Breast cancer
posted by LindyLu
05 December 2013

Five years ago today....

Last reply: 22 July 2014 17:01

I got the worst news a 39 year old women with a 5 month old and a 22 month old could that I had breast cancer.

I can still vividly remember sitting with the Brest surgeon in Beaumont and him telling me that my tests and biopsys had confirmed that I had a tumour. He was rambling on talking about having to have surgery (lumpectomy) and I had to stop him and ask him if this tumour was cancerous. I don't think I heard anything thereafter.

I spent much of December secretely crying, wondering whether I would still be alive in12 months time. When most of the world was ringing in the new year of 2009 I was experiencing near panic as I had a difficult road ahead of me.

In the last five years i have had lumpectomy, mastectomy, infections, delayed chemo, rads, drugs, reconstruction, lift on the other side....the final bit of the journey will hopefully be nipple and finishing the trial I am on.

To honour the day that was in it, I got my hair cut. It has been cut many a time since it started to grow back after chemo, but it felt extra good today.

I don't ever forget the fact that I had BC. It is a part of my life. Life is pretty good now. Kiddies are nearly 7 and 5 and a half. Am so long back in work I nearly forget I was missing for 20 months (was on mat leave when diagnosed).

I have met some amazing people along this road I ended up taking. Some sadly had passed away due to BC. I do think I am a stronger person having travelled the road.

For those of you recently diagnosed or in treatment, while it might be pretty crappy now, rest assured that the days will roll into weeks and the weeks into months and the months into years.

Love to ye all,




commented by Catherine1964
06 December 2013

06 December 2013 09:09

Good morning Lindy,
I'm not normally soppy, but you got me there Image removed.
I think your testimony is so valuable for the women who have only just joined our unfortunate club - there is life after treatment, even if there are difficult months or even years in between, and if life after cancer can never be the same - if only because of all the things we have had to process through our heads. But there is life, and life of very good quality which we possibly appreciate more than we used to.
I'm sure I'm expressing more than my own feelings when I say:


commented by deefed
06 December 2013

06 December 2013 18:19

Oh what a lovely post - great you are doing so well

commented by RoseoHH
07 December 2013

07 December 2013 07:40

Hi LindyLu,

Your post almost moved me to tears on the train home from work last night.

You are a great inspiration to all the ladies here in the BC forum and thank you for all the great advice and support you give us.

All the best for you and your family.


commented by encee
08 December 2013

08 December 2013 10:03

Hi LindyLu
Thank you for that lovely post - it is wonderful to see where you are 5 years on; wishing you continued good health and best wishes to you and yours x

commented by elizo
09 December 2013

09 December 2013 17:05

Hi lindylu
I am delighted you have reached the 5 year mark it is such a milestone. you gave me some very good advice when I was feeling down which I will be always grateful for. Life is very good after treatment because you appreciate everything so much more. Wishing you good health in the future

commented by deefed
15 December 2013

15 December 2013 23:14

Well done girl - lovely to read that post xx

commented by karenc
22 July 2014

22 July 2014 17:01

Hi Lindy lu!

Had to reply after reading this haven't been on this in ages! Your story struck me 3 yrs ago when I was diagnosised I had a 6 mth old too! So happy to hear u reached 5.5 at this stage! All is good with me! Reached 3 yrs on Monday think that's why I'm back here! U r always so kind with ur advise!

Good health for another 5 yrs and beyond xxx

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