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posted by maireniuirthile
22 March 2020

Silent Heroes - the Night Nurses

Last reply: 24 March 2020 15:15
Hello, its Mother Day and Mam Passed away on the 15th of February this year. I wanted to write a word of immense gratitude to 2 amazing nurses, Catherine and Mel, who helped us through the most difficult time in my family's life. I can't put into words how much this helped us to have 2 such caring, professional people on hand to ensure that Mam was as comfortable as possible at this most difficult time. Apart from telling them both individually how grateful we were to have them, which seemed to so inadequately describe how we truly felt, I have no other way of letting them know how much of an impact they had on our lifes. So today, on Mothers Day I pay tribute to the invaluable work of the silent heroes, the night nurses, by donating to this amazing service in the hope that I may help in what small way I can. Know that you are forever in out thoughts and prayers and may God continue to grant you his grace and blessings for you to continue your vital work, the kindest of regards, Ann(Hannah) Hurley's Family.
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
24 March 2020

Interview with psychologist Paul D'Alton

We spoke to psychologist Paul D'Alton about ways people with cancer can cope with their worries during the coronavirus outbreak. You can listen to his helpful advice below.  Listen here
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posted by nomis
13 March 2020

Prostate cancer,treatment brackytherapy, is my immune system down regarding Ovid 19

Last reply: 16 March 2020 19:18
Covid19,prostate cancer,treatment brackytherapy, is my immune system dowm
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posted by aimcro12
13 March 2020

Post stem cell transplant for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia

Last reply: 16 March 2020 17:00
I'm 1.5 years post stem cell transplant after being treated for Acute Lymphoblastic leukaemia. Would I still be in the high risk for COVID-19?
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posted by Tamz
10 March 2020

Worrying about nothing?

Last reply: 16 March 2020 16:02
I had an MRI on my lower back which shows arthritis and the GP said they also mentioned some thickening of the lining of my womb. Ultrasound last year for a cyst showed everything was fine. My GP told me that this was nothing to panic about, there’s no tumors or anything this is something that just needs follow up and I may need a D&C. I looked back at my dates and noted I was ovulating around the time of the MRI. Regardless, I am In panic mode. Am I worrying for nothing??
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posted by May-Marie
11 March 2020


Last reply: 16 March 2020 16:00
Hi I am hoping to find out whether u get the results of your mammogram straight away or not -this will be my first one after a year long treatment for breast cancer
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posted by sarahq
06 March 2020

Preventative masectomy, looking for advice or info

Last reply: 10 March 2020 14:51
Hi All, I am a childhood cancer survivor. I had Hodgkins at 16 and am now 37, I have been screened with MRIs for breast cancer for the past 3 years. Last week I met with the family clinic and they recommended preventative double mastectomy. I have asked to keep being screened for 2 more years to get my head around it and to get fit for it. I'm looking for anyone who has been through this and any help they could give me regarding finding supports for the mental and physical journey. Thanks a million!
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posted by ash70
27 February 2020

Breast cancer

Last reply: 10 March 2020 11:52
Hi everyone, I've recently being diagnosed with breast cancer. Had an mri to rule any lumps anywhere else, however another small lump was found. So having a biopsy nxt monday on this. Its six weeks since I found the first lump myself. And four weeks since diagnoses, is there a possibility that this may spread before i get a lumpectomy? Panicking internally so as not to show my daughter and son.
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posted by bekyxo
29 February 2020

The hospital is taking over a year to diagnose my dad

Last reply: 10 March 2020 11:17
Hi all, Looking for some help or advise about my dad I'm so worried. He was in his gp doctors and hospital last year got bloods done and there was abnormalities in the PSA bloods he got done. He got called back to have more bloods done and the PSA was rising and then went for a physical examination and the doctor told him that it was 70% chance that its Prostate Cancer. He then told him that he would be screened for MRI and a Biopsy. Months and months no phone call or letter for an appointment that he was told would be soon. It's been over a year now and he has still not been seen for his Biopsy or MRI and I am so worried that hes going untreated this past year, he doesnt feel well(and he never says that unless he genuine feels unwell) and that the Tumour will be spreading. It makes me so angry and worried about it all as I love my Dad so much he is only 57 and I would like if he could be here with us for a long time but not sure will this happen. This is Waterford University Hospital that is doing this and forgetting about him somehow! Anyone that can help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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posted by dotgos
10 March 2020

Taxol and liver enzymes

Hi all I have had 6 cycles of taxol and my liver enzymes have risen to a very high level over last few weeks. I was told on Thursday that I would not be getting my taxol, just my herceptin was given. The nurse mentioned that I might need a liver ultrasound, which had sent me into a panic. I am for repeat bloods and hope to get a plan this week . Has anyone any experience with this kind of interruption to their weekly taxol, any advice welcome. Good luck to all receiving treatment, especially at this worrying time with corona virus, Thanks , Dotgos
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