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posted by Newtothis
16 February 2014

New arrival

Last reply: 25 February 2014 15:55
Hi all I haven't been on in awhile but just wanted to share some good news! My beautiful baby boy was born last Tuesday morning and is absolutely perfect! I underwent a mastectomy and 4 sessions of AC while pregnant with him and luckily it's had no negative impact on him so far. I have 12 taxol and radiation still ahead of me but I've a few weeks grace to allow my body to recover so am going to enjoy family life and not think about cancer for a little while! Hopefully this post will reassure anyone in the future who receives a breast cancer diagnosis while pregnant! Best wishes everyone! Pamela
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posted by Sincs
17 February 2014

A bit of advice

Last reply: 18 February 2014 23:08
Hi, Not sure that I should be writing here, but just looking for some advice. A number of months ago I found an area of redness on my left breast with a small lump underneath it. I was referred by my GP to a breast clinic and was seen by a breast surgeon. He felt it was not concerning as he said 'it was in the skin'. I have bad acne on my breasts and I think he felt it was the same as this. I left the clinic happy with this but the months past and the redness was still on the skin and the lump was still underneath the skin. I was concerned and on a visit to my GP for a different reason and I mentioned it to her again and she said she would refer me for a mammogram/ultrasound(these were not done on the day I was in the breast clinic initially). I went back to the same breast clinic and had the ultrasound and mammogram and again I was told again it was not concerning and it is within the skin and is in keeping with a skin insultation/skin lesion (really not sure what this means?). I was delighted and left without asking any questions. I am now a few months later with the redness and the lump still there. While I have been given good news so far I am now starting to think that something has been missed. I know I have to go back to see my breast surgeon as he is the only person who can answer my questions, but I was wondering has anyone heard of a similar diagnosis. I can clearly feel a lump. If anyone has or knows of someone who has been told something similar, I would be interested. Thanks for reading, Sincs
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posted by Joy29
19 February 2014

Can i have immediate reconstruction before radiotherapy??

Last reply: 22 February 2014 13:13
Would like to hear from women who have had immediate reconstruction before radiotherapy!! I was thinking Ld flap! But did radiotherapy effect their end result?
1 comment
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posted by Alangilzean
20 February 2014

Stage 4 Prostate Cancer

Last reply: 28 May 2014 14:32
Hi I am a 51-year-old man and have been living with Stage 4 prostate cancer for 3.5 years now. I would like to talk to any other patients of any age who are dealing with this situation. I'd like to talk about treatments, prospects, quality of life, how you are coping. I have been looking for a support group for a while now and there doesn't seem to be one. Being able to talk to someone else in the same boat would be good for the spirits. I am going through my chemo cycles and am generally coping with life, and I'd like to share my experiences with others. regards Dara
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posted by happymum
20 February 2014

Not sure what's wrong!

Last reply: 12 March 2014 00:17
Hi everyone, back again.Went to see oncologist today re result of oncotype test good news I don't need chemo just radiotherapy and tamoxifen.Ishould be dancing down the street ,right, but I am not .I feel completely numb inside ,am I going nuts anyone.I don't want to talk to anyone at the moment especially not family ,close friends who knew I had appt today and that list includes my husband.It becomes exhausting thinking and talking about B C all the time so in a way maybe I just want to shut it all out.Sorry for this confusing rant folks but it is so much easier to write than talk.
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posted by Mel1
22 February 2014

Magella on Late Late

Last reply: 25 February 2014 17:41
Did anyone see Majella on the Late Late last night. I think she is a very courageous lady. I watched her a few months back when she shaved her head and raised all that money for the Irish Cancer Society. Little did I think at the time I too would be diagnosed with cancer. Before my diagnosis I was oblivious to all the suffering and pain that caner patients had to go through. This online forum was something I never knew existed where we all try and give each other support and advice. It's great that Majella is bringing it to the mainstream and raising awareness and much needed funds. We'll done to her.
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posted by wilmaone
23 February 2014

hair thinning on meds

Last reply: 24 February 2014 22:13
Hi ladies Haven't been on here for a while(although I do look in every now and then).Just wondering if anybody else has found that their hair is thinning while on meds? I was on tamoxifen for 11 months and hair was fine ,switched to femara for 6 months couldn't take it any longer and am now on exemestane for the last 3 months.I have noticed that a patch of hair on my parting to the front has become very thin which is distressing me.Its as bit silly I know after all that we have been through but to me this is very noticeable(although probably not to others). Has anyone any suggestions of supplements that may help? Other than this slight hiccup life is good on the other side!! I will be 2 years finished chemo next month and will celebrate that date. Good thoughts to all and thanks in advance Xx
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posted by youngk
24 February 2014

got my call!

Last reply: 23 April 2014 19:48
Hi all, Think of me tomorrow, after 20 months waiting I finally got my call to Beaumont tomorrow for my TUG reconstruction Karen
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posted by Neadi
25 February 2014

Diep reconstruction op done!!!!!! :)

Last reply: 26 February 2014 09:34
Hi everyone!! Not been on for a while, but here in hospital 4 days after my diep flap reconstruction. I was so so scared going into it, but thankfully the 10 hour operation ran smoothly and the pain is managed well! So, so far so good!!:) Hope everyone is getting on ok Xxxx
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posted by Daffy
26 February 2014

Medical Declaration

Last reply: 27 February 2014 11:29
Hi Just wondering if anyone has a bit of advice or what did you do in this situation. I got my annual travel policy renewal form today and it says take note of the medical declaration and that a new medical declaration should be made each year. I feel if I state I have breast cancer they may not insure us. Also Im sure that if we were away on holidays I would not be claiming for anything to do with breast cancer so they would be none the wiser. Thanks you all Daffy
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