Breast cancer
posted by ceedee
19 April 2011

Chemo Friday Week

Last reply: 11 May 2011 10:03

Well not the results I wanted but im going for it the two drugs are Docetaxel and Cyclophosphamide and its once every 3 weeks for 4 months .Hopefully I wont have two many side effects my hair will go but thats the least of my worries.
Any tips ladies ?



commented by LindyLu
19 April 2011

19 April 2011 21:39

Hi there,

Sorry to hear you will have to have chemo. It is not pleasant but it is do-able.

There is a thread that I will bump for giving lots of chemo tips.

When do you start?


commented by Jeanette
19 April 2011

19 April 2011 22:32

Hi ceedee
Sorry to hear your news but as many will say and you will find out yourself it is doable.
I wrote a diary detailing the effects of chemo for about 6 to 10 day post each treatment, I used it to ask questions when spoke to Oncologist and also it help me guage if things were getting worse as time went on.
Each person is different but you will get through it and this board is a world of information and tips - all you need to do is ask and most likely some-one has been through something similar and will be able to help.
Best of luck Jeanette

commented by ceedee
23 April 2011

23 April 2011 20:54

Thanks Jeanette I will read your diary often im sure, LyndyLu I shall look at your thread also my Chemo starts Friday.Got all my medication today in case of side effects so im all set.
Im not doing the wig thing does anyone have any advice on bandanas or somesort of cool mad bright hats to go with my personality ?

commented by Jeanette
23 April 2011

23 April 2011 21:49

Hi CeeDee
hope all goes well on Friday.
With regards to the wig, I did get one but I also had scarves, halos and hats......
I rarely used the wig unless I was out with my childern meeting their friends as kids can be funny about these things and I wanted to ensure they felt "Normal" even though in the home I went "oh natural"
If you have health insurance, it will cover one wig a year and if you have a medical card you are also entitled to a wig. Maybe you might like just for those "down" days. I found that "Roches" were excellent and really nice to deal with and had a load of stock suitable for most.
My hair started to go around day 20 post 1st chemo I decided to cut my hair 1st as my hair was long and it falls out in lumps. Not nice!

With regard to the medical card you can apply on medical grounds not financial grounds if you don't think you will quailfy, the anti sickness drugs can be expensive so you should apply just in case.

Are you living in Dublin? Is so the Arc centre is meant to be a very nice relaxing place you visit.
Just ask if you have any questions or queries some-one on the board will have an answer


commented by lyric
24 April 2011

24 April 2011 12:01

Hi Ceedee

I'm half way through my chemo (same as you 4 X Cyclophosphamide and Docetaxol every 3 weeks). My hair started to fall out 2 weeks after the first one and I had it shaved off - I wear the hats and bandanas and like Jeanette said Roches are very good. I'm not bothering with a wig. I did qualify for a medical card for 5 years.

The first chemo wasn't too bad - side effects kicked in about 2 days after. Make sure to drink lots of water the day before, day of and day after and in general - you might find the chemo aggravates your bladder. I found that I was totally fatigued and had aches all over. My taste went on day 5 for a couple of days. Fresh pineapple from the fridge is quite refreshing. I think the best thing to do is go with the flow and rest - don't try to do too much during that time. The 2 weeks in between chemo I was in great form and able to get back to my walks and normal routine.

The very best of luck to you and we'll have this over before we know it. Take care.

commented by ceedee
25 April 2011

25 April 2011 14:29

Jeanette Im in North Tipp and going to Limerick for treatment I already have a medical card as I have Asthma so the drugs didnt cost me.
Lyric it will be interesting to compare notes as we are on the same drugs for the same lenghth of time.If you dont mind me asking have you had any surgery and what age group are you ? message me private if you dont want to share that info .Im not a good water drinker so I will have to make a good effort, thanks for that CeeDee

commented by sunflower
27 April 2011

27 April 2011 22:07

Hi ceedee
good luck on friday. It is doable. I know ladies who had b c 20 years ago and i kept thinking of them when I started off. the treatments have improved so much from then. The staff in the hospital were brill and every week I would have a list of questions for them. they were also on the onther end of the phone when I needed to ask questions and also the breast care nurse that was with me at my diag. Had to write them all down as i became very forgetful. My husband says I am like that all the time Image removed.Image removed. Just take it day to day and listen to your body. Plenty of rest and fluids.
All the best

commented by encee
29 April 2011

29 April 2011 09:31

Hi Ceedee
Can't offer any help on chemotherapy tips as I haven't started mine but just to let you know there are support centres in Nenagh - Suaimhneas in Gortlandroe, Suir Haven in Clongour, Thurles and not forgetting the centre beside the Oncology unit in Limerick. They all offer either Reiki, reflexology, counselling or maybe just a place to go to have a cup of tea and a chat.
Hope today is ok for you, keep well.

commented by butterfly
30 April 2011

30 April 2011 13:57

Just had my first chemo on thursday same as you, i am having 6. got my first nulasta injection yesterday .....waiting for effects to start ... thinking of you.

commented by ceedee
30 April 2011

30 April 2011 18:35

Everything went ok yesterday, had a good sleep drinking lots of water,today has been good.Not having that injection you mentioned butterfly.
Encee havnt been into the Nenagh centre yet but I will got a Reflexoligy cancellation on Thursday in Limerick and it was very relaxing now booked in for an Indian Head Massage and Reiki later next month.

commented by FH2
04 May 2011

04 May 2011 19:06

Hi there,

Nice to see some new people posting. Good luck to you all whatever stage of treatment you are at. No one will ever tell you its easy (if someone does find it easy, we need the name of their medical team FAST!!) but it is do-able. I am always saying (and I'll say it again!) - make sure you listen to your body and rest however much you need to, AND, spoil yourself a little. Those sessions of reflexology, little lunches out, nice new headscarves, professional makeup sessions, etc - they all give you a little boost which is great to help you through everything. I found I got totally sick of 'cancer, cancer, cancer' all the time, so the little treats and diversions REALLY helped me

And keep coming here to share your experiences, ask questions and give your own advice.


commented by ceedee
10 May 2011

10 May 2011 13:58

Well im hangin in there, my taste and apetite went straight away and smells really got to me a few aches and pains and I am taking a tablet everyday for acid stomach.I kept repeating your words "Its Doable" Drinking lots of water and rice crispies with cold milk are a big part of my diet pears bananas and apples apeal too, dinners are very difficult as the smell of cooking food is awfull.
Feel as if im on the way back up thank god. Lots of hair in the hair brush this morning so just ordered my hats and bandanas from
Thanks to my wonderfull family, friends and you guys I will be grand .

commented by lyric
10 May 2011

10 May 2011 16:52

Every day you'll feel a bit better.

I've been picking up scarves here and there and am becoming an expert on putting them on. You can google on the internet for clips on how to put them on - I found that useful.

I had my 3rd round in the 'cocktail lounge' yesterday and initially was fine but by evening time I had terrible nausea - I slept ok. I've just had my Neulasta injection and am now waiting for the train to hit! This time I've armed myself with lots of pills - so we'll see how it goes.

Only one more to go. Keep well.

commented by sunflower
10 May 2011

10 May 2011 20:25

Hi Ceedee
Good to see you posting.After the treatment for about a week I would only eat very bland food. Thank god for the meds to control the side effects. Even chocolate tasted ugh and I love my chocolate! I got the wig in Newry and I found it great when going to town or other events. My son wasnt impressed when the hair fell out so it was good to have it at the start so he could get around ma with no hair. When It started to grow back it was great.
Good luck for the coming weeks

commented by butterfly
11 May 2011

11 May 2011 10:03

I see your on the cereal as well i have found a love of corn pops with cold milk. never ate these type of cereal before . And i cant get enough of spicy food killed my poor mouth last week but it was so worth it .....I love my food...

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