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posted by joanne30
03 November 2020


Last reply: 04 November 2020 12:18
Hi all my dad has been recently diagnosed with lung cancer which has spread to his lymph node we are all heartbroken and shocked as he never smoked a day in his life, he is really struggling with sleep he’s only getting 2-3 hours sleep at night sleeping pills aren’t working he’s been prescribed them he’s also in a lot of pain with his knee and wrist he’s had 3 chemo sessions and this is the first time he’s experienced joint pain, just looking for any advice as we have never been through this before. Thank you Joanne
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posted by JD
02 November 2020

Looking for advice

Last reply: 03 November 2020 13:29
Hi I went for brachytherapy procedure last week and so far so good. However what is still troubling me is the almost constant leakage. Does this go away, is there something I should be doing or any advice would be most appreciated Thanking you
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posted by ladybird
31 October 2020

Flu vaccine for children

Last reply: 02 November 2020 12:18
I am having chemo treatment for breast cancer and have 2 children under 12. Myself and husband have gotten flu vaccine but pharmacy said that children version is live and not to be given to anyone on cancer treatment. My gp has advised I should get it done. So totally confused.
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posted by Anne Kinnane
30 October 2020


Last reply: 31 October 2020 23:12
Having my first chemo on Tuesday any idea what to expect or tips about it xx
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posted by biddyq
29 October 2020


My husband was diagnosed with osophageal cancer in Dec 19 had surgery in April and was told in June all looking good go home see you in six months. He continued to have pain and a small growth appeared on his scalp. We were told the pain was muscular and the growth was a cyst... in July having pushed for investigations ourselves he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer with multiple metastasis in his bones. Th is is extremely rare which is why they dismissed the pain. this does not make it any easier. Anyhow three months on 14 weeks of chemo and he is so thin it is frightening, he has no appetite and his energy is fading fast. He gets steroids for the three days he is on chemo and gets good energy, then he is of them again, no weaning and crashes. He is under care of home care team and they are reluctant to leave him on steroids because of long term affects. He doesn't have time to have long term affects. He also sustained a radiation burn to the area around h is anus and though the skin is healing he still has a lot of pain. Any advice from anyone please. Please do not start telling me about small meals snacks etc I have been there done that. Thank you folks, I am coping most of time but at the moment watching him fade away is doing my head in and I don't feel supported by the home care team just now.
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posted by Laurabaird83
28 October 2020


Last reply: 28 October 2020 14:15
My mum has just been diagnosed with Lymphoma relapse stage 4, but that's all we know because they can not operate as she is very frail, she had Non-Hogkin's Lymphoma back in 2009, and she had beaten it, only to return in her chest (though again, not 100% sure which it is) they can't do Chemo as she is not going to be able to handle it. we are not even sure that she would be able to handle Radiotherapy, we are waiting to see the Radiotherapydoctor who will check and see if she is able to that but the outcome looks bleak. I'm just numb, have been just getting on with it, and being a good daughter and carer.
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posted by EmDela
17 October 2020

Biopsy Resultd

Last reply: 23 October 2020 16:32
Hi there, I’m hoping someone can help me. I had surgery almost 4 weeks ago to remove a tumor from my abdomen. No biopsy was done in advance as it was growing quickly and consultant didn’t want to delay removal. I was told to expect results within a week. To date nothing... I was updated that they are waiting for the immunohistopathology results before report completed but that was over a week ago. Has anyone experienced similar delays? And, if so, how long? Thanks so much.
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
22 October 2020

Are you feeling lonely and anxious about your cancer with COVID 19?

Dealing with a cancer diagnosis in normal times can have a huge impact on you. It’s common and understandable to experience emotions such as shock, sadness, anger, fear, worry and loneliness. Read the first of our Support Line blog posts written by one of our cancer nurses here -
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posted by vorm5
16 October 2020

Biopsy results

Last reply: 20 October 2020 11:17
I’ve had a biopsy to remove a mole and was told my GP would let me know the results in 4/5 weeks. I receive a letter from the hospital five days after my biopsy to say that I am due a review appointment in a month. I was meant to have the review appointment in two months. When I rang to find out why my appointment had been changed, I was informed that the consultant had asked for it to be moved up to a sooner date to recieve my biopsy results. Now I am worried it could be bad news, anyone ever go through something similar? Any advice would be amazing. I know I shouldn’t focus on a negative outlook but I’m so worried.
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posted by Cora Lawless. . . .
18 October 2020

Non hodgkin lymphoma

Last reply: 19 October 2020 20:05
I've been given months Diagnosed October last year Had R-Chop and R-Ice - both failed Now on palliative/maintenance chemotherapy What does all this mean for me ? Regards Cora Lawless and Thank you.
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