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posted by natcerv
01 July 2020

Cervical biopsy

Last reply: 13 July 2020 02:36
Hi, I’m not sure if it’s selfish of me to use this site as I have not been diagnosed with cancer. I am just having a lot of trouble getting any answers and I hoped perhaps someone here could help me. I had been experiencing bad back pain almost like the beginning of labour pain for a few months and have had one instance of irregular mid cycle bleeding. In Jan of this year I went to the doctor who, due to my family history referred me to get a abdominal scan which came back clear. I had had a smear in April 2018 which came back negative HPV and negative abnormal cells but due to my symptoms the doctor wanted to look at my cervix and when she looked she said it was red and inflamed so she referred me for a colposcopy. I went for the appointment last Thursday and expected them to say everything was fine but instead said that there was HPV present on my cervix despite the negative result and then they took a biopsy. I am beyond scared as I don’t know why I would have a negative result but actually have HPV and would that mean that it was missed and could be progressing for years? I appreciate any replies. Thank you so much.
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posted by Ava
02 July 2020

Vaginal Dialators

Last reply: 09 July 2020 09:13
I heard Vicky Phelan say that silicone dialators are now available rather than the hard plastic ones that I received during my radiation treatment. How would I go about getting them?
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posted by Adrian33
05 July 2020

Triple negative breast cancer

Last reply: 09 July 2020 09:11
My wife is going for a ct scan this week she found a lump on her breast and this is triple negative the doctor said its a small lung going by the mammogram and ultra sound and going by these two test it hasn't gone to the limpno she is having a ct scan on Tuesday is this to find out is it anywhere else in the body She is also starting chemo on weds we can't find much information on success rates anywhere or anyone that survived this type please help were bought scared
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posted by aoibh92
07 July 2020

How do I find out if my health insurance covers further treatment if required or should I wait or public appointment?

Hi, I am 27 and noticed a small lump in my breast in May. On the 17th of June I saw my GP as the lump had grown. She referred me to the Breast Clinic and marked my referral as urgent and said that I should be seen within 2 weeks usually, but it may take a little longer with Covid etc. I rang the clinic last week, 2 weeks after having been referred, as I still had no appointment and they weren't able to tell me when I would get one. I am worried about this lump so I rang the GP again and asked if she could refer me privately, which she did on the 2nd of July. I now have an appointment for the 15th of July privately and still have no public appointment. I am trying to figure out the following: - If I attend the consultant privately does that mean that if I require further treatment after the initial visit it would all be done privately? - If so how do I go about figuring out what my insurance would cover or not? Any advice very much appreciated, Aoibh
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posted by jacq1968
07 February 2020

Diep reconstruction

Last reply: 05 July 2020 15:32
Hi I’m having a prophylactic double mastectomy after having a lumpectomy chemo and radiotherapy and was wondering how quickly I can get a diep reconstruction if I go for that option and if it’s available on public funding or private? Which hospitals do the surgery and are people happy with the outcome
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posted by Adrian33
05 July 2020

Triple negative breast cancer

Hi first time on hear can any give me information My wife has just been diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer. Has anyone gone through the same give me information on this type of cancer we are scared we can't find any information on this type She is going for a ct scan on Tuesday and starting chemo on Wednesday.
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posted by greatfulheart
30 June 2020

Lump in lymph node

Hi, It is my first time writing a post on here sending healing vibes to everyone ♡ I'm just wondering is anyone else waiting for mammogram results I know it says within 3 weeks its 4 weeks now I rang my doctor to see if he received the results but he didn't yet. I have the lump since December my first test was cancelled due to Covid I got a new date for the 2nd June which I'm grateful for in these hard times. I just wondering would this be long to wait. Thanks for any information ♡
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posted by OrlaithD12
22 June 2020

Small Cell Lung Cancer Stage 3/4

Last reply: 26 June 2020 16:22
Hi, My 79 year old Dad was diagnosed with SCLC 3 weeks ago following a period with chest tightness, and pain when breathing deeply. Up to then he was fit and active, so s huge shock to us all. He had multiple scans, Ct, MRI, Bronchosopy and was discharged home a week ago to wait for Chemo appt, planned for this week. About 4 or 5 days ago, his appetite became non existent, was suffering with pain, perisistent cough, wheezing, couldn't talk for more than a few minutes. Yesterday, the pain was so bad we called the ambulance and he was readmitted. After being on oral morphine yesterday, he is now on IV, and he's still struggling with the pain, no appetite, and worst of all we cant speak to him or visit him. Hoping for chest CT today, and they want to start chemo asap to try and help his symptoms.. I'm really struggling with the swiftness of this , and would love to hear from any of you going through, or who have gone through a similar experience. Orlaith
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posted by Girlslikeme
22 June 2020

After treatment follow up

Last reply: 24 June 2020 17:00
Hi, I had a lumpectomy in Dec 19, chemo Jan and radiation in April.i was really lucky my treatment progressed normally and uninterrupted by COVID 19. The follow up now though is to be seen in June by Radiotherapist, then July by Oncologist and finally next Dec by Breast Surgeon (12 months later) . What is the usual policy for post treatment follow up and also wondering as people ask me : am I going for scans and I’ve no appointment as such bar above. Also some survivors have had PET and CT scans, is this usual in most hospitals ? Otherwise I’m recovering very well, hair and energy is starting to improve. Thanks Ladies, P.
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posted by gbl2020
18 June 2020

Waiting for histology report

Last reply: 23 June 2020 18:17
I went for a colonoscopy and gastroscopy on 15th may. I was told just before the procedure taht my gp would be notified of results and no follow up consultation would be necessary. I sort of remember afterwards nurse saying they took some biopises which was routine. About 10 days later i got a letter for an appointment at the gastro clinic. I called up my doctor to see if he got my results. He said that my colonoscopy was clear but that there were biopsies from my gastroscopy being sent for further tests (histology). Its now 4 weeks since my procedure and i called my doctor and they still havent the report. My appointment at gastro clinic isnt till another 4 weeks. The waiting is driving me nuts. Is this normal? Is there anyway to get my results before my appointment?
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