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posted by sunshine71
02 June 2014

Hair growth and colour

Last reply: 19 June 2014 18:37
[color=#BF0040:82ua6k5m]I'm a year finished my chemo and radiotherapy, during which I lost my hair. It grew back very grey initially but I decided to brave the grey. As it continued to grow I noticed blonde and honey brown colours coming through. I had thick, wiry, dark brown hair before treatments and now had finer, curlier hair in a totally different colour. I left it be and resisted the urge to colour it. Now, 1 year on, I have long hair, with curls and more on the honey blonde colour spectrum. My hair has completely changed colour as it grew going from very grey to virtually no grey at all. I'm wondering if anybody else experienced similar.[/color:82ua6k5m] Ps wondering if I can post an image here, thanks
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posted by Snoozy20
04 June 2014

Repeat CT scan

Last reply: 07 June 2014 12:07
I have to have a repeat CT scan in August as the first one showed a cyst on my kidney and my liver. Im so scared about it , Ive just had Breast caner and a mastectomy and Im so scared that there is other cancer there although they said it isnt cancerous. Has anyone else had a similar experience with positive outsome
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posted by Henna05
04 June 2014

Suspected uterus cancer

Last reply: 16 June 2014 18:00
Hi This is all new to me so please bare with me . I recently went for a D&C and hysteroscopy due to the fact I was bleeding mid cycle with fierce cramps etc etc The gyno did a transvaginal scan with speculum etc etc only to confirm what I was experiencing. While in hospital getting procedure pics were taking of my uterus which I was told are inflamed, a little bit anxious as I have to wait 6 weeks for results I'm a young mom 36 with 2 kids.. Has anyone experienced these symptoms , if so please share.... Henna05
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posted by LindyLu
05 June 2014

SOFT Trial - early results

Last reply: 10 June 2014 14:50
Ladies, Some of you might have seen on my siggy that I am a participant in a trial - the SOFT trial - supression of ovarian function. Results of the trial were presented at ASCO during the week:- ... OFTandTEXT ... #t=article I happened to be randonised into the one that had the best results
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posted by molloy
07 June 2014

Sex after Cervical Cancer

Last reply: 16 June 2014 18:47
I would like to have views on a very pointed question, without value judgement please. I am male and have just had unprotected sex for the first time with a woman who has not been my normal sexual partner. It was protected sex, but the condom broke, unnoticed, but Im guessing about five minutes before we finished. This woman then advised me that she had had cervical cancer some years ago and described a procedure whereby it was burnt off. She also advised that she had done a screening last year which showed that she does not still have the HPV virus. My concern is for my normal girlfriend who expects to have unprotected sex with me. Am I putting her at risk if I have unprotected sex with her. I am circumcised. What I have read seems unclear. I read that the PAP smear does not detect different HPV types. I read that curing cervical cancer does not cure HPV. I read that HPV causes almost all cervical cancers. I read that as a male I cant get tested for HPV. I read that even condoms don't fully protect against HPV. It kinda reads as if once you know you have cervical cancer causing HPV, you shouldn't have sex any more ? Informed thoughts please.
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posted by Babs
07 June 2014

skin graft lower R leg for a melanoma mole

Last reply: 07 June 2014 23:05
Hi i am in the 2nd week of recovery for a skin graft on my lower R leg, also had a sentinel node biopsy & the donor site was my upper R leg, it was discovered at my 1st dressing change that the graft took 80%, apparently anything above 70% is considered good as its rare to get 100% take, Is this true? The RGN that is coming out to do my dressings at home twice a week was concerned that the graft didn't look anymore improved since she had changed the dressing 3 days before, she freely admits she is not very familiar with such an extensive graft site & was concerned that there was a lot of exudate/gunk coming from around the graft site, there is no signs of infection & it appears to be normal redness, i feel an improvement, i can put my foot to the floor without too much discomfort & ive reduced the pain meds. Should i be worried the RGN wanted me to see my GP, but as the GP's secretary said she reckons the GP will just refer me back to Beaumont were it was done !! I live in Meath, Beaumont is a nightmare, i got no aftercare advice or support from them, they didn't even supply my with crutches but yet i was to have complete bed rest??? How was i to get home or to the bathroom ??? I won't be seeing the consultant that did the surgery till Mon 16th, any advice welcome,any complimentary therapies or supplements to speed up the healing process ???? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, feeling very let down by the Health system here !!!!
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posted by Newtothis
08 June 2014

Planning ct scan - what to expect?

Last reply: 10 June 2014 11:32
Hi all, I've my planning ct scan for rads tomorrow. I'm just wondering what I should expect and how long I'll be in for? Will I meet with radiation oncologist or someone from the rads team or is it just that I'm in for the scan and then head home? Trying to decide if I'll bring hubbie with me, he'd have to take the morning off work and there's no point if it's just a scan. I don't know how many sessions I'm due to have, will I find out tomorrow or later? Tia! Pamela
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posted by Active
09 June 2014

seven months after surgery

Last reply: 09 June 2014 22:01
Hi Everyone, Have not been in touch for couple of months.Great to see so many familiar names still posting.I have appointment with oncologist end of the week, my first since I started on Letrozole. Apart from stiffness in both hands every morning I have no great problems with it. Night sweats have lessened, especially since I realised they inevitably follow after a few drinks. The combination of hangover, night sweats and sleeplessness is a great motivator to avoid alcohol. I still have not got appointment to see surgeon again. Neither have I got appointment for the follow up liver scan I was told I would need 6 months after surgery as something showed up when I was scanned while in hospital. Have other people also had these delays? Appointments come fast and furious while undergoing treatment so a delay now is a bit unexpected. Active.
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posted by Anng1
11 June 2014

Holiday between chemo and mastectomy????

Last reply: 27 June 2014 22:44
Hi all just wondered if anybody has had a holiday in the window between chemo and surgery. My onc and breast care nurse said yes no problem. Just wondering am I biting off more than I can chew. We had a holiday booked for the end of June to Canada , as my 22 year old son ( who we miss dearly) moved there in December. Aer Lingus do not give refunds, so we stand to lose €2k in flights that wasn't easy come by. But can rebook up until November, which was when we booked initially. This will cost around €600 for my husband myself and 15 year old son. I finish weekly taxol at the end of August ( all going to plan). Will I be up to it? I don't intend to be doing a lot of site seeing or walking around too much we will be staying central, so everybody else can do this. And I'm quite happy to stay in and read etc. and go out for dinner etc. I will have a break of about 4 weeks from taxol. Sorry it's so long winded but would love to hear anybody else's experiences before committing to this. Don't want to be throwing more money away if possible. Thank you in advance Ann
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posted by Neidi
11 June 2014

triple negative breast cancer

Last reply: 13 June 2014 23:25
Hi everyone This is my first time on the message board so hope Im doing this right. Found out I had Triple Negative BC in April this year. I found my lump completely by accident and even though I have had my surgery and am now facing chemo and radiation I think Im still in shock. I guess I just really wanted to speak to somebody who has been through this type of BC. It seems to be a less common form and anything I have read about it has frightened the bejaysus out of me Thank You
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