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posted by Romybriem
24 September 2020

Advanced prostate cancer with liver and bone metastasis.

Last reply: 03 October 2020 04:01
My husband has been battling prostate cancer for many years now. He is 62 and very determined and positive. I’m supposed to be his Carer but while I’m good at the medical stuff I’m rubbish at the emotional support. I suffer from severe depression and anxiety and feel so inadequate that I’m not stronger for my husband. I also have a lot of physical illness. Any one else feel like this?
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posted by Mommaof2
22 August 2020

melanoma worry

Last reply: 25 September 2020 22:42
Hello, I'm hoping for some advice and help. yesterday I attended the hospital to get a mole checked. I've had this odd looking mole for years and have shown it to my GP several times and they have always said it was fine. The only reason I was sent to get it checked as my doctor thinks I have health anxiety. I had my second baby 10 months ago and my body just hasn't settled down. in the past 5 months I've had a chest MRI (due to a routine chest xray saying there was a shadow) which was clear. I've had an MRI to check for MS as I went to the doc with a burning above my knee. that was clear. I had a routine breast check while at the GP and she said she felt a lump under my arm pit so 2 weeks ago I went to the breast clinic. the doctor examined me and couldn't find anything but sent me for a mammogram anyway. still waiting for results. I went to the GP as felt a lump in my abdomen. He said it was a harmless lipoma but sent me for an ultrasound and they couldn't see any lump or lipoma. I asked again about my mole and he agreed to send me to get it checked. I think just to get me out of his office. The nurse used a dermoscope and a while later the consultant came in, took a 2 second look at it and told me she was very worried about it and wanted it out immediately and she booked me in for her next day of surgery on Tuesday. I asked her if it looked bad and she said she believes there is something very nasty there but that she is hopeful to have caught it early. I'm in such a state. I have a 3 year old and a 10 month old. I'm 42. I don't want to die. I know to expect melanoma after what she said but I'm terrified after leaving it all these years that its advanced to stage 3 or stage 4. the nurse told me I would be waiting 2 to 3 weeks aswell to find out. I'm terrified and distraught and just wondered if anyone was contacted quicker if they were in stage 3 or 4 or if anyone was stupid like me to leave it years. I'm so sorry for the long post but I don't know what to do. thank you xx
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posted by Iamstrong
15 September 2020

So scared

Last reply: 22 September 2020 18:51
Hello All, I recently found a lump on my left breast and had it looked at by my GP. She said it didn't seem craggy but sent me anyhow for a mammogram and ultrasound. I went in a tad worried but filled confidence at the same time that everything was fine. However, while mammogram showed up nothing the ultrasound was cause for cause for concern and I had a biopsy done there any then. They gave the lump a bi rad 4 rating. From what I've read this has more of a chance of being benign but I'm so so scared. My tumor is 8mm and they said from what they could see it didn't go to the this something they need to double check or are they sure from an ultrasound. This waiting a week and a half for results is just awful. I'm crying all the time and just can't work. I have 3 small kids and I want to be strong for them but I'm finding things tough. Blessing and good luck to all. Xx
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posted by mo2020
16 September 2020

Stage 1 Ductal BC

Last reply: 18 September 2020 09:28
Hi, I am 36 and was diagnosed at the end of June with Stage 1 Ductal BC - 8/8 Estrogen receptive, Grade 3 and Her2 neg . I found a lump when breast feeding my son so this has come as a big shock. The tumor was 12mm and was removed along with 4 nodes and extra tissue- the nodes came back clear and the margins were also clear so no need for a second surgery. Because I qualified for the oncotype test this was done and I recieved a score of 22. My treatment plan is 4 sessions of AC and 12 sessions of T. 3- 5 weeks of radiotherapy.Followed by 5-10 years of hormone therapy. I have been told by my doctors that the prognosis is very good - but I feel the amount of treatment is so much that is frightens me that I don't understand something. Would the grade of the tumor along with my age and oncotype result be the reason for this level of treatment? Does the grade of the tumor mean anything for reaccurance? Does 8/8 estrogen explain the 10 years of hormone therapy? I'm not due to see my consultant again until after I finish treatment and of course had no really understanding of my diagnosis at the time of meeting her as I was deeply in shock. Any advice or feedback would be great
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posted by daisypetal
16 September 2020

Breast lump

Last reply: 17 September 2020 16:45
Hi So my right breast was a but uncomfortable 2 weeks ago so i checked it out in the shower where I found a lump deep inside just below my nipple to the right. In the notes it's around 1.5 to 2cm. My gp referred me to triple assessment in Vincent's. I went for my appointment on Monday where I had an ultrasound and mamogramme done. I also has a biopsy the same day. Iv to return Friday morning for my results with the consultant. Is this the norm that they do. I'm 33 with 3 kids and had my baby 11 months ago. I'm so stressed that iv to go back to get the results I would of thought they would of just phoned. So I'm stresing that they already know something is wrong.
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posted by mrsmaggot
21 July 2020

Breast lump

Last reply: 16 September 2020 20:49
Hi all. I found a lump on my breast three weeks ago now. There is a history of breast cancer on in my maternal grandmother and great aunt. I’m only 36 but I’m really worried. I went straight to the gp who feels it is a cyst but because of my family history she said she would refer me urgently to the symptomatic breast clinic and I would be seen within 3 weeks. I’ve been going out of my mind with worry. I had heard nothing and rang a few times - today I learned that I have been triaged as a routine appointment and I will get an appointment at some stage’. I don’t even have a date. I am now sitting up crying and worried and I’m so angry that someone along the line hasn’t taken me seriously enough. I inquired about going private to my gp and she said there was no need, that I’d be seen within 3 weeks. I’ve looked at the breast clinic referral for pathways and it states that if I have a unilateral discrete mass I am considered an urgent referral. I can’t understand how I am considered routine with a lump and a family history. I know that I should be ok age wise but I also know a women a few years older than me who is currently going through chemotherapy and I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m so anxious and angry. Can anyone shed any light on what has happened here and why the clinic are shrugging their shoulders? Thank you and I hope everyone’s ok xx
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posted by anne breen
10 September 2020


Last reply: 16 September 2020 17:01
Wld like to attend an acupuncture clinic and wld like a recommendation for a good one in booterstown, blackrock, stillorgan area.
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posted by Tomorrow
08 September 2020

Breast lumps

Last reply: 09 September 2020 16:40
Hi there I’ve been referred to breast clinic for mammogram for painful breasts with lumps . Gp said she isn’t concerned overly as she thinks it’s fibrocystic breast syndrome , however not only has she referred me for the screening she has sent off a referral to the breast specialist . I’m wondering if this is usual ? The more I think about it I wonder if this means she is more concerned than she seemed . Thank you I’m just very worried .
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posted by soconnor
05 September 2020

Change of Oncologist - advice needed

Last reply: 08 September 2020 12:05
im 2.3yrs post treatment for Rectal Cancer with a permanent Colostomy. Really happy with consultant in a private hospital(im private patient). Hes asked twice to move me to another in team. 1st time said no, then relented said yes, I felt guilty. Now the person responsible for my life, forgive dramatics, ive never met and obviously knew little about my history. Only looked at current bloods. I never realised the relationship with my Onco was so vital to me. Now im so upset. What do I do?
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posted by grasshopper
26 August 2020

So down

Last reply: 08 September 2020 10:11
Hi there, today I'm feeling so low, keep thinking of how long I've left.. 2 young kids and it's so difficult to enjoy the moment and make memories as everyone is telling me to do. I just can't do it, I'm so sad. .(metastatic breast cancer stage 4, terminal) 😥
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