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posted by Nuns
25 February 2013

Freaking Out-

Last reply: 19 March 2013 22:12
I'm probably freaking out too much, but in a weeks time I have an appoitment with a Dermatology doctor to check a mole in my chest. In 2002 my GP at the time took around 7 moles from my chest ( kind of laser them out) but for what I remember they never did any Biopsy. One of the moles came back to grow almost straight away, but because they never told me anything about skin cancer or melanoma I did not think twice.A few years later my dad had colon cancer stage 3 , had the operation and chemio and a couple of years later they found skin cancer ( no melanoma)on his forehead. A month a go I told my new GP about the mole in my chest because it kind of changed a bit and has two different colors, black on top and tan on the bottom. As I said I'm freaking out. Been having tingly sensations under my left armpit too and the wait feels impossible. I'm the mother of a 6 year old and a 2 year old and the thoughts are running wild on my head! I know nobody can tell me anything until next monday when I go to the doctor but I have been feeling so anxious, and I do not want to freak out my family in case is nothing. thanks
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posted by Superwhy
01 March 2013

Cold cap

Last reply: 07 March 2013 20:23
Has anyone done there chemo with this on. Was thinking of giving it a try. It's available in tallaght hospital but not Vincent's but jw says she does it in tallaght.
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posted by Dane7
25 February 2013

Flying and Avoiding Lymphodema

Last reply: 26 February 2013 11:25
Hi all Will be flying at the end of the month and am concerned about Lymphodema following the axillary clearance. The surgical team say don't wear a compression sleeve just drink water and get up and move around and do arm exercises. Other hospitals say wear the sleeve. Needless to say I don't want to get Lymphodema. Anyone had any experience out there recently with flying. What kind of exercise would help on the flight etc. Thanks D
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posted by aniq
27 February 2013

Questions to ask?

Last reply: 28 February 2013 22:50
Hello ladies, another new one for the board. Was diagnosed on Feb 14th, a Valentines Day I'll never forget. Don't know a huge amount yet about the type of cancer I have but what is I do know is that it's grade 2 ductal cancer, estrogen +, herceptin neg. Going for surgery with sentinel node biopsy. No MRI or CT scan at moment until after surgery if deemed needed. I'm attending Waterford. It's so confusing as so many women on here seem to be having all these tests doing first before surgery but my doc seems to want to get surgery done before doing more tests. I realise that there are so many diff types of 'breast cancer' no one fit solution for all. Anyway booked in for mastectomy next Wed March 6th. Not suitable candidate for partial as I have a few lumps when removed will result in basically the top half of my breast going so have decided that losing the entire breast may be less traumatic than waking up and finding just a bit of one left (not that I think waking up without my breast will be anything but traumatic) Meeting my surgeon tomorrow again so I'd like some advise on what questions I should be asking him? I have some questions that I know I def want the answers to but for those of you who are further along this journey than me you may be able to advise me on what I need to know. I'm the type of person who needs to be fully informed. Once I have details I can start to deal with things but don't keep me in the dark. Any and all advise would be really appreciated. Thx.
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posted by aniq
28 February 2013

Occult cancer

Last reply: 01 March 2013 08:54
Hi there, was told today that my cancer is 'occult'. That it couldn't be seen on my mammograms but showed up on the ultrasound. Tumours can also be easily felt through the skin. Seemingly it happens in 10-15% of cancer cases. Anyone else get this diagnosis?
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posted by Josephine
28 February 2013

Radio article re BC treatments

Last reply: 01 March 2013 09:57
Hi all You might find this interesting. Aine Lawlor was talking to an oncologist about breast cancer treatments this morning. It's listed as "Saving women's lives every day". It mentions new research into a drug for hormone receptor positive tumours.
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posted by WicklowLady
03 March 2013

Herceptin Runny nose??

Last reply: 04 March 2013 18:29
Anyone on herceptin experienced runny nose sinusy type feeling? Just recall someone saying it. I've got it now just wondering is it the herceptin or just me?
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posted by WicklowLady
03 March 2013

Eyebrows and eyelashes

Last reply: 04 March 2013 23:29
Isn't it amazing that my lashes and eyebrows were fine while having chemo and now 8 weeks out of chemo land and I've three lashes on one eye and two on the other eye and the brows are nearly gone. Dies it take long before they start to come back? Hair is good hopefully in another month I can go public!!! All this is not that important just curious. Xxx
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posted by sunshine71
03 March 2013


Last reply: 08 March 2013 17:48
I'm just wondering if other people are experiencing long delays in having their disability allowance claims dealt with by the dept of social protection. (have no entitlement to disability benefit as not enough relevant stamps now). I sent mine in after my surgery in Aug.2012 as I didn't even have time to think about things like money when I was hit with a cancer diagnosis. Fast forward and its now over 7 months later and last I was told was maybe April 2013 I might hear something. There are also secondary benefits like support with fuel, travel etc. which I couldn't access this winter as my claim has to be approved first. I'm finding it hard coping with the long delay and feel surely I can't be on my own. The dept says they are dealing with claims by date sent in. Just curious how others finding the system.
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posted by youngk
04 March 2013

long road to reconstruction

Last reply: 13 March 2013 23:20
Hi Ladies, just an update on where I am at. Had my first appointment in Beaumont with plastic surgeon today, having been referred from Limerick for a Diep recon. He was an absolute gentleman unfortunately I didn't get on a waiting list yet as I need to see a breast surgeon too, because I want the other side removed (This should have been in the referral). I want the other side removed because it is at risk of cancer due to radioactive iodine I had for thyroid disease 7 years ago (there are medical studies which show this) and I don't want to be sitting waiting for another cancer to appear if I can prevent it now. I don't know how long it will take to see the breast surgeon, but the good news is that if he agrees to the procedure I will go on his list, which is shorter than the plastic surgeons, and I still get the same plastic surgeon to do the recon! keep your fingers crossed for me, I feel I have waited long enough already as my referral from Limerick was delayed several months because my surgeon was on maternity leave.
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