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posted by Lindah1967
19 August 2020

Kidney Cancer

Last reply: 20 August 2020 16:52
Hi, My mother had her kidney removed 7 weeks ago but they didn't get all the cancer and they also found it in her lymph node. The oncologist are not giving her any more treatment and she is being referred back to her surgeon. We feel very in the dark at the mo. She is waiting to have another scan to see if it has shown up anywhere else and it is a high grade cancer. Our worry is that she is in pain, she has received some stronger pain killers after we contacted the hospital and her doctor but we are feeling useless and unsure how to help mam with this pain.
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posted by Flowers
28 July 2020

Capsular Contractor of Breast Implant and Breast Implant Illness.

Last reply: 20 August 2020 15:03
Would be interested in hearing from anyone that has had their breast implant removed because of Capsular Contractor and have not had the implant replaced. Also, anyone that has been diagnosed with Breast Implant illness?
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posted by just_me
14 August 2020

My appointment

Last reply: 17 August 2020 15:55
Hi St Vincent's in Dublin called me to say my appointment is scheduled for next week. ( my gp sent in a referral) I was suprised to hear from them so soon so I didnt properly take in all the info the really nice lady gave me. She said i will be there for three to four hours and if i need a biopsy they will tell me the following week? Is that how it normally works and does everyone usually have a biopsy regardless of their diagnosis. Thanks so much in advance x
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posted by navanman
21 February 2017

Importance of getting checked

Last reply: 16 August 2020 02:48
Hi all, I don't know if anyone will see this given the last post to this community was 5 years ago. I just want to highlight the importance of getting checked out by your GP if you have even the slightest hint of a concern. If it does turn out to be nothing, all it has cost you is a single GP fee and what is that for the peace of mind you would then have. If it is something of concern, catching it early is vital. Thankfully I went to a GP the moment I felt like something might not have been right. From the moment I saw the GP things moved along rapidly. I saw the GP on a Monday, had an ultrasound on a Tuesday, and saw a Urologist on a Thursday and two weeks later I went in for surgery. I found out post surgery that it was stage 1 testicular cancer. I am now being closely monitored by an oncologist to ensure it doesn't come back. The monitoring process does add a certain amount of peace of mind in itself as I feel if anything appears, it will be found quickly. Throughout the process I have also had support from family and friends which is also a help.
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posted by Cath Williams
09 August 2020

Fatigue and lack of appetite AFTER cancer treatment has concluded

Last reply: 11 August 2020 15:01
My husband has recently completed his treatment (chemo & radiotherapy) but his fatigue and lack of appetite have gotten worse over the last 7 days (he completed treatment 2 weeks ago). He is now sleeping 20 hours a day and is eating very little, sometimes nothing. I have tried lots of recipes and tempting treats that he normally likes but he is not eating and continues to lose weight. I am really at my wit's end and simply do not know what to do. I intend to call the doctor in the morning but he does not want me to do that. He is lacking all energy for anything and I really do not know what else to do. Any suggestions please. Thanks
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posted by Saski
07 August 2020

Biopsy results

Last reply: 10 August 2020 15:26
Hi Everyone today I had a mamagram and ultrasound biopsy I was told it was probably just fibroid I didn't really understand I got three samples taken I didn't want to ask any questions as the pandemic they said they would call me I have it in my head its fine but am I being silly trying not to think about it and how long will it take for them to call thanks so much for any help
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posted by ladybird
06 August 2020

Medical card

Last reply: 10 August 2020 14:54
Can u apply for a discretionary medical after been diagnosed. Is it means tested
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posted by shaz
31 March 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 08 August 2020 09:22
Good morning folks. I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with invasive ductal cancer. Grade 2. ER / PR positive. Her2 negitive. It was in my axilly nodes and is positive also. I had a lumpectomy and axilly clearance last Tuesday. Just wondering if anyone had this type of cancer and what treatment followed after the surgery. Sha xx
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posted by siobhan123
30 July 2020

Breast reconstruction

Last reply: 06 August 2020 16:44
Hi I have just had an appointment with the plastic surgeon about a breast reconstruction the option I am thinking of is breast reconstruction by latissimus dorsal flap and then I will need a reduction on the other breast I would love to hear from anyone who has had this done to hear their experience. I had my mastectomy in January 2019 and finished radiation in May of that year. I am feeling well but I am worried about putting my body through this and if I will be strong enough for this op.
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posted by sandie20
04 August 2020

Advise on weight loss

Last reply: 05 August 2020 14:58
Hi all Husband has started treatment for his lung cancer we have just completed week 1 and he has lost so much weight I’m scared dnt know how to help what to do for him any advice would be great I feel out of my depth here and we have only just started this journey
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