Mairead Brennan raised a phenomenal €4066 last year for Marathon in a Month. Mairead shares why she decided to take on the challenge last year:



“I got involved in Marathon in a Month last July in memory of my dad, Anthony. My dad passed away from cancer in July 2017.I live in Australia and became of the Covid pandemic, it was the very first year I was not going to be home for his anniversary and I wanted to do something to mark the day.”

“I really loved the idea of Marathon in a Month, my dad also loved being outdoors and going for long walks in nature. The challenge was a good match."

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"It was the very first year I was not going to be home for his anniversary and I wanted to do something to mark the day.”

“It was great to be able to give back to the Irish Cancer Society, as a family we received so much help and support from the Society and the Night Nurses during my dad’s final weeks. Without the Night Nursing service we wouldn’t have been able to have dad at the house with us, in the comfort of his own home. We will be forever grateful.”

Marathon in a Month

You too can support cancer patients and their families by taking on Marathon in a Month this July. The challenge is kindly supported by Aldi Ireland .


Contact the Irish Cancer Society Support Line

If you have worries or concerns about cancer, you can speak confidentially to an Irish Cancer Society Cancer Nurse through the Freephone Support Line on 1800 200 700.

Monday to Friday, 9.00am - 5.00pm

Roz, Cancer Nurseline

For more information

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