Breast cancer
posted by encee
23 March 2011

Pre-Mastectomy tips please?

Last reply: 13 April 2011 21:33

Hi again.
My countdown is on for my mastectomy with immediate reconstruction - surgery is 30th March please God!
In advance of that, I'm wondering if there is anyone out there with a few tips on how to make life easier for myself during my stay in hospital and upon returning home?



commented by janeymac
23 March 2011

23 March 2011 20:37

Hi Encee
Here is a list of tips that Flo posted last year:

- get button front PJs (u will prob be too sore to pull something over your head)
- bring a long shoelace so u can hang yr drains around yr neck while showering
- bring some safety pins (to pin your drains to your PJs)
- baby wipes, baby wipes, baby wipes
- bottles of water with sports tops
- make and freeze dinners beforehand
- use extra pillows (or V shape pillow) to support/cushion yrself
- stretchy vests or camis to gently support post op breast(s)*
- walkman, ipod, mp3 player to entertain yourself
- some people like silky or satin PJs cos it makes moving in bed easier
- fruit. veg and high fibre diet and or laxative to prevent constipation post op

* not always possible as some surgeons want u to wear a non wire supportive bra

Another poster carried her drains in one of those gift bags, when I got out of hosp, and was out & about I hid my drains in a tote bag - nobody would have known Image removed.

Hope all goes well for you and that this time next week it will all be over Image removed.

commented by encee
23 March 2011

23 March 2011 22:08

Thanks for taking the time to pass on the tips Janeymac.

I definitely wouldn't have thought about pins and laces and carry bags. I started giggling to myself when you suggested satin PJ's... I remembered someone very kindly gave me gorgeous siren red satin PJ's to take into hospital with me when I had our first pride and joy - I woke up one morning sweating like a sinner in a church and when I got out of bed it was absolutely destroyed in what I thought was a massive bleed but it was just that the PJ's had run from my sweat onto the sheets Image removed.

On a serious note (although that is polar opposite to my personality) those tips are just super - I'm looking forward to the day after surgery when I can start on the great highway to recovery.

Again, thank you

commented by FH2
25 March 2011

25 March 2011 17:47

Hi Encee,

I am just out of hospital after having my expanders removed so here's a few extras that I missed the first time around....

- Vaseline or lip balm (my lips got very dry)
- sucky mints or sweets (to help with dry mouth)
- keep asking for pain relief, stay AHEAD of the pain (it speeds recovery)
- make sure nurse leaves the call button beside you ON THE BED (you won't be able to stretch over to the night stand)

- make sure you have pain relief prescriptions to cover you over weekend into the following wk
- make sure you have numbers to ring if you have problems or questions
- spare dressings

- ready meals or pre-prepared frozen dinners (or someone else to cook healthy meals for you)
- a hose shower that you can hold and easily control (you can't get your dressings wet for a while)

Good luck, I hope it goes really smoothly for you. Please come on when you can to let us know how you get on. Next Wed???


commented by encee
27 March 2011

27 March 2011 23:09

Hi Flo
Sorry to see that things didn't go as planned with reconstruction but I have to say you are a gas woman - you are a mine of great information!

Yep, Wednesday is surgery date - I'll be back on her once my body is able Image removed.

Take care of yourself and I hope that you're recovery is full and well x


commented by Avril
03 April 2011

03 April 2011 11:45

Have been thinking of you!Hope all went really well for you and that you are recovering .You probably still in hospital but when you home I will be in touch!!I had a mastectomy with LD reconstruction on March 11th.Since then I have had good days and bad days!!!Have had to really pace myself and rest.It's the FEAR of the whole thing I find the hardest as I worry a lot which is not good!I will thump the next person who says 'Keep positive!!!' Or 'Why are you worrying?Anyone could be hit by a bus tomorrow!' I find this site brilliant as people SO generous with advice and support.

Diag. Sept.2010 Aged 45
Invasive lobular cancer.ER+
Chemo -ACT
Lumpectomy,2 nodes Positive
Tumour 4.6cm.
Tamoxifen Jan.2011
Mastectomy Mar.2011

commented by encee
05 April 2011

05 April 2011 09:39

Thanks Avril; I can certainly understand your fear; I'm out of hospital since yesterday and I know that I am being a little over-cautious with my surgery area... I know I can't be doing push-ups yet but I'm sure my back/arm/chest is able for a bit more than I'm pushing it. I'm well able for the exercises though.

