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posted by Mariek2212
02 January 2013

Post Surgery Rash

Last reply: 11 January 2013 17:06
Hi, I had a mastectomy six months ago and had an expander insterted. I'm currently waiting to be called to have it replaced with a silcone implant. Two weeks ago I noticed a raised red rash around the scar area, slightly itchy. Should I be concerned considering I'm hoping to be called for surgery in January. I have appointment next week with my Oncologist should I mention this to him? Thanks
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posted by Neadi
02 January 2013

Chemo start date official! :(

Last reply: 03 January 2013 08:22
I face the chemo boys next Thursday Jan 10th. Proper planking it now.... Suddenly it's all a horrible reality. Yikes!
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posted by NAS27
03 January 2013

Taxol and Neuropathy

Last reply: 04 January 2013 20:59
hello all, I've just finished chemo/taxol number 9 .....3 more to go ! They nearly didn't go ahead with wednesdays treatment as I have pain in my feet and hands . It feels like my nails are coming off . Can't walk for long as my feet get very sore. As for my nails fingertips if I hit off something lightly it is very sore . They put me on lyrica which is helping a bit and also take tramodal for the pain .I am lathering on the organic shea butter and almond cream and have also bought clear nail varnish to try protect nails . The burning feeling that I got at night has eased I can now put blankets on my feet !I know I'm nearly there but really don't want this to get worse , I've read about coolants and Glutamine ?anyone tried these or anymore tips . I think I'm stressing ! S
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posted by shinners
04 January 2013

Back Pain

Last reply: 10 January 2013 16:48
Hi Guys Have been having problems with bad back pain since before Christmas. My GP gave me the usual, difene, paracetmol and anxicalm. I always suffered with back pain prior to being diagnosed in Jan 2011, but I am now stressing that there may be some nasty lurking in my body. Finished all my treatments in July 2012 and am now on Tamoxifen. Had my 3 month check up with Oncologist in early Dec( prior to back pain ) and am not back until March. Should I just keep taking the meds for the back pain in the hope that it will eventually go or should I talk to my oncologist. Any advice would be greatly appreciated Thanks Sinéad
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posted by deefed
06 January 2013

4 AC finished now 4 Taxol to be done

Last reply: 12 January 2013 09:14
Hi All Finished the four AC and now starting 4 Taxol. Just wondering if anyone has done the Taxol after AC and if so did you find it different the symptons afterwards? Is Taxol worse or better do you think? Please be honest I can handle it Thanks in advance girls for any feedback. Dee
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posted by Amaryllis
07 January 2013

Sibling cancers - any other experience of this?

Last reply: 12 January 2013 00:04
I was diagnosed with breast cancer at the end of September - had two different types of tumour in my right breast and had a third tumour on one of my lymph glands. I had a mastectomy and axillary clearance surgery in late October and I'm now going through 6 sessions of chemo before I start radiotherapy. My older brother was ill over the Christmas, was admitted for pneumonia and was finally diagnosed with Acute Myloid Leukemia. He is now also being treated with chemo. Our mum died 12 years ago from a brain tumour but apart from that there is no history of cancer in our family. Are there any other cases where siblings are going through cancer at the same time - could there be any common connection between breast cancer and AML? Any further words of advice as to how I can be of help to my brother?
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posted by Neadi
10 January 2013

One down five to go!!!

Last reply: 12 January 2013 17:12
Well gals I went and now only have five more to go! It wasn't as bad as I thought although I spent the day staring around like bambi caught in headlights!! Finally got to meet dee in person which was brilliant!!! Dee you're even more inspiring in the flesh and you're brill!! So now we wait and see what happens!! Dee keeps telling me it'll be ok!! Mary thanks for thinking of us!! Anriocht you were so right! I am wrecked!! On the way.....
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posted by Neadi
07 January 2013


Last reply: 10 January 2013 08:30
Just been for my lovely info session and have to have a neulasta injection. What exactly is it and what should I expect???? Thanks Xx
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posted by WicklowLady
08 January 2013

Just got my operation date yippee!!!!

Last reply: 10 January 2013 18:48
My lovely friends, just wanted to share with you that I'm going in on Monday week 21st Jan for my lumpectomy oh I can't wait to get rid of this cancer HAPPY DAYS . Things can't get better I'm finished chemo and I'm having my op, life is good. I'm so happy. oh God I hope nothing happens to burst my bubble. Think all cancer patients have little, only little, doubts in the back of their mind. I'm here for you all if you need encouragement xxxx
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posted by Neadi
08 January 2013

Does anywhere do decent curly wigs???

Last reply: 24 January 2013 23:37
What a frustrating day.... Went to a load of wig shops and pretty much got the same answer. "you have lovely curls but we won't be able to match your hair" Is there anyone out there who managed to get a decent curly wig. Am so fed up....
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