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posted by tayto02
16 May 2014

Newly diagnosed- kidney cancer

Last reply: 30 July 2014 21:41
Hi there, I'm a 37 year old mum of three recently diagnosed with cancer of the kidney 11 weeks ago. I am recovering from a right radical nephrectomy and have started treatment... Sutent. Just wondering if anyone out there has been through similar????
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posted by tayto02
18 May 2014

Anyone on Sutent?

Last reply: 29 May 2014 14:49
Hello there, I recently had a kidney removed due to a 7cm tumour. The whole kidney, adrenal gland and lymph nodes were also removed. Two further lymph nodes were detected under my collarbone so as a result I have been prescribed Sutent as part of a long term treatment plan. I would love to know of anyone on similar treatment. Thank you 37 yr old mum of 3
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posted by Newtothis
19 May 2014

I jinxed myself, hair falling out again :-(

Last reply: 19 June 2014 18:42
Hi all! My hair fell out when I was on AC but started growing back once I finished it and continued to grow once I started taxol. It's currently just over an inch in length and I've been moaning about how ridiculous it looks for the past week or two because it just stands up and is too short to style. I had my 10th taxol on Friday and yesterday and today I've started noticing that it seems to be falling out again...hairs on my hand when I run it through my hair etc. Did this happen to anyone else? I'm really hoping that it's just my hair thinning but I'm really worried it's falling out. I've another 2 taxol to go so I'm thinking that even if it doesn't fall out over the next few days, the next two sessions will definitely finish it off. I thought I'd be ok if it fell out again and I really didn't mind when it fell out the first time but I'm really gutted at the thoughts of it again. I'd really started thinking that it was staying and was looking forward to it getting a bit longer. I'm scared to brush my hair or go have a shower in case I make it worse
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posted by spudburf
20 May 2014


Last reply: 20 June 2014 00:34
Hi again, I've completed by chemo regime and I'm just after my mastectomy and have to take tamoxifin for the next 5yrs. I feeling so good again that I'm dreading going back on drugs again!!! I have read the leaflet and the common side effects are pretty severe - is anyone else on this drug? Could you let me know what to expect please??? Thanks....
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posted by Irishgirl22
22 May 2014

Freezing embryos before chemo?

Last reply: 23 May 2014 15:38
Hi everyone, Just wondering has anyone else here went down the route of freezing embryos belfry chemo? The whole process takes about two weeks if they are successful in retrieving eggs first. It involves lots of scans, injections etc. what worries me is that it increases oestrogen levels in that two weeks and I have a triple positive breast cancer. Im 28 and although young there's no guarantee my fertility will return. Just wondering if anyone is in the same boat. Have to make this decision by Monday and very confused Thanks
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posted by orsi
25 May 2014

Cancer vaccines

Last reply: 18 July 2014 11:53
Hello everybody! has anyone experience with cancer vaccines of immunotherapies?
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posted by Dane7
26 May 2014

Applying for jobs ... do you say you've had cancer or not

Last reply: 27 May 2014 16:41
Any opinions ladies. Am planning on a return to work to a new job. Starting the application process now but there is a hole in the CV due to cancer. Do you mention it or not. Feel like no one will touch you with a barge pole when you are in remission from cancer....
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posted by Mardi
27 May 2014

Weekly taxol : which days will be worst

Last reply: 19 June 2014 22:04
I got off lightly on the 4 AC, only had a couple of very bad days each cycle. The prospect of 12 weekly taxol is a bit daunting. I'll be starting this Thursday and have 10 steroids to take Wednesday night and then whatever they give me as pre-meds. I wonder could anyone give me any insight as to when I will come crashing down from the steroids and how long a "low" might last? And when any other side effects are likely to kick in. I have 3 little kids and not much help as husband works really long hours but up until now I've managed very well with a few dig outs from neighbours and parents. I could ask for extra help but actually prefer to do things myself unless I really am in a bad way. Thanks in advance
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posted by kazoo
27 May 2014

Tamoxifen and bleeding

Last reply: 27 May 2014 20:42
Hi, I've been on tamoxifen for about 2 and a half years without too many problems. My periods had stopped during chemo, I had one after chemo (end 2011) and up until yesterday had none since. I'm 43. Then yesterday as I was going to get my smear, nurse said there was a little blood in cervix (she did smear anyway) and I've been bleeding since, about the flow of a regular period (from memory, sorry if TMI). I don't think it's anything to do with having the smear but I do feel bit crampy and a little worried.. . Am seeing doc tomorrow and have asked breast care nurse to contact me but just wondering if anyone has been through similar.
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posted by ZondaR
01 June 2014

Today I became "The woman with cancer"

Last reply: 01 June 2014 23:18
I was out at a sporting event with friends, a sport I would normally be very active in but am not at the moment so I went to support a few friends. It was the first time I noticed being avoided. A wave from behind the closed window of the car or the other end of a room. Then I became self conscious about the people who I had spoken with and started to wonder if I was making them feel uncomfortable so I went home. My close friends were grand, it's just the people you meet when you're out. I know I'm being sensitive but it did hurt a little. I'm not contagious, if my arm was broken there would be no problem, I'm not terminal, I look and sound the same. They would happily chat to me if they had flu (which I always resent, btw!) and that would be fine, apparently. So, what happened to my identity, how did I lose it, when did I become Cancer and not Trish?
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