Any tips for post-surgery ladies? I'm so proud of myself and my new boob. I'd say the nurses thought I was losing the run of myself because I kept wanting to flash my "job" to any willing viewer as soon as the rest of the plasters/bandage/drains came off;-)

All those tips were just super, definitely having the little bag to carry the drains around in was a god-send.

All my left side has very little sensation at the moment but it's the pain I have in my arse from when I sit down or take to the bed is the problem. I'm up walking around inside but would LOVE to go for a nice little stroll outside - rain is putting an end to that, grrrrr. Any suggestions? Imagine going back into my clinic next week with a pulled muscle in my bum Image removed.

commented by hopeful2
08 April 2011

08 April 2011 09:35

hi encee,

well done, the weekend is given down great so mayby try short walks for 10 or 15 mins at the start and see what you are able for. Once chemo starts you will be knocked for six again, but you have the first major hurdle overcome now.

get a compression sleeve for your arm on the affected side and give yourself until at least the six week mark before lifting anything with weight in it, i just used light dumbells which helped my lymphedema no end, they are only 2.5kg ones and they recommend not going too heavy. i weed the garden etc again, just used the sleeve rubber gloves and thorn proof gardening gloves over them. i am still numb on the left side and prob will stay that way now as two yrs out, my chest and upper arm feels very funny if someone touches them unexpectedely and if you do burn or hurt them the reaction is delayed so pls be careful, although does improve never gets completely better. my sis bought me a masterchef oven glove, thats rubber with grips on it.

commented by encee
08 April 2011

08 April 2011 11:06

Thanks for that Hopeful2

No matter how much I have read or asked from the professionals, it's all the bits from ye guys that really help.

I'm 9 days post-op, 4 days home and while this whole process isn't getting me down, I'd love to have more energy and be a bit more lively - I'm giving myself until Sunday to rest up and get over myself and then I'm going to kick-ass Image removed.Image removed.

commented by LindyLu
08 April 2011

08 April 2011 15:32


Dont push yourself too hard. You have been through A LOT.

For what it is worth, it took me nearly six weeks for the 'fog' to lift after my recon surgery last August. Listen to your body - rest when you need to and party if you can but dont overdue it!

Enjoy what looks to be a sunny weekend!


commented by hopeful2
10 April 2011

10 April 2011 11:03


i hope you dont mind me asking if you are happy with the results, i am waiting on this exact reconstruction. were you able to go back to work after the 6 weeks, was it more painful and longer to recover than original macestomy.

sorry encee for hijacking your thread for a minute. hope you are taking it easy, i am as stiff as a board as digging flower beds all day yesterday and not used to it.

commented by LindyLu
10 April 2011

10 April 2011 20:51

Hi hopeful,

I am delighted I have a foob. I HATED the prostethic. It was a permanent reminder of having BC. With the prostethic, I was always conscious of what I wore and never wore anything low cut or even slightly low cut.

Foob is not an exact match. New food is lovely and pert. It is still nipple-less however. Old boob (droopy dora) has suffered the effects of gravity and sits lower than pert pam however in a bra you would not notice the difference. I love having cleavage again. I can get droopy Dora lifted if I want. I am thinking about it but not sure I want more surgery if you know what I mean!

Recovery was similar to mastectomy. The first few days were quite sore but I took the pain meds and basically took it easy. I had a two yr old and a three and a half year old at the time so did not have a whole lot of down time or any lie ons which is why I think I felt quite out of it and lacking in energy for a good six weeks. I took 7 weeks off work and returned slowly, two days first week, three the second, etc. If you work and can ease yourself back in that is to be recommended.

As for getting a surgery date. Pester them! Phone every 2 weeks to see how bed situation etc is.

Good luck, let us know when you get a date.


commented by encee
13 April 2011

13 April 2011 21:33

Work away Lindylu, that's what this site is all about!

Up and onwards, I'm in great form, very stiff but I think I was a bit too kind to myself as the mobility in my arm isnt great, but had physio today & back in 3 weeks for a review. I have a loads of fluid building up bit after my check up with Surgery I came away happy that I'm not going to explode;)

Happy days!

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