Breast cancer
posted by FH2
21 April 2011

I need to RANT, sorry!

Last reply: 05 May 2011 22:33

Sorry for moaning everyone....

I am now just over 4 wks out from my last surgery which removed my expanders and left me flat. I am still leaking fluid daily (but nowhere near as much as before TG). I have itchy red welts in a giant rectangle all over my right chest from the dressings constantly having to be pulled off and changed several times a day. My body (as per usual) is now pushing the soluble stitches to the skins surface in little cavities filled with pus along my incision. The fluid loves all these little cavities that keep appearing and is dribbling out each as they appear. I am constipated from antibiotics, can't eat properly, vomit regularly, have lost another half stone in 3 wks and have no energy.

I honestly believe that this will end and it will be in the next few weeks but I HAVE A PAIN IN MY ARSE WITH THE WHOLE BLOODY THING NOW!!!!

Phew, that feels better.... Image removed. Better out than in, as Shrek says.




commented by LindyLu
21 April 2011

21 April 2011 14:17

Oh lordy Flo, you certainly dont have it easy.

For what it is worth....

I had serious wound issues after my mastectomy - lasted for 7 or 8weks. I was tired, exhaused, scared as I was waiting for chemo to start and just plan fed up of dressing changes and antibiotics. In despiration asked two different public health nurses what could I do to try and encourage me to get better.
- One suggested going on Cubitan (it is a protein drink usually given to older people but it has wound healing stuff in it). My PHN even managed to get me 7 bottles by way of sample. They require a prescription but I am sure your doc could do one given where you are at.
-Other PHN advised me to get my hands on wheat grass juice. It is vile and expensive. You need to get it in juice form from a fancy juicing store or health food shop (but only in pure juice form from a fridge or freshly made).

I took both for a week and honest to God my wound that had been a gaping (and expanding) hole 6cm by 2cm just started to close and within 10 days was practiclly closed over.

The PHN who gave me the cubitan could not believe it.

The cocktail is worth shot. If you are not eating properly that you cant get better and you need to be better for your little man!

All the best


commented by sunflower
21 April 2011

21 April 2011 21:02

Hi FH2,
your just right to have a real good rant with what your going through!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant offer any help as i havent been through that.[color=#BF00FF:zqak6m1n] keep ranting we are hear to listen[/color:zqak6m1n]

commented by FH2
04 May 2011

04 May 2011 20:57

Hi Everyone,

Well you are not going to believe this and I can only laugh about it now. I ended up in hospital AGAIN last week after the left side this time flared up with my worst dose yet of cellulitis. Each time I get this infection, the headaches, weakness, vomiting and temperature seem to be progressively worse. I was in a pretty bad way last Thurs evening and spent a tough night in A&E before being transferred to a ward for 4 days. I was on a mega dose of 3 different antibiotics and am home now on 4gr of Fluclos and 3.6 of Calvapen daily.

I am taking a supplement of Vit C and Zinc to help me heal and am also taking a strong pro-biotic supplement to try to counteract the damage being done by so many antibiotics (almost 8 months worth).

Thanks for the info about the Cubitan, I will ask my GP if I can get some. I seem to cope ok with the morning and night doses of antibiotics but the afternoon and evening dose don't seem to sit well with my stomach. So supplementing with Cubitan might help build me up to fight this bloody thing off for once and for all.


commented by sunflower
05 May 2011

05 May 2011 22:33

My heart goes out to you! My first pixx line got infected and i had to take horses tablets ( my nick name for them) A nurse told me to take them with milk and this makes them go down easier.
Good luck

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