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posted by Dave_M
17 March 2017

Support / Counselling after loss

Last reply: 23 March 2017 11:08
Hi all, I want to accompany my dad to some form of support/counselling but am not sure of the options available. My mum suffered from cancer for 5 years and lost her battle in November 2015. Since then, my dad has not sought any support but is ready now. Are there groups or sessions delivered anywhere in Dublin for people who've lost a loved one to cancer? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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posted by Kjs
11 March 2017

Found a lump

Last reply: 22 March 2017 19:29
I found a lump last Friday 03 March.normal mammogram 7 months ago.i suffer from fibromyalgia on .I was on HRT an stopped it immediately in panic when i found the lump.I have right sided shoulder blade pain and right hip pain and chest tightness.I am terrified this is a sign of widespread cancer. I am due to be assessed on Monday for triple assessment At St Vincents hospital. Will i be given any indication straight away if I am in trouble/ Don't think I can wait much longer for news I am not sleeping and feeling very panicky. I have myself convinced i have breast lung and bone cancer I am normally very calm and strong but this has sent me into orbit Any advice or information greatly appreciated
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posted by martcan
09 February 2013

bowel cancer

Last reply: 20 March 2017 23:21
was under the impression that bowel cancer was one of the more common serious diseases/causes of death in ireland...if not worldwide; strange no replies from any I assume that there are very few suffering with this condition on this site...if so I could 'turn' elsewhere. Thanks.
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posted by wandalina
01 March 2017

Sympathetic hairdressers Dublin for chemo cut

Hi im planning on doing the big pre chemo cut and although im feeling strong enough i think im going to be quite emotional can anyone recommend a hairdresser in dublin south. Really im looking for a bit of privacy and sympathy. I know getting your haircut is not the end of the world but it does mark the start of a big change in my life with chemo starting next week. Thanks everyone x
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posted by FAPHusband
28 February 2017

familial adenomatous polyposis

Hi I'm new to the forum. Not sure if Im on the right one, so Ive posted this to a few....My husband was diagnosed with FAP over 13 years ago and had an immediate preventative subtotal colonectomy with IRA. Wondering has anyone out there also been diagnosed with this very rare genetic condition and if so, if they'd like to share?
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posted by FAPHusband
28 February 2017

Familial Adenomatous Polyposis(FAP)

Hi I'm new to the forum. My husband was diagnosed with FAP over 13 years ago and had an immediate preventative subtotal colonectomy with IRA. Wondering has anyone out there also been diagnosed with this very rare genetic condition and if so, if they'd like to share?
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posted by martcan
07 February 2013

multiple adenomatous polyps in colon

Last reply: 28 February 2017 21:47
recently been told that much, if not all colon should be removed...but have heart condition...any one know of similar situation? thanks...newbe at all this!
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posted by Qq
24 February 2017


Hi wone up Monday morning swollen breast couldn't touch it angry breast...had been havin back ache around kidneys for last few months ..thought it was time for doc visit ...was in wed got call Thursday for appoimtment friday morning scan on back on on Friday today for breast appointment on Monday..delighted so quick ....nervous so quick ....she put me on antibotics sweeping gone down but it feels like a breast enlarged ready to feed ..tingles ..I'm 43 my youngest child is 14 ...and I've had marina and no periods on 10 quick any feedback ??
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posted by cancerhusband
22 January 2017

Breast Cancer Oncologist

Last reply: 06 February 2017 11:34
Hi, My wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and is currently in hospital for her second surgery. Though she has a medical oncologist consultant, my concern is if the consultant is a specialist in breast cancer or a general oncologist. Though I can ask the consultant, I tried to do some research on oncologist specialities and failed to find a list. I could find lists of oncologists in Ireland but not those who's sole or main focus is on breast cancer. We all want the best for ourselves and our loved ones and I'm lucky enough to have health insurance for her that will cover any consultant in any hospital in Ireland (And maybe elsewhere but hopefully it will not come to that). My world has turned upside down, and I'm finding it very frustrating that I can't even find such basic information as: a) Who in Ireland is a Specialist Breast Oncologist? b) Who is considered the best? I hope you can help me find the information that I hope is easy to find and its just my panic that is stopping me finding it. CH
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posted by Tioman
06 February 2017

Bolus Radiation

Hi, I had a mastectomy and auxiliary clearance and am due to start radiation shortly. As I was initially diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer I will be having bolus radiation too. Its a rubber mesh like material that is placed on your skin to give an intensive dose to the skin when the skin has been compromised. I am just wondering if anyone out there had this done as part of their radiation therapy??..and how did you get on with it as I'm a bit worried about it and have been unable to speak to anyone who has has first hand experience of it. Many thanks, Tioman
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