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posted by just_me
11 October 2020


Last reply: 19 October 2020 16:03
Hi. I just want to hear of other peoples experiences with TCHP chemo. I'm day 10 after my first round and my heartrate increases every few hours. It makes me feel very anxious. Professor Walsh did say it could happen but does anyone know if this will continue to happen through out treatment?
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posted by oldblueeyes
10 October 2020

Breast abscess 48

Last reply: 19 October 2020 15:59
Gp referred to breast clinic as he thought abscess in left breast so have antibiotics etc have osteoarthritis since twenties so thought soreness was that am very surprised as 48 and long finished babies but know I’m menopause but still a little worry as My left boob lump but no discharge red and stuck downward have no temp just fatigue ..wish I knew this bout menopause as a little worry have apt v soon feel a bit silly
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posted by Bar15
17 October 2020

No communication in over 4 weeks

Last reply: 19 October 2020 15:44
Hi. My 83 year mum went for a bone marrow biopsy 4 weeks ago now. She had multiple myeloma over 10 years ago and they now believed it has returned. We were told that the bone marrow biopsy would be back in 2-3 weeks and we have heard nothing from her consultant or team. I feel from day 1, there was very poor communication and care this time round. Its incredibly stressful, especially with the correct situation. Who or how can I get information from her consultant and what's the time line from tests - diagnosis - treatment??
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posted by Cheshire
17 September 2020

Turmeric with Curcumin

Last reply: 16 October 2020 17:19
Hi Everyone I had Breast Cancer 10 1/2 years ago; diagnosed at the age of 35. I am coming off Tamoxifen in November this year after 10 years on it. My Cancer was Triple Positive. People are telling me about the benefits of taking Turmeric with Curcumin Supplement as a security for it's cancer preventing properties. But when I looked up should a Breast Cancer patient take this supplement it states that curcumin might act like the hormone estrogen. I am confused now, I had ordered a years supply to start when I come off tamoxifen but don't know what to do now. Anyone any further information on this.
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posted by Mrs G
15 October 2020

Vit C and Berberine

Last reply: 16 October 2020 17:12
Hi All, My husband was last month diagnosed with cancer when he was sent to hospital with suspected pneumonia. He is in his 30’s, has never smoked, always been healthy and so far we are still waiting on biopsy results to determine primary cause but the doctors commenced him on an “aggressive” chemo course 2 weeks ago instead of waiting. I am desperate to help him in any way i can and am reading a book called “how to starve cancer” and am keen to get him some good quality berberine which seems to be proven to work well with chemo. Also intravenous vitamin C has been shown to have massive benefits but i can only find a couple of clinics online in Ireland and i wonder if anyone here has experience with using either of these treatments in conjunction with chemo? And if so can you recommend a good brand and stockist of Berberine and a reputable intravenous vitamin c clinic? Many thanks for reading.
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posted by Salvatore1864
09 October 2020

Breast lump and pain

Last reply: 12 October 2020 13:51
Hi, I am 31.In may I found a lump in my right breast.I had it checked out at a women's health clinic.The doctor was very confident that it is fibroademoma but said she would refer me to the nreast clinic to confirm. I called the hospital the other day as I had not yet received an appointment.The horse told me that I had not been triaged as urgent but given that my mother has had breast cancer she would get me an appointment.Inow have that appointment for early November. In the last couple of days I have started having pain in the breast,collar bone area and down my arm.Mybe that's is just stress but I have read it usually means an advanced breast cancer that has spread to the lungs and now I am terrified. In your experience just how worrying is this type of pain?
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posted by MollyAB
03 October 2020

Breast Thickening

Last reply: 08 October 2020 09:53
Breast Clinic I was referred to the Breast Clinic Eccles St 3 weeks ago, for a thickened area in my breast. I attended my appointment yesterday and had a mammogram done. I was expecting to see a Doctor and be examined and perhaps have an ultrasound or biopsy which didn’t happen. I thought there must be some mistake here. I was then told I would wait 3 weeks for results of the mammogram, It’s so worrying and stressful and the system seems to work so slowly. If I go private for a triple assessment would I be able to be treated in the public system if there is was a problem.
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posted by Marbel11
23 September 2020

Womb mass

Last reply: 05 October 2020 14:01
Hi all, I had a hysteroscopy 2 weeks ago today after being referred for extremely heavy periods. What they originally thought to be a polyp which they planned to remove in theatre (because of its size) was biopsied. I asked if they still intended to remove the polyp and the doctors reply was that it "isn't a polyp". I am regretting not questioning further what she thought it was but just wanted to get out of there to be honest. The consultant said she would call me by the end of last week (9 days after biopsy) if there was anything sinister, otherwise I would receive a letter with the results. I havent received any results so far which I'm hoping is good news but looking through the forum, 2-3 weeks seems to be a more realistic time frame for results. Are womb biopsys different? I have rang the hospital twice since Friday with no response from the unit because I'm still bleeding since the procedure & they said should only last 3-4 days so am slightly worried. Has anyone any experience in this type of situation please? Best wishes to all of you x
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posted by ScottDurkin
01 October 2020

Waiting till appointment

Last reply: 05 October 2020 12:10
Hi all, I just had two freckles removed this week and already received a letter to get the results at the end of the month. As I went through this before 3 years ago my nerves are getting the better of me. Is the appointment standard for both good and news? Last time was bad news but early stages. Thanks in advance.
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posted by MollyAB
03 October 2020

Breast Clinic

I was referred to the Breast Clinic Eccles St 3 weeks ago, for a thickened area in my breast. I attended my appointment yesterday and had a mammogram done. I was expecting to see a Doctor and be examined and perhaps have an ultrasound or biopsy which didn’t happen. I thought there must be some mistake here. I was then told I would wait 3 weeks for results of the mammogram, It’s so worrying and stressful and the system seems to work so slowly. If I go private for a triple assessment would I be able to be treated in the public system if there is was a problem.
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