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posted by spudburf
22 June 2015

Breast Cancer, a Sex life and the Estring!

Last reply: 02 December 2019 13:05
Hi all, I'm going to go out on a limb here and talk about something that a lot of people don't want to talk about - sex after cancer. I am thankfully after finishing my chemotherapy, mastectomy and reconstruction and the prognosis is good. My cancer is estrogen driven so I'm on tamoxifen. Prior to my cancer I had a very normal healthy sex life with my wonderful partner but now its non existent as I'm completely unresponsive and very tender! I have tried lots of things, i.e. replens, vitamin E etc but to no avail. Has anyone tried the Estring or Vagifem? I know they release small amounts of estrogen into the bloodstream - is it too risky?? This is a real problem as I feel far too young to be giving up a loving sex life and there must be others on this site with similar issues??
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posted by pintsizebaker
17 November 2019

Mood swings and panic attacks

Last reply: 28 November 2019 11:33
Hi I'm 31 and just diagnosed with breast cancer last week. I'm currently waiting on further test results to stage it, etc and I'm finding that I go from being positive and calm to angry to so anxious I end up having panic attacks. I mentioned this to my GP but she just brushed it off. I'm not sure how to deal with it and keep calm and I'm finding the waiting almost unbearable.
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posted by CCPT
15 November 2019

Sentinal Node Removal

Last reply: 26 November 2019 13:28
I had the Sentinal node removed last week and 8 days later noticed a lump around the incision. The day ward I went to don’t want to know, my GP doesn’t work outside of office hours and the cancer nurse is the same. Was told to go to a and e and be prepared to wait hours, I really don’t want to do this. Anyone had this, hoping it will go away! Getting a mastectomy in a couple of weeks so it’s only going to be opened again anyway. From what I can see everytime a cancer nurse replies to a question here they just tell you to call during office hours. Obviously my problem has occurred outside office hours, otherwise I’d go to my gp!
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posted by rum
21 November 2019

Failed reconstruction

Last reply: 26 November 2019 11:04
I had skin and nipple spared mastectomy and immediate implant based reconstruction. Unfortunately five weeks later I developed severe infection and had second operation. My nipple was removed and the original implant replaced with smaller. Now I have shapeless small breast without a nipple, real nightmare! I am a freak and cannot look at my body without crying. I cover my mutilated breast with a patch. I have no life, just existence. I am very depressed and my only hope is to have successful reconstruction but I have to wait for that few long months. I have seen pictures of beautifully reconstructed breasts which make me more depressed. I have no idea how long it will take to have new reconstruction as it is not considered urgent. I had appointment to see the surgeon but it was cancelled and I still don’t have it rescheduled. I’m exploring different options and have few questions: 1. If any of you have had reconstructive surgery abroad and is it paid by HSE or VHI for the EU countries? 2. If any of you had failed reconstruction and what further options for surgery you were offered? What is the result of the second reconstruction? 3. How long does it take to have new reconstruction after failed reconstruction? I want to make right choice just to be able to have any life again. Thanks,
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posted by Dee-Dee 4
23 November 2019

Multiple papillomatosis of Breast

Last reply: 26 November 2019 10:42
I am wondering has anyone heard or had experience with this breast condition?
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posted by Galwayauldwan
25 November 2019

The Terror of waiting

Last reply: 26 November 2019 10:09
Hi all , I hope its OK to post here. My Hubby is 59 and last Thursday he had a scope procedure, they discovered a lump in his oesophagus. A biopsy was taken and a CT TAP scan was completed on Friday. So its Monday we are both in work in respective jobs . He was OK over the weekend -saying we dont know what it is ect. I am absolutely terrified - I have not told him this- I cant i need to be strong for him and our 2 sons (both grown up) So I'm posting here just so i can get it out. I have worked with Medical devices for years including esophageal stents so i probably have seen too much. so we wait. But I dont know how to wait without cracking up :( .
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posted by Waterford19
18 November 2019

Appointment times indicate results?

Last reply: 25 November 2019 22:02
Hi there. I know this might sound silly but I'm just interested in what times people got for their biopsy results and what the outcome was. I was given a number to call last week and when I called I was told they were just discussing my case in a multidisciplinary meeting and I'd get an appointment to meet with the consultant this week. I got my letter today and I've been given a 3pm appointment. I'm wondering if it's bad news as the hospital would be quieter at that time. I'm a nervous wreck. Thanks x
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posted by Tired mama
21 November 2019

Should I be worried?

Last reply: 25 November 2019 09:23
I had my smear done 2 weeks ago. It was my 1st back with gp I'd had my last 2 in colposcopy clinic in tallaght. The nurse went through usual questions & I answered yes to pelvic pain & sometimes bleeding after sex. So she said see the gp. I had an appointment with gp anyway for last week so I mentioned it to her. She checked my cervix & said she could see a red spot that "She didn't like the look of" & wanted to refer me back to tallaght. I wasn't particularly concerned, things were fine last time. The doc had simply cortised an area & that was that. I was surprised to hear from tallaght a few working days later. The lady said my gp is "very concerned" about my cervix & can I come in on Monday.. what struck me was she sounded worried/ sense of urgency about her.. I felt calmer than she sounded! Unfortunately I can't go this Monday so it'll be another week. Should I be worried? Is the fact that I've attended the colposcopy clinic before but still have syptoms a bad sign? I might add I have fibromyalgia so have a weakened immune system. Mam had a hysterctomy when she was a year older than I am now (I'm 43) because of fibroids. Anyone else been through something similar? Thanks
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posted by Sunflowers07
12 July 2019

my dad got disgnosed today

Last reply: 22 November 2019 23:30
Hi, just looking to chat to any people going through this at the moment. My dad has just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He is 73 and in good health apart from this. He had a biopsy in April. He is 7 on the Gleason scale. Apologies if Ive spelt that wrong. He has been given the option of radiotherapy and or surgery. He told me this morning if he had radiotherapy first, he cannot have the operation. Is this right ? For those who have gone though this, what were the side effects. Thankyou all for reading. Much appreciated.
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posted by Colwal33
12 November 2019

Mammogram results different to last years results

Last reply: 15 November 2019 19:41
Hi all. I'm just wondering could anyone reassure me here. I had a mammogram Sat and got told yesterday i need another mammogram as the image of my left breast looks different this year than last year image. They are telling me it's due to using 2 different machines last year and this year. But I'm so afraid. I've already had cancer in that breast 3 years ago and had all treatment. Anyone have any reassurance