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posted by Nala
28 August 2020

Recovered after Breast Cancer-medically induced menapause

Last reply: 07 September 2020 11:17
Hi there, In April 2018, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, had Mastectomy- one breast removed 7.5 cm Tumour, then Auxillary clearance, port inserted, 6 months of Chemo and 15 Rounds of Radiation, on Tomoxifen. All good, thank God now. I was 46 at the time and after the first round of Chemo, I was put straight into Menapause. I actually was having a period when they did the first AC round. That was it and I was put straight into menopause. I had unbelievable hot flushes, night sweats. I started putting on weight and I cannot loose it. I tried going back to weight watchers but not a's like my body has shut down and I can't get it going again. It's so frustrating. Has anyone else has this experience and were you able to find a way to get the pounds down. I always was able to do that with weightwatchers ( more so than Slimming World). I have to say that the 2 issues are the hot flushes still....and weight gain. As you know, we can't take anything with Estrogen to help. Is there a way?! Help. Thanks,
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posted by ladybird
26 August 2020

Children going back to school

Last reply: 30 August 2020 18:52
Anyone else in a panic about kids going back to school. I haven’t started chemo yet. Son starting back to school tomorrow and I am a nervous wreck. I am in a county that has relatively low numbers. But I still wonder should I keep them at home. Although he has commented that he will wear 20 masks if it means he can go back to school.
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posted by EmmieP
17 June 2020

Rethinking my reconstruction

Last reply: 29 August 2020 23:36
Hi all. New to the forum! Diagnosed with breast cancer 2.5 years ago, single mastectomy and my chemo treatment, which I finished 18 months ago. Still on the wait list for a reconstruction. I’ve been thinking a lot about moving forward and I’m reconsidering having the reconstruction at all. Has anyone been in similar situation? Anyone not had a Reconstruction done and regretting it or happy with their decision? Any thoughts would be a help! Thank you x
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posted by ladybird
08 August 2020

Diagnosed breast cancer

Last reply: 27 August 2020 12:34
I have been diagnosed with cancer originally it appeared on scans to be very small but surgery showed it to be 4.5cm and in 2 biopsied lymph nodes. So now have to do chemo which scare What do I need todo to prepare.
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posted by Valerie62
25 August 2020

Amidex hormone therapy

Last reply: 26 August 2020 15:48
I have lost a lot of weight due to these tablets and don't know how I can continue. 2 and a half stone since June. I was also diagnosed with diverticulitis and hospitalised twice before I started radiotherapy. Certain foods I can eat but no red meat. I do my best to eat but am struggling due to no appetite. Tried 5 snacks a day but can't do it. Have no interest in food. My doctor can't change my tablets and suggested food little and often but it's not happening for me. No energy and just want to stay in bed all day. Is this how it will be for me?? I did finished my radiotherapy in July. And on amidex since June. Any advice appreciated. PS I got the all clear in August. Thank you
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posted by DaisyLane
25 August 2020

Review appointment after breast clinic?

Last reply: 26 August 2020 12:15
Hello everyone. Hoping you guys could share a bit of knowledge. I had some worrying symptoms in my left breast (dent in breast and nipple inverting). My GP referred me to hospital and I had a triple check appointment last week. They did a breast check, mammogram and ultrasound. They told me at the end that my results were fine (other than a few cysts) and no follow up would be required. However im after getting another appointment card in the post for October. This one is an afternoon appointment which is when they do their review appointments. Googling brings up nothing about review appointments, all the phone numbers the hospital give go straight to voicemail, and I havent had an answer to the email I sent. Can anyone tell me what a review appointment is for? Im worried they've now found something concerning on my scans or now think the black spots on my ultrasound arent cysts after all. Thanks in advance.
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posted by KarenD
24 August 2020

confused and worried

Last reply: 25 August 2020 16:32
Hi, I really need some calification. My 76 year old Mother was diagnosed with lung cancer 2 years ago. she had 3 spots on her lung and she was treated with intense Radiation. After the radiation (that was only done on one spot) the spot responded well. In the last six months mum had a ct scan which showed that there are now four spots in her lungs ( the treated spot had grown again) and one in the thyroid. She had a Pet scat Two weeks ago the the doctor phoned her with the results yesterday. Here is where I am confused. The doctor said that the spot on the thyroid is behaving like cancer. But if it is Thyroid cancer and if the spots on her lungs are thyroid cancer then that is good news as it can be treated with Iodine. If not then the option is chemo which my mother would not be able for as she is allergic to most meds. How can the spots in the lung be thyroid cancer if they were there long before the one in the thyroid? and does this now mean that mum is at stage 4? I am so confused as I usually went with mum to her appointments, so I was informed of everything going on and could be prepared and knew how to help but she gets all her appoinments over the phone now. Any help figureing this out would be so helpful.
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posted by Rosaliemcfall
19 August 2020

PSA rise after 6 months on hormone treatment

Last reply: 25 August 2020 15:10
Hi, My 84 year old father was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer in January, which had spread to the pelvis and right femur. There was no biopsy so we have no Gleason score. His PSA was 31 and it dropped to 1.97 three months after his first hormone injection. But today he went for his second injection six months after starting treatment, and the PSA has risen to 4.9. We now have to wait for an oncology appointment and scans etc. We're worried sick. Has this happened to anyone else and what did that mean for you? Many thanks. Rosalie.
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posted by michellem23
24 August 2020

Ovarian diagnosis

Last reply: 25 August 2020 15:07
Hi I have had an ultrasound scan which shows bilateral cysts one looks like a simple cyst and other has features of a dermoid and is large 90mm x 75mm x 88mm. I am having lots of discomfort . No fibroids and uterus looks clear. My ca125!has now come back as quite elevated . Just wondering if a regular cyst would push up the ca125 or is it likely to be something more Thank you
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posted by Shelly2702
19 August 2020

Am I worrying for nothing???

Last reply: 21 August 2020 10:32
I don't know if I should even be posting here as I've not been diagnosed with cancer......but...well I'm worried! I had a smear done 3 weeks ago & the results came back HPV positive & with abnormal cells & I've been referred for a colposcopy. By way of background I'm 47 & I can't even remember the last time I went for a smear (yes I know I know) & the reason I was sent for this one was because I had been experiencing abdominal discomfort ranging from a dull ache to a really bad period like cramps & over the last few months. Initially I thought it was just either ovulation pain or period pain but it started lasting longer & longer. Also I'm on the continuous pill so I've no periods at all so shouldn't really have that type of pain (or should I?). My stomach can go hard as a rock when I have these pains & very tender to touch & even feels like I have small lumps under the skin but these are along my c-section scar so I put it down to scar tissue. I've told my GP all of this which is why he sent me for a smear & also for an ultrasound next week. I'm guess what I'm asking is should I be worried given the HPV & abnormal cells & these symptoms?
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