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posted by munster65
19 October 2012

Husband here looking for advice,

Last reply: 23 October 2012 15:26
Good morning all , My wife has been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma , stage 1 and 2 both 15mm.No node involvement . She is in for her operation on Monday the 22nd of october, full mastectomy , and skin expander. I havent got any of the er+ info yet , should i ask the doctor for this info , as my wife is not into the detail as she is trying to just hold it together , i keep a diary of all the dates and apps we are having so as i can keep a record and feed back info as she asks for it .I am just wondering what else to expect at this stage , no mention of chemo or rt yet , am I correct in thinking this will be decided when oncagene comes back 2 weeks after op.Have to say I am glad to have found this site , so much positive thinking here ,but I am terrified of whats to come and want to keep strong for her.Her surgeon is Ms Merrigan in Limerick.
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posted by cinders51
23 June 2014

Hysterectomy after pelvic radiation for cervical cancer

Last reply: 02 July 2014 16:01
Hi All, I just have a question I was hoping someone could answer. My mum was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer stage IIB 2 years ago. she under went chemo, radium and brachytherapy after which she was given the all clear. She has had a discharge ever since she had the radium and went to the doctors about it where she was told that the cancer had returned. It's only a cluster of cells, but the pet picked up on it. She has been told she'll have to undergo a hysterectomy, but it wont' be straight forward as after having radium your organs can basically stick together and her bladder may have fused to her womb so when removing her womb she may end up with stitches in her womb which likely won't heal fully and she may end up with her a 24 hour drip or a bag! Is there anybody here who has undergone this surgery successfully following therapy? We are all concerned, it just seems never ending! Thanks for taking the time to listen/reply to me
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posted by happy39
23 June 2014


Last reply: 24 June 2014 09:53
Hi Everyone I am waiting to be called to have a breast reduction on my real breast as I had a mastectomy on my other breast four years ago. The operated side has a couple of indents at the edges and I was wondering if I should mention to my PS next week when I meet him for my annual check up about having lipo-modelling to fill in the dents when I am having my reduction op. Is this possible? I would be so grateful if anyone could fill me in on this procedure. ER+ PR+ Her 2+ Diagnosed age 35 in Feb 2010 Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction Chemo / Rads/ 17 Herceptin
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posted by sunflower
15 July 2014

can I put fake tan onlymphdema arm

Last reply: 15 November 2014 17:12
Hi. Just wondering if anyone has used fake tan on an arm that is effected by lymphdema. This may sound like a silly question buti0 i dont know who to ask. Thanks
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posted by Kalinda
01 July 2014

Ovarian cysts/ abnormal ovarian scan

Last reply: 18 July 2014 10:36
Just wondering has anyone else any experience of a problematic ovarian scan while on Tamoxifen? I was diagnosed in 2009 with stage 2a breast cancer, lymph negative, at age 37. Am now 42. Had mastectomy and am on the Oncotype DX trial -- no chemotherapy just tamoxifen. At a recent ultrasound the radiologist saw a normal looking "functional" cyst on one side but something solid or with solid bits on the other -- and has referred me for a blood test -- CA 125 -- to rule out ovarian cancer, after which I'm booked for another ultrasound check up at the end of August to monitor it. Both he and my gynaecologist assure me they think it looks fine but want to be scrupulous about it. I understand that solid masses on the ovaries can often be benign but I'm a bit anxious at the prospect of waiting till the end of the summer to know for sure if there's a problem or not. My periods are pretty normal on Tamoxifen and I have no symptoms whatsoever, am very healthy. Having the blood test tomorrow. Just wondered: has anyone else had any kind of similar experience? Any advice? Many thanks, K.
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posted by yellowandgreen
09 July 2014

Breast cancer, affects inbetween chemo treatment

Last reply: 14 July 2014 12:36
In between chemo treatment, do people need someone at home with them all the time or is someone safe enough to be possibly on their own while their OH is working? Any information on what is likely to happen in between treatment will be helpful.
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posted by sarahroz93
08 July 2014

in memory of my mam and dad xx

Last reply: 25 October 2014 16:40
i lost my dad on the 19th january 2008 , he passed away with throat cancer and it was horrible,he lived in tralee and i liv in dublin,i miss him so much,knowin he couldnt be there to see me grown up wi kids or walking me down the aisle,i was only 14 and it really changed me,losing a father i tought was the worst thing to happen to me,but then in december last yr my brother insisted me mam went doctor has she had a very bad cough! she eventually went,but in the mean time i had been researching her symptoms and i just knew it was lung cancer but i wasnt going to tell her that,on the 7th january she was told she had lung cancer , brain tumours and if the chemo worked she wud have from 3months to a year plus to live,we were heartbroken knowing we only had a limited time with her,me and me ma wud never get on,but i knew it was time to put my past behind me,she took a seizure soon after and ever since then really she was in hospital,we did the house up ( got new furniture,paint,wooden floors,) as it was her wish to get the house done up, it was heartbreaking going in to see her in st lukes,i wasnt strong enough to hold back me tears and all we would do is cry saying how much we loved eachother saying good bye,she eventually ended up in our ladys hospice and a week later she had deteriated so bad she was just sleeping,we knew it was time,it was heartbreaking, we spent her last few hours with her while she was unconsious and telling storys,singing her fav song (somewhere over the rainbow) holding her hand,everything, then at about 6.17 the doc said one of us stay with her while the doc gets everyone else,i spent her last few mins with her alone saying how sorry i was how much i loved her and to let go,everyone came in and we held her hands etc and she left us at 6.21 am on the 9th of february which was my boyfriends 21st, it was one of the worst days of my life,im 20 and living with no parents just my sister and brother,not a day goes by we dont think of her and shes out a pain now,i wouldn wish this on anyone to go through,cancer destroys lifes i just wish no one had to go through it,love you lots mam your over the rainbow now with dad rest in heavenly peace :* xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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posted by wilmaone
04 July 2014

iron defient anaemia

Last reply: 04 July 2014 20:28
Hello ladies Just a quick question.I have been really tired over the last few weeks which turns out to be iron defient anaemia and no iron reserves.With no obvious reason for this,ive had hysterectomy so cant be that,im wondering should I report it to oncologist as have noticed a small bit of weight loss too. Hope all are well W
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posted by ber08
11 July 2014

non hodgkins lymphoma

Last reply: 18 July 2014 11:56
My fiancés father has been diagnosed for the 3rd time he is currently undergoing chemo, I know absolutely nothing about this cancer, like prognosis etc. His blood count was down but up from previous visit. He's normally a very fit matt thats nearly 70.hes very tired but not sick with treatment or he hasnt lost his hair
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posted by Cra17
21 July 2014

Found a lump.

Last reply: 26 July 2014 14:38
Hi everyone. For roughly 3 years now I've had a lump come from my back end everytime I defecate. I'm 18 now and getting fairly scared about it and was just wondering if anyone knows any thing that could be wrong with me?
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