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posted by anniembb
28 January 2020

Core Biopsy Cost

Last reply: 06 February 2020 15:45
Hi, would anyone know how much a core biopsy would be in Bon Secours in Cork or any other private hospital? Just worrying about work & money. Thanks
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posted by dotgos
14 January 2020

Taxol query

Last reply: 23 January 2020 01:22
Hello all, I met with consultant today to get my plan , I had originally thought I was going on AC first and then taxol, but am now going on taxol weekly for12 weeks with herceptin infusions every 3 weeks and then herceptin injections. Could anyone please give me any advice regarding the weekly taxol , and how doable it is. Thanks very much and good luck to all of you going through treatment.
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posted by Mac78
22 January 2020

Underarm tenderness

Hi I am 2 years post bilateral mastectomy for invasive ductal carcinoma in my left breast Her+ and am BRACA 2 positve. Had 3 lymph nodes removed with one testing positive. Had chemo and rads which caused capsular contracture in my left breast. My question is that I am experiencing pain and tenderness when I touch my arm close to my underarm. Do not remember hurting myself and it only hurts to touch but not move my arm. Have an appointment with oncologist on Friday but am just wondering has anyone had a similar experience tia
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posted by Geraldine 973
12 January 2020

Teachers and getting leave

Last reply: 21 January 2020 09:45
Hi My mum recently diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer. We want to bring her home once she's done with hospital. Has any other teacher been in this position of caring for a parent and what did you do about getting leave from work?
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posted by Lmullin
18 January 2020

Advise needed

Last reply: 20 January 2020 16:02
I had my first smear last August and in October the results came back that i had abnormalities and HPV positive. I was sent to have a colposcopy exam in December. I was asked questions and I expressed how I have pain in my pelvis and abnormal bleeding (bleeding and pain after sex). 2 biopsys were taken and I recieved the results on Monday that it is CIN 3 and I will need LLETS treatment. However, I expressed the pain in my pelvis is now constant and I really have concern that I can feel something in my pelvis/abdomin area. Also bleeding after intercourse is worsening. The colposcopy clinic told me to contact my gp. My gp done an internal exam and said my cervix was red and I had alot of tenderness in abdomin. She sent me to A&E department in the same hospital I had my colposcopy. They checked my urine and blood pressure and all was normal. The doctor then done a quick internal exam and said yes it was red but not actively bleeding so she wouldn't worry about it. I asked what I was going to do about the pain and she said go home and take paracetamol... I rang the colposcopy clinic the following day asking if I could be put on a cancelation list for LLETS procedure. I was told no and that my procedure would be sometime the end of March and that I would get a letter with date in due course. I rang my gp yesterday as pain is still there and I'm beginning to get very concerned. She is sending me for CT scan next week. I feel like no one is taking me seriously and I know my own body and I know there is something wrong. I am left waiting until March for my treatment and there is nothing I can do about it. Has anyone else been in this position where they feel lost and let down by the health care in Ireland? I have to pay privately for the CT scan but I don't know what else to do.
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posted by Sunflower1980
16 January 2020

Second opinion

Last reply: 20 January 2020 14:06
Hi, My father was diagnosed with lung cancer less then a month ago and we were told last week that nothing can be done. He's in good form, out walking, feeling great. He only went to an appointment for his thyroid last September and this happened. As a family we want a second opinion. We asked for his test results from the hospital and was told we need to go through the system under the freedom of information act. We asked our doctor but he doesn't want to "rock the boat" with the consultant. We dont know what to do or go to to get a second opinion. Can anyone help us, give some advise on how to go about getting a second opinion, please. Also can anyone recommend an excellent lung doctor in ireland. Any advise will be very much appreciated. Thank you
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posted by Derek.123
19 January 2020

Living with cancer

Last reply: 20 January 2020 11:35
Hi my name is Derek I am 58 years old I'm living with malignant melanoma and 3 brain tumors. 2 weeks before christmas I was having my first radio therapy and took a stroke the same Friday evening and didn't find out it was a stroke till the following Tuesday. Whole left side now paralyzed still living at home with home care help and my daughter Jayne and my wife olive. 4-6 months to live and very hard to live with. I was a cook for 31 years in the army. My last while has been tough great family support. Fighting cancer 17 years.
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posted by NB
12 January 2020

Biopsy Results ?

Last reply: 17 January 2020 16:40
Hi Had a biopsy in Beaumont on 19th December. They said it would take about 10. days?? I already had a scheduled appointment on 17th Jan with consultant. Would they have contacted me to come in earlier if the results were back and it was cancer or would they just leave it til my schedule appointment?? I know biopsy was over Christmas period so wondering if it would take longer for results to come back ??
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posted by dotgos
12 January 2020


Last reply: 13 January 2020 14:07
Hi can anyone let me know how and where to organise or order eyebrows , am starting cyclophosphamide in a week or so ?.or do I just pencil them in ? Thanks
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posted by Girlslikeme
02 January 2020

Starting Chemo

Last reply: 12 January 2020 10:27
Hi, I’m 4 weeks post surgery and while at the start we thought I had caught this very early. Now it appears my SN was positive and my cancer is Stage 1 grade 3. So now I must have chemo, what a kicker. I’m numb but know it is absolutely necessary. Is anyone else here on Taxol and Cyclophosphamide (TC)? I’m starting 1:4 x 4 cycles. Reading that hair loss can and has been permanent also it affects eye lashes and eye brows. This really scares me. Any advice, on this and or any other aspect of this chemo would be much appreciated . Btw my oncol nurse has only mentioned temp hair loss and referred to leaflets on wig choice/ suppliers . I’m in Munster so any experiences here would also greatly help ! Thanks x
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