Prostate cancer
posted by hard decisions
12 July 2024

Salvage Prostatectomy v Hormone Therapy

Last reply: 15 July 2024 17:15

My partner had brachytherapy for localised prostate cancer in October 2020. His PSA is now rising again and he has been offered Hormone Therapy. The cancer is still contained within the prostate gland. We have been looking at the possibility of a Salvage Prostatectomy in the UK.

I would be most grateful if anyone with experience of either of these treatments could tell us how they worked out.

Thank you.



commented by TOD
12 July 2024

12 July 2024 20:24

Hi, Firstly I want to say I was very saddened to read about your partner, and what both of you are going through.
I have not had the experience of either, However I go into the Mater hospital next Tuesday the 16th to start Brachytherapy treatment combined with fifteen days of external beam radiation. Can you please keep me posted on how your partner gets on. At the moment I'm trying to stay positive, however if further down the line I find myself in the same situation as your Partner, I would like to know where or whom to turn to.
Kindest regards Gerry

commented by Cancer Nurse
15 July 2024

15 July 2024 17:15

Dear TOD,


Thank you for posting and sharing what is happening for you, I hope that you are doing ok despite what is happening.


Please do phone us on 1800 200 700 if you would like to speak with us about what is happening or how you are feeling.  We are here Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm and have supports that you may find helpful.


I hope all goes well with treatment tomorrow.


Kind regards,


Cancer nurse

commented by Cancer Nurse
15 July 2024

15 July 2024 16:55

Dear Hard Decisions.

Thank you for your post on the online community.

I am sorry to read about your partner’s diagnosis of prostate cancer, I have no doubt that this is a difficult time for you both. I do hope that you hear from someone who has been in the same position, so that you can get the advice you are looking for

If you or your partner would like to speak with one of our cancer nurses at any time, please contact the Support Line on 1800 200 700, Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm.

Kind regards,

Cancer Nurse

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