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posted by socialdancer
03 May 2020

Skin care during radiotherapy

Last reply: 06 May 2020 16:36
I had a partial mastectomy on 18th March. Thankfully I do not need chemo and will shortly have a two week course of radiotherapy. Has anyone got any recommendations on how to take care of the skin on my breast during and after the treatment?
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posted by Waterford Mama
03 May 2020

When palitive care are involved

Last reply: 05 May 2020 16:57
Hi All, My mam was diagnosed with osephagus cancer about two years ago. She had an operation and two set of chemo. However before Christmas she went for a scan and the cancer had spread and she was told to do another set of chemo..but after having one session it has made her weak. Palitive care team are involved..Ive seen my mam recently and got permission from the Gardai to visit's been difficult because we have to wear PPE gear and I would just love for my mam to see my face with out all the gear on..I know we have to bit since she may only have little time left with us..the whole covid thing has destroyed are family communication. Because we are worried our poor mam might get it and she would be sent to hospital where we may not see her because of the virus. I'm in bits I thought the treatment might work and she would get more time with her grand children..I'm grieving already and I'm so scared for her. Any advice would be wonderful. Many thanks xx
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posted by sursula
02 May 2020

Advice please

Last reply: 05 May 2020 16:54
Hi, my mother has recently been diagnosed with 3 brain tumours. She is due to start treatment shortly. Both parents are reeling from the news which is understandable. I'm looking for advice on how to have a family conversation about what's ahead, what kind of support we can give each other etc. Any guidance would be very welcome. Thanks.
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posted by Jodie bettles
20 March 2020

My mom

Last reply: 05 May 2020 12:01
Hi. My mom was told last week that her cancer has spread to her bowel. Last November it had began to spread to her liver but she was put back on chemo which didn't work. Mom originally had it in the appendix which was removed but chemo was never given afterwards as a precaution. Sadly the cancer came back nearly two years ago. It was gone into the lining of her stomach. She was out straight on aggressive chemo which worked. It was contained and she had a break from chemo for months, we were so thrilled. Then last Aug she was very sick. Couldn't eat and what she did eat she brought back up. She was eventually hospitalised and we were told then that he had started to spread into her liver! Last week her oncologist told her it was now gone into the bowel as well and that she had months. We are all so broken. Her oncologist wants to see her back in April and he said if she is in good form and stronger he might give her aggressive chemo! It's like the last chance. But the last few days it's like she has thrown in the towel. She hasn't been going to the toilet but she hasn't been drinking water or eating either. I'm just so lost and broken, I don't know what to do
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posted by Cocopops007
17 January 2020

Core Biopsy waiting times

Last reply: 03 May 2020 14:33
Hi, I was at the triple assessment unit in Beaumont on the 3rd Jan, had two mammograms done, and then an ultrasound. I have very dense breast tissue. The Radiologist said there was something not quite right looking on what was thought to be a cyst and wanted to do a FNA. No fluid came out so she did a core biopsy. I have been waiting for the phone to ring but got a letter dated 10th Jan yesterday to come to back to the clinic on 31st Jan. Is this a good sign that its taking so long to get the results? Is 4 weeks a very long time to have to wait for results is this normal? Thanks
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posted by loxontherox
24 April 2020

Mole Excision

Last reply: 02 May 2020 09:10
Hi, On Feb 21st I met a consultant (privately) who expressed concern upon examining a suspicious mole on the bridge of my left foot. He told me he would get an appointment for me to have it removed in the following fortnight. The next week on the 28th I received a phone call with an appointment made for the Monday March 2nd. He removed the entire mole along with extra tissue surrounding the mole and underneath the mole and informed me he was marking 'urgent' on the tests and he hoped to have results within 2 weeks. Before I left the hospital the nurse handed me information for my GP (I had 2 layers of stitches and the top layer needed to be removed after 2 weeks) and she said it would be 6 weeks before I get the results. It is now nearly 8 weeks and I haven't heard a dickie bird. I understand the Covid-19 is delaying labs and test results, but I thought I would have heard something by now, Is anyone else waiting as long as me?
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posted by Jessi
21 April 2020

Lung Cancer with extra bits

Last reply: 30 April 2020 15:44
Hi lovely people, two weeks ago I got that news, it's lung cancer( non smoker),41 yes of age, first meeting the oncology team said PET scan showed it was also in my thyroid, spine and hip bone...I'm starting Chemo this Friday, the reality will kick in then... My question is what questions to ask the doctors and nurses again, suppose a lot of it past me by.... Regards Jessi
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posted by Michael2001
21 April 2020

Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma - CBD Oil?

Last reply: 26 April 2020 16:27
Hi, My father has just been diagnosed with Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma. Just want to speak with anyone with similar diagnosis. He is 69 years old and it seems to be in one node at the moment. Starting chemo next week. Just trying to reach out and see if anyone is in the same boat. Also wondering about the use of CBD oil in conjunction with CHOP chemotherapy, if anyone uses CBD oil or how have they found it? Thank you.
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posted by CarolineM
25 April 2020

Pain 4 weeks after core biopsy

Last reply: 25 April 2020 15:57
I had a core biopsy 4 weeks a go and was diagnosed with incapculated type of breast cancer. Am waiting to be called for operation but with covid_19 . I'm having pain in the side I had the biopsy radiating into my back. Is this normal .it's all so frightening just sitting here waiting and worrying thank you Caroline
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posted by fifi
14 April 2020

breast cancer

Last reply: 25 April 2020 14:42
hi.3 weeks ago i was diagnosed with stage 1 to 2 breast cancer. im to have lumpectomy and then radiotherapy. first i have to wait for an mri scan.ive been waiting 3 weeks is this normal and im a bit anxious because ive not started on any medication or anything while im waiting for mri.thank you
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