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posted by Dane7
19 January 2013

Aromatase Inhibitors

Last reply: 20 January 2013 11:19
Hi guys Can't do Tamixofen because chemi has given me Clots so they are starting me on these next week. A few questions for anyone who has has these - what were the side effects and how did you deal with them. Was it better to take first thing in the morning or before bed? With or without food. Thanks guys any tips or hints gratefully Received.
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posted by Dane7
19 January 2013

Constant Sore Throats

Last reply: 22 January 2013 12:50
Hello all Before I was diagnosed had got lots of sore throats and lost my voice regularly. This continued through every Chemo session. Bit concerned about it but medics ignoring my concerns. Anyone else experience this at all?
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posted by Neadi
20 January 2013

Good luck!!!!

Last reply: 22 January 2013 22:13
It's a big week for dee (tests) and Wicklow lady (operation). Best of luck to the two of you!! Will be keeping all crossed Xx
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posted by WicklowLady
20 January 2013

Chemo fluff!!!

Last reply: 20 January 2013 21:51
Well girls got very excited this morning as I have something growing on my head!! Couldn't say it's hair but it's something. Think maybe because I had a 20% reduction in my last 2 chemos the regrowth is quicker. Happy days think it'll be a long time before I've a pony tail but I'm happy with my chemo fluff lol xxx
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posted by WicklowLady
21 January 2013

Lumpectomy done

Last reply: 22 January 2013 22:22
Happy days I'm back in the ward since 6pm all is well I feel ok. I'm STARVING!! Please God the results will be good next weekxxx
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posted by RoseoHH
23 January 2013

Feeling strange before last Taxol tomorrow

Last reply: 11 February 2013 16:58
I've been following the BC forum for the past 7 months and this is my first time to post. Tomorrow I'm due to have my last Taxol and I'm feeling kind of strange today. The chemo I had was EC x 4 and Taxol x 12. My treatment will not end tomorrow as I also have to get radiation x 28 and this will begin on 5th February. Did any of you feel strange or apprehensive before your last chemo? I can't believe I've made it this far (mastectomy and chemo) but when I think of all I've gone through the last 6 months, it's still all a bit of a nightmare. I just hope that the chemo has done it's job and that I never have to go to the oncology day ward again. Any feedback on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
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posted by carla+
30 June 2011

Newly Diagnosed

Last reply: 08 July 2011 09:14
Hi I have been diagnosed with stage 2 cervical cancer and start radio and chemo in 2 weeks. looking for women with similar as forum/email penpals...i am 40 with 4 kids, west of ireland being treated in galway
1 comment
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posted by Starlight
08 July 2011

Another Need reconstruction advice

Last reply: 25 July 2011 23:16
Hi, I have been reading your messages for some time but this is my 1st to write 1 myself. I was diagnosed last summer and have had my chemo, a mastectomy and rads. I was wondering if there is anyone that could give me advice on my reconstruction. I have been referred to Mr N Ajmal in Beaumont. Has anyone had their reconstruction done by him or can you give me any feedback on any of the plastic surgeons in Beaumont. Also as I am in my 20's and I'm considering having a Preventive mastectomy on the healthy breast. Has any one any advise on this too. Sorry for all the questions.
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posted by wexlass
11 July 2011


Last reply: 30 June 2015 02:43
Hi everyone, Following a strong family history (Mother, aunt, maternal grandmother) I was diagnosed with DCIS on May 26th. Had wire localisation on June 15th which showed more cells in the margin! Back on July 20th for another excision to see if they can get the clear margin and will definitely be having radiotherapy. I was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation? Do surgeons keep going back until they get a clear margin or are they more inclined to recommend a mastectomy?
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posted by Noodles
12 July 2011

Removal of lymph nodes - cervical cancer

Last reply: 29 October 2011 17:42
[color=#BF00BF:f49m45qv]Hi, I recently had a radical hysterectomy, which included removal of my lymph nodes either side of my pelvis. (I'm waiting to hear if I have to go for radiotherapy) I have been given information of prevention of lymphodema in my legs. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I am unsure about safe types of hair removal as it just suggests using an electric shaver, which I'm not keen on. My operation was just over 5 weeks ago and I'm still feeling very tired, but my pain levels are much improved. There are no specific support groups for women who have been diagnosed with cervical cancer, so to hear from someone in a similar situation would be great![/color:f49m45qv]
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