Breast cancer
posted by sunflower
17 April 2011


Last reply: 21 April 2011 20:53

I am near the end of my chemo, a few more taxol left but the tiredness is getting frustrating. Has any one got tips that might help me with this. Love the good weather but have no energy to do the smallest of things. Thanks



commented by kazoo
19 April 2011

19 April 2011 19:53

Sunflower, I am not on chemo myself so probably of little help to you, however, I am taking tamoxifen and zoladex and there are days when I could cry from tiredness. All you can do is try to take extra special care of yourself, eat well and get as many early nights as you can. Try to get someone to take the load off with work, kids, housework - i have a cleaner now, 20 a week for two hours, money well spent, really takes the pressure off.
Take care of yourself Image removed.

commented by LindyLu
19 April 2011

19 April 2011 21:35

Hi there sunflower,

First off don't be too hard on yourself. Remember you are being poisoned and that takes a toll on your body.

For me, daytime naps were my saviour during chemo. I had two small children at the time (8 mths and two and a bit) when they had their afternoon nap, I did too. I also tried to go to bed relatively early every night which helped loads if I stuck to my mission. Short walks might help to build your energy - no more than 10min quick stroll to start with.

I found that if I did too many things other than normal day to day stuff it set me back so I might catch up with someone on a Monday but not do anything again till say Thursday. Life was pretty mundane on chemo to be honest but it will be over sooner than you think and in time you will get your energy back.

Take care


commented by FH2
20 April 2011

20 April 2011 11:03

Hi Sunflower,

Sorry you are finding the tiredness a problem. I also found it very frustrating, I'd always been an independent active person and wanted to do things myself, not be having to ask people to do them for me. But I just wasn't physically able for it. When I did try to do things, I would be completely shattered afterwards. Finally I learned to accept this and made sure I took naps and early nights, etc.

Listen to your body, its telling you that you need to rest and take things easy. It may be annoying BUT, its only temporary. And strangely, it will probably speed up your overall recovery.


commented by sunflower
21 April 2011

21 April 2011 20:53

Thanks Image removed. Before the cancer I was always meeting myself going. I guess the good weather makes me realise that I cant do as much as I want. thankfully my husband is great and the childdren are too. Will take all the advice on board. It is great to have a chat forum. thanks again girls Image removed.

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