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posted by biddyq
31 October 2020

apologies for negative post

Last reply: 29 November 2020 11:00
Hi Folks I posted a few days ago and realise it was a bit negative and we don,t need that so apologies. I am finding it very hard to cope at the moment as i watch my husband suffer. Biddy Q
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posted by Gerri
14 October 2014


Last reply: 29 November 2020 08:33
Hi, just wondering if anyone else out there has been diagnosed with Cancer of Unknown Primary?
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posted by Kazod
18 November 2020

Breast Cancer

Last reply: 27 November 2020 07:47
Hi everyone, I'm new to this website so I'd like to just say I hope everyone is doing well and keeping safe from the virus. I had Breast Cancer 6 years ago which thankfully only required a lumoectomy and a month of radiation. However, last Friday I had to have a Breast MRI and the nurse rang me today with results. She said that the Radiologist reported changes and they were areas of enhancements but that they think it's hormonal and maybe I had my period at the time. I had a full Hysterectomy when I was diagnosed with cancer 6 years ago. Im wondering has anyone else heard of this and whether I should take them at their word or demand more tests. I'm very nervous tonight. She also said that the Consultant hasn't signed off on it yet. What's your advice anyone. Thanks in advance ❤️❤️
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posted by Richieof1
18 November 2020

Post Chemo insomnia

Last reply: 26 November 2020 16:14
Hi all. First time here. I have B cell mediastinal high grade Lymphoma. I had my first Chemo last week which was infusion for 5 days 24/7 I St James. I have now been home for a week but suffering with side effects the worse being severe insomnia. Would anyone please have experience of insomnia post chemo and what you did to combat it. I have tried all the usual stuff and even sleeping pills are ineffective. I basically am falling asleep for 10 mins at a time then waking up.
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
17 November 2020

Take part in a cancer research study about complementary or alternative medicine

The Clinical Nutrition & Oncology Research Group in University College Cork are conducting a national survey looking at what types of complementary or alternative medicine cancer patients/survivors are using throughout the cancer journey and how they feel about complementary or alternative medicine. They’re hoping to be able to use the responses to see how best to support patients who wish to use these therapies and how best to discuss this within the hospital setting. If you or anybody you know has had or still has cancer, and was treated in Ireland, they would love to hear from you. They are looking to hear from people who have used complementary or alternative medicine and those who have not. You can sign up for the online/telephone survey here and if you are interested, they will also be organising more in-depth telephone interviews to hear peoples' opinions on this topic. It takes 2 minutes to sign up and the online survey takes about 45 minutes but you will get an email link where you can access it as many times as you need to complete it, and your responses will be saved for you in between sessions. Contact or 085 133 3050 for more information.
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posted by blezzedray
10 November 2020

32 yrs Stage 3 Estrogen + BC

Last reply: 16 November 2020 14:15
Hi I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast in August 2020 and my life has changed ever since I went in for an ekg in early July yearly requirement for my job physical and the doctor said that my results showed I had a heart attack he an I both agreed it was false reading but stated to be on the safe side see a cardiologist which I didn’t because I know I didn’t have one...little did I know this was a warning sign Well in August I went for my yearly visit to the gyno and durning the check doctor noted she felt a lump on my left side the next week I was scheduled for a mammo and us then a few days later went in for biopsy an another mammogram My result came back showed I had breast cancer I request to go to MD Anderson instead of local doctors. My mass grew within two weeks from 2cm to about 6.5cm my ki-67 is 70% my cancer is very aggressive I was very scared worried a would die fortunately I was but in the hands of wonderful doctors My treatment plan is 4 ac every 3 weeks and 12 weekly treatments of taxol. I have severe nausea I am taking zofran and comp. I’m only on 2nd ac but my mass has shrunk drastically after my first treatment I do receive steroids bf infusion I started losing my hair after my second week of chemo, I’ve had night sweats and joint aches I do have a port installed on the right side of my chest since cancer is on the left I will also have to have a mastectomy and radiation Today I was informed from genetics test that My bc was gene mutation not sure if it came from mom or dad and that I might want to consider double mastectomy because I am now high risk and later on down the line I’m at a risk of ovarian cancer...I have 7 yr old daughter an at the age 18 will be screened for cancer every year Out of all this I have a wonderful support team hardest part for me is the nausea, working full time , and trying to stay positive because chemo does cause depression almost everyday I have family or friends texting and calling checking in. My mom is a two time Breast cancer survivor She had it in 2001 and 2011 (Had mastectomy in 2011) took genetics test came back negative technology has changed since 2011
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
13 November 2020

Be kind to yourself during Men's Health Awareness Month

November is known for both prostate and pancreatic cancer awareness - the time of the year to highlight these cancers. However, we all know that any cancer can occur any month. So our nurses’ message to all men in Ireland today is to take note of any changes or symptoms you’ve noticed and talk to your GP. Read the second of our Support Line blog posts written by one of our cancer nurses here -
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posted by Bud36
03 November 2020

Thyroid Cancer

Last reply: 10 November 2020 15:18
Have recently been diagnosed with minimal invasive thyroid cancer. I discovered a lump which was quite large which was removed and tested and results came back as above. I now have been told I need other half removed and will need RAI treatment. Am nervous.
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posted by ajmac1974
03 November 2020

Group 2 Prostate Cancer

Last reply: 10 November 2020 14:18
I've just found out yesterday that I have group 2 Prostate Cancer. I'm 46 years old. I had no major symptoms other than high PSA. It seems I've found it early and the team seem very confident that it can be treated and curable. I lost my wife aged only 29, 11 years ago to Kidney cancer so this is also playing on my mind. Today I start my new journey. I will try and stay as positive as I can.
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posted by Aerlingus02
28 October 2020


Last reply: 05 November 2020 23:49
I had my last chemo on the 25th of September. Although I didn’t lose all my hair it thinned out a lot. When should I expect it to stop coming out??
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