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posted by Amaryllis
07 January 2013

Sibling cancers - any other experience of this?

Last reply: 12 January 2013 00:04
I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of September - had two different types of tumour in my right breast and had a third tumour on one of my lymph glands. I had a mastectomy and axillary clearance surgery in late October and I'm now going through 6 sessions of chemo before I start radiotherapy. My older brother was ill over the Christmas, was admitted for pneumonia and was finally diagnosed with Acute Myloid Leukemia. He is now also being treated with chemo. Our mum died 12 years ago from a brain tumour but apart from that there is no history of cancer in our family. Are there any other cases where siblings are going through cancer at the same time - could there be any common connection between breast cancer and AML? Any further words of advice as to how I can be of help to my brother?
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posted by Zoe
13 July 2011


Last reply: 20 July 2011 16:47
[b:5f7oyent][i:5f7oyent][color=#FF0080:5f7oyent]Em I dont really know what to be write on this , but last year my nanny got lung cancer and like i thought it was the worst feeling ever when i was told , its real upsetting now when i see her getting thinner and loosing her hair i just wanted to know if anyone else has gone through a loved one having cancer an if they could like let me know if the feeling that i have now will ever go ? [/color:5f7oyent][/i:5f7oyent][/b:5f7oyent]
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posted by carlan
31 August 2011

Pancreatic cancer

Last reply: 19 September 2011 17:24
Hi just wondering if anyone has experience of pancreatic cancer that has secondaries on the liver? My mum has recently been diagnosed and we are at a loss as what to expect in the weeks and months to come. Have never posted anything before on a forum page so am a bit nervous! Would appreciate any advice or information, thanks. Carla.
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posted by 1972
04 December 2011

What do treatment drugs do to your brain?

Last reply: 05 December 2011 15:49
My granddad was diagnosed with cancer, earlier this year. (prostate and then bone) After getting injections in the stomach every month ( not sure what the drugs are) he really started to pick up and look like his normal self. Over the last 2 months he has started to loose weight again and spend more time in bed again. After his injections he seems to turn very nasty. My nan is his full time carer and she gets the brunt of his nastiness, saying she's a terrible carer and he'd be better off without her, which has absolutely devastated my nan, (because she is and always has even before he was ill, waited on my granddad hand and foot) and she has broken down a couple of times. My nan has noticed a pattern of just after his monthly injections that he turns this a normal reaction to the drugs? He is also hallucinating abit, seeing people who aren't there. This is the first close relative who I have know to have cancer so its a shock, especially with someone who has never been seriously ill in their whole life.....
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posted by roslynroad
17 February 2012

grape seed extract?

Last reply: 02 April 2015 12:01
Hi, Im cluthching at straws for my brothers sake, diagnosed at45 with lung (never smoked!) spread to spine ,brain and now liver. chemo seems to have no effect and he is starting radiation next wk. Has anyone used or heard of anyone using grapeseed extract and did it do any good or anything else that might have been of some use. Hes two small children and it doesnt look good for him although at the momoent he feels great and is positive . thanks
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posted by anthonyflannery
27 March 2012

Alternative Lung Cancer Treatments Abroad

Last reply: 29 March 2012 16:26
I am writing this on behalf of my mother who has Stage 1 Small-Cell localised Lung Cancer. I am looking for advice and information regarding alternative cancer treatments abroad. My mother has come to the end of her Chemotherapy and unfortunately Radiology is not an option due the size of the tumour (although the tumour has decreased by two thirds from the original scan last year). The treatment received in Ireland has been fantastic but it looks like we have come to the end of the road in terms of future treatment besides the possibility of further Chemotherapy in the future. Any advice would be very gratefully received, especially information regarding alternative and complimentary treatment in Scandinavia.
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posted by bubbles46
27 March 2012

Grieving has hit me 3 years on-can anyone help me?

Last reply: 28 March 2012 14:52
My mother passed away almost 3 years ago.Obvioulsy Ive been very sad and cried alot but the last month or so,Ive gotten very emotional over it.I cry most nights and I havent slept properly in 4 weeks.I wake up 3 or 4 times a night.Ive had 4 nightmares within these 4 sleepless weeks,twice about my mam and the other 2 times that other friends and family were telling me they have terminal cancer.If someone asked me to cry on the spot,I can easily do it now(Id make a great actress at the moment!).Counselling has been suggested last year to me but I fear going into a room and talking about her.She was my best friend and I cant see myself pouring my heart out to a stranger.I fear that if I start crying in a counselling session,I may never stop. Does anyone know if theres an online counselling forum??I would find it much easier to talk online than face to face with someone.
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posted by jenjenb
09 February 2015

Cold Caps to help prevent/slow hair loss during chemo

Last reply: 10 February 2015 14:42
Hi, My 81 year old grandmother was recently diagnosed with Oesophageal Cancer and will undergo Chemo and Radiotherapy shortly. She is expecting to go through 4-6 weeks of treatments. I recently heard about a 'Cold Cap' you can get to wear during treatment. It is supposed to help with preventing / reducing / slowing hair loss during Chemo. It looks like a swimming cap from looking at the pictures online. Can anyone please advise if they have used these before and where I might get one in Dublin? I am wondering also if they would be abit uncomfortable. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. We're very new to this and finding all the information a little overwhelming. Thanks, Jen
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posted by federico72
19 August 2013

Inform and empower patients, their friends and families provides information for patients to use while discussing treatment options with their doctor. There are videos of cancer specialists talking about the most recent advances in care which are designed to empower patients to become more involved in vital treatment decisions. You can find ecancer also on Facebook (ecancerpatients) and Twitter (@ecancer_patient). I hope this advice will helpful for you.
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posted by mijennie
28 October 2011

child minder? house keeper?

Hi Im looking for someone to mind my children 2/3 days a week. I was wondering if anyone has any experince with childminders,and can recommened an agency or someone you have used in the past. Im based in Dublin near the city centre. Thanks.
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