Research shows 90 per cent of Irish people have a fear or phobia

Irish Cancer Society release results of their ‘Fear’ survey as part of their new campaign the Fearless Challenge

The Irish Cancer Society’s announced that 90 per cent of people asked have a fear or phobia. 87 per cent of those same people say that they would like to face their fear for someone they loved. The new campaign from the Society, the Fearless Challenge, gives people that very opportunity. Following in the footsteps of a Canadian campaign of the same name, the Fearless Challenge gives people an outlet to face their fear while supporting those with cancer. Earlier this month RTÉ TV Presenter Stephen Byrne was the first to take on his fear for cancer. Stephen faced his fear of spiders and spent some time with a Chilean Rose Tarantula. Since then others have signed up with fears as diverse as jumping from a plane to driving in a foreign country.  According to the survey carried out by the Irish Cancer Society, Irish people are most afraid of rats or mice with almost a third of participants (32%) citing the vermin as their top fear. This compared to 14 per cent of those who said spiders scared them the most! A further quarter of Irish people said they were afraid of heights and also thinking along the same lines were 21 per cent of participants who chose a sky-dive as their fear. While over half of participants in the survey said they had never faced their fear to date, 87 per cent said they would do so for someone they loved and 80 per cent said they were ready to be Fearless. Speaking about campaign the Liz Logan, Campaigns Manager, Irish Cancer Society said “We are all touched by cancer and fundamentally I think it’s a disease that we are all afraid of. The wider work of the Society tries to take the fear out of cancer – through information, support and talking about it – no longer having it as a subject whispered about in hushed tones. With this campaign we are asking people to face a different kind of fear, to do something challenging, to make a sacrifice but it’s also something empowering, exciting and fun. It’s easy to get involved you just;

  1. Choose Your Challenge
  2. Set Your Fundraising Goal
  3. Raise Money
  4. Complete Your Challenge.

To get involved call the Fearless Hotline on CallSave 1850 60 60 60 or visit

The Irish Cancer Society appeal to the public to do something fearless for cancer. The challenge asks people to pledge to overcome their fears — no matter how big or small — for a money amount they set. They tell everyone they know and try and reach their fundraising goal. Once that happens, they complete their fear challenge, record it and post it online. All the money raised goes to the Irish Cancer Society, specifically to help fund research on all types of cancer; provide free information and support services for patients and loved ones; educate people about cancer prevention and early detection of the disease; and advocate for public policies that prevent cancer and help those living with it.  To get involved call the Fearless Hotline on CallSave 1850 60 60 60 or visit Follow the challenge on social media (On twitter @IrishCancerSoc and using the hashtag #FearlessChallenge or Facebook by searching IrishCancerSociety) Be Fearless and help those with cancer do the same!
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