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posted by youngk
01 May 2014

anyone have fat transfer (lipomodelling) after recon?

Last reply: 02 May 2014 22:01
Hi there, I am due to have lipomodelling next week to improve the contour and match of my newly reconstructed breasts. As I understand it the surgeon will take fat by liposuction from one area and inject it back into my new breasts. This is a day procedure. I am just wondering what I can expect in terms of pain and recovery afterwards. Karen
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posted by Kathleen
03 May 2014

Reducing lymphedema risk

Last reply: 07 May 2014 08:20
Hi, Recently I had a medical procedure involving a general anaesthetic and a catheter being placed in my arm. Prior to the procedure I had informed the anesthesist and the nurses that no needles or blood pressure cuffs were to be placed on my right arm. For some strange reason their first instinct was always to go for my right arm. Luckily I was still awake to ask them to please use my left arm. Then later in the recovery room, same story. I had to struggle to wake up enough to say left arm only. I am glad to say that I have no further procedures like this in the near future but it makes me very nervous. Has anyone else been in this situation and found a way to avoid trauma to arm already at risk of lymphodema? Best to all Kath
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posted by Catherine1964
07 May 2014

Parched skin after radiotherapy

Last reply: 08 May 2014 12:49
I hadn't been around in a while and have just read the most recent posts. Well done to all who have come through milestones and are feeling better, and a very big hug to those who are still suffering physically or mentally after some gruelling treatments. Anyway, despite twice-daily slatherings of boob with E45 (sometimes more), 7 months after radiotherapy ended, my boob skin is still noticeably redder/darker, very thin, shiny, and absolutely parched. It is clear that my sweat glands have been fecked by RT, as when I come back from a run, the right boob just feels dry and shiny smooth. I also have a small patch above the nipple and towards the "cleavage" (or whatever you call that when you're a 32B) which looks like a permanent (not raw or angry) rash. That bit, and the fold below the breast, which is also quite dark in colour, are often slightly itchy. Has anyone found anything better than E45 to deal with this? Frankly, when I read about peripheral neuralgia and other miseries that some of you guys have to contend with, I feel a bit hypochondriacky... Anyway, hope you are all feeling at least comfortable this afternoon, and hopefully altogether well! Catherine
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posted by Irishgirl22
07 May 2014

Starting chemo in 2 weeks

Last reply: 16 May 2014 10:27
Hi everyone , Starting chemo in 2 weeks for breast cancer and also in Some of my nodes. I'm beyond terrified of the treatment. It's 4 months, then surgery then radiation. I'm 28 and wondering Is anyone going through this? Looking for some Positive feedback On how to get through it. Any advice on the most comfortable wigs to buy? And any general advice or positive outcomes to share would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Sam x
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posted by spudburf
07 May 2014

Oedema/weight gain from Taxol

Last reply: 07 May 2014 23:17
Hi all, I completed my chemo regime on 25th March! Delighted to be over and done with it but I do need to ask if any of you had a problem with weight gain after taxol? I did 4 sessions of A/C which I was ok with followed by 12 weekly sessions of Taxol. Initially it was all fine but towards the end I became extremely bloated! I have a stone and a half now that I cant seem to shift. My oncologist told me that taxol can do this and it will settle down in time and the swelling is Oedema!!! I’m doing everything I can to reduce the weight but nothing seems to work. I’m delighted to be over the chemo and will be having a mastectomy on Monday next which I not looking forward too but it has to be done! Its just when I’m feeling so vulnerable at this time I could do without this massive weight gain and if any of you can suggest any tips for me I would be delighted. Thanks
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posted by Dane7
07 May 2014


Last reply: 15 November 2014 17:24
Hi Ladies Bit down in the dumps (understatement). Diagnosed with Lymphodema today in my arm. Anyone else recently diagnosed? How are you finding it? Terrified of that elephantine limb picture becoming a reality. Waiting for an appointment now to see a lymphodema therapist. Dane
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posted by Superwhy
08 May 2014

St Vincent's public breast cancer nurses.

Last reply: 08 May 2014 23:37
I have managed to lose there phone no. Do anyone have it. Thanks
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posted by DeeGlav
11 May 2014

More scans after MRI

Last reply: 12 May 2014 10:31
HI all,last week after a mammogram,ultra sound and 2 biopsy's my Doctor confirmed I had breast cancer.He arranged an MRI and the next day a nurse called to say I needed another mammogram and scan.I asked her why and she said she hadn't got the Doctors notes and he just wanted to verify something.Has this happened to any one else?
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posted by youngk
13 May 2014

can anyone recommend a skin repair cream?

Last reply: 02 June 2014 12:31
Hi all, recovering nicely from my lipomodelling, but a bit concerned. I did not get quite the match I was looking for between the two new boobs, and given they are so small (A/B cup at most) it is quite important to me. I asked the surgeon about having another fill later in the year when everything has healed as I read this is possible, but he said he may not be able to as the skin has lost its elasticity due to radiotherapy and won't stretch any more. Has anyone else had this problem can anyone recommend a cream I can use to help repair the damaged skin? I have been using aqueous BP to moisturise for the last 2 years and I thought the skin was supple. Karen
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posted by ZondaR
16 May 2014

Waiting for Chemo - RANT!!!

Last reply: 19 May 2014 21:42
Following a lumpectemy in March, results showed margin not clear and a positive result for cancer in the lymph node biopsy, I had another surgery. These results showed everything is now gone and I was given a date to start chemo. I can't wait. The sooner started, the sooner ended. BUT.... I developed a haematoma after the 2nd surgery. It started draining out through the stitches and the wound won't close. I was put on antibiotics and chemo put back for a week. I had a wound review today and the doctor is still not happy with the wound and I am on more antibiotics and chemo has been put back for another week. I want to start!!!! (***sits on chair pulling hair out, it will fall out anyway***).
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