for my walks and helping down in my husbands office 3-4 days a week. Last weekend was brilliant- meeting friends for dinner and just having a lot of fun. We reach the half way mark on Thursday.... Can't believe I've come this far....I only hope it all keeps going the way it has been....

Have you picked sonewhere to go on hols yet??

commented by WicklowLady
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 19:28

Oh that's good you are dealing with it ok, it's amazing how you cope when you have to. Won't tell you any different but that it can get harder to get out of as it accumulates but then you're getting near the end so you can endure it better. I've got a lot of my energy back so feeling somewhat normal.

Think we may go to a nice hotel in lanzarote. Can't wait xxx

commented by Neadi
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 19:34

I heard that alright, and I won't lie it's not all smiles for the full cycle, but it's my hand for now and I have to try to get through the next 4 the best I can!

The hair thing is a pain but it's funny how you adapt and get used to it, but it still doesn't make me wish I had my hair back....

commented by WicklowLady
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 19:49

Everyone differs but you'll cope us women are very resilient and it does end. Temporary blip I say.

Yes you do get used to the hair but there is nothing that will replace your own hair. I can't wait to have enough hair that I can go out into the public with. It's started but it's just fluffy. Ill be moaning when I've to blow dry and go to the hairdressers for cuts and colours lol

commented by Neadi
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 19:54

Encouraging to hear it's growing Mary!! Excellent!!

commented by WicklowLady
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 20:02

It's amazing how fast it starts to grow back. Just need a few more weeks I'm sure it won't be long before I can go public with it can't wait, wig will go in the box and put away didn't like it at all

commented by Neadi
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 20:13

I don't wear mine at all- I'm sure I will if I have an occasion to go to, it's all hats for me! It's just more me! It's funny- my hair tries to grow during each rest period but each nuking takes care of that!

If only my taste wouldn't disappear - that really is the pits...

commented by WicklowLady
18 February 2013

18 February 2013 20:19

We're all like that here no one likes it. I'm glad I had it I've worn it to occasions and my husband likes me to wear it I we are going o the pub or out o eat. I wore it to my mams 80th at the weekend. Mine never grew between chemos I was as bald as an egg

The taste is the absolute worse thing and unfortunately I found it got worse the more I got. I used to yearn for when I'd be able to taste again

commented by Ania
19 February 2013

19 February 2013 14:33

Hi ladies, glad they have fixed the problem, I was a bit lost without all the news and advice!!

It sounds like we are all with mr. McVey. I am having my scan on wed, and starting rads next wk. finished with plastics yesterday. Even though the expanders are temporary, they are actually not bad. I could live with them. So I am really hoping that the rads don't damage them too much. I get the impression mr. Morrison is expecting a lot of damage though Image removed. fingers crossed for me, really dreading this!!!!

Jealous of your holiday Mary I was really hoping to get a break before rads, but 'twas not to be. From June till now is a long time to stuck somewhere. Dying for a break!!!

commented by WicklowLady
19 February 2013

19 February 2013 14:38

Oh Mr. McVey is a pet. He was very laid back when I said about the holiday and said there was no real rush that it was anything from 8 - 12 weeks after the operation and to work away. He even asked was it one or two weeks we were going away for!! Waiting to hear from my TA as to price and availability etc. Can't wait I really feel we deserve it.

commented by Ania
19 February 2013

19 February 2013 14:55

Yeah I have gone over my "12 week" mark, because I simply could keep up with the plastic surgeon. Sometimes I think they forget about the pain element in their procedures!! Anyway I will just have to wait for my holiday! Enjoy yours, you never know I might see you if we are getting rads the same time.

commented by WicklowLady
19 February 2013

19 February 2013 15:26

Oh right I'm only two weeks yesterday since my op although he said to my husband that I had healed so well he could start anytime but there was no rush and we could go on our holiday. Just when you start the darn thing you're confined to barracks so to speak and will only have Saturdays and Sundays free.

Are you having your rads in Vincents or Lukes? I'm in Vincents. It would be great to meet up.

commented by Kathleen
22 February 2013

22 February 2013 14:38

Hi Karen,

I was the person who posted the links to articles about the benefits of exercise for cancer recovery. But I promise that I am also the first person to admit that it is far from easy. Image removed. I have to push myself every time, but I am happy to be making fairly steady progress as time goes by.

Remember that by exercising you are also protecting yourself against heart disease, diabetes and depression, strengthening your bones and lowering your risk of cancer reccurrence by up to 40 percent Image removed.

Don't be too hard on yourself concerning exercise. Just do what you can and enjoy what you do. Aim for making it a regular activity and build back up to your old level of fitness ... and beyond.


commented by FunkyChick
22 February 2013

22 February 2013 17:48

Benefits are also retaining bone density - can be an issue with Tamoxifen & Arimidex. I had a great experience with the ICS Physical Activity programme last year. Will post more about it soon, well worth looking into!!

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