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posted by shaz
07 April 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 11 April 2020 13:24
Hi folks hope you are all having a good day and keeping well. I've just come from my hospital appointment. I got the dressing changed and healing well but the drains remain in for another week. I recieved my treatment plan. I have to start Chemo in 3 week for 6 months followed by 6 weeks of radiothearphy. I'm trying to get my head around all of this imformation. I have to meet the Chemo team Wed in prep for Chemo. Just hope I have the strenght to fight this. Hugs Sha x
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posted by Miriam
05 April 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 09 April 2020 16:15
Hello, my mother was just diagnosed with secondary breast cancer. She is starting hormonal therapy tomorrow. Any advice on how I can help ease her worries and anxieties and my own!? Is there anything I can tell her to prepare for possible side effects? Thanks in advance. It’s a worrying time
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posted by scarke
05 April 2020

my father in law

Last reply: 09 April 2020 13:58
My father in law is currently in a nursing home which is under lockdown. He has advanced non hodkins and appears to be getting very breathless which is a new thing. When we speak to him he is v breathless and has had a cough. We are waiting to speak to a nurse later about his O2 levels. We are obviously very concerned now as the community palliative team have not seen him since Nov and they cannot visit him. Has anyone got any suggestions as to what we can do? thanks.
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posted by rsheehan
04 April 2020

Re: Wigs

Last reply: 08 April 2020 16:56
Hi all, My mam was recently diagnosed with cancer, unfortunately, and she is hopefully beginning chemo asap. Therefore, she is planning on getting a wig. However, we are clueless about this, and would appreciate any help, comments, suggestions and thoughts etc. She is not sure whether to get a real hair wig or synthetic, as she is aware just how costly real-hair wigs can be. Her main questions are: which type of wig would be the most comfortable? The most practical? Which would feel nicest wearing it?.. Appreciate any help at all! All opinions welcome! Thanks.
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posted by Girlslikeme
01 April 2020

Node removal and cording

Last reply: 08 April 2020 16:51
Hello all, Anyone have any experience of cording after removal of node ? Thanks
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posted by MaryB
05 April 2020

Monthly Faslodex injections and Port flushing

Last reply: 06 April 2020 17:23
I have to get monthly injections of faslodex which up until now I was getting done in hospital by an oncology nurse. I also have a port which I understood needed to be flushed every 4 weeks in hospital. Just wondering in the light of covid-19 and avoiding hospitals if - Firstly do I need to have my port flushed every 4 weeks and, if not, how often do I need to get it flushed? It can only be done in hospital as G.P. wouldn't have the necessary equipment. Secondly, can my G.P. or practice nurse give me my faslodex injections? I assumed the oncology nurses were specially trained on how to administer these injections as they are intra muscular.
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posted by Dirreen
24 March 2020

Commencing chemo

Last reply: 01 April 2020 18:25
Hi I'm starting chemo next Tuesday . 7 weeks post OP lumpectomy and full axillary clearance. Anxiety is at all time high especially with covid 19. Any words of wisdom much appreciated .
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posted by thenewones095
25 March 2020

Bad News over the phone

Last reply: 28 March 2020 10:28
Hi all, Was wondering if bad news can be given over the phone due to the current Covid-19 situation? Thanks.
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posted by Oran379
19 March 2020

Emotional support for my Mum

Last reply: 25 March 2020 15:01
Hi there, I’m looking for any advice/ideas for how my family and I can help my Mother’s mental/emotional state, which has taken a dramatic decline in the past few weeks. Mum was diagnosed with terminal stage 3 non small cell lung cancer last September. Since then, she has endured 5 rounds of carbo/taxol and 1 round of immunotherapy. She has suffered every symptom and has had to be hospitalised after each and every treatment received. During her most recent stay in hospital (last week!) her Doctors suggested taking a few months off from treatment all together because it’s making her so ill. They will assess again in 8 weeks but indicated to Mum that they cannot continue with treatment when it is having such adverse side effects. This seems to have signalled the end to Mum, and we fear that she is throwing in the towel. She isn’t bothering to eat at all this week, and though we are a very close family who freely talk about feelings, Mum is barely speaking to any of us. She seems deeply deeply depressed and we are heart broken. We would desperately love for her to talk to somebody experienced (and think she may be open to counselling) but we do not know where to turn and are unsure about what services are currently active or even accessible to her given the situation with COVID. We are beyond devastated....any/all suggestions for my Mum are welcome. Many thanks x
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posted by Shel80
23 March 2020

Breast lumps

Last reply: 24 March 2020 17:34
Hi guys im new to this actually just joined when i found this post last night. im just wondering would you be waiting long from an urgent request of 2 weeks to be seen in James Hospital for breast lumps, this was last Wednesday . im just wondering anyone else have same problem and what was there outcome. im going out of my mind eve4ry day wit worry and wit this current climate in the world , not making it easier. crying every day and trying to hide from my kids. i really dont no im going out of my mind. ~Ive got a lump in the 2 breast , one breast has pain other dosent. just wondering do we get a call or a letter ?? for the 2 weeks urgently for when we will be called ?? Just dont no who to chat too. and cant meet up for cuppa wit noone either. have great family and support but not the same at this current time. sorry for the questions
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