News round-up: Charles Cully Lecture on health inequalities and cancer

Professor Sir Michael Marmot (pictured), the leading international expert on health inequalities, was in Ireland on Monday to give the annual Charles Cully Lecture, held in the memory of one of the founding members of the Irish Cancer Society and hosted jointly this year by the Irish Cancer Society and the Irish Society of St Vincent de Paul.

Among the data outlined by Prof Marmot on Monday was the stark revelation that people in poorer and marginalised parts of Irish society have up to 70% greater risk of some forms of cancer, including lung and cervical cancer.

Here is some of the news coverage of Monday's lecture:

There was also a news report on the speech given by Ms Audry Deane, Social Policy Officer with the Society of St Vincent de Paul, prior to Professor Sir Michael Marmot's lecture:

Note: Links to external websites are listed above. The Irish Cancer Society is not responsible for the contents of external websites.


Watch and listen to an audio slidecast of Professor Sir Michael Marmot's Charles Cully Lecture below

Professor Sir Michael Marmot's Charles Cully Lecture on health inequalities and cancer from Irish Cancer Society 

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To download a PDF of Professor Sir Michael Marmot's Charles Cully Lecture on health inequalities and cancer, click here (pdf, 1.95 MB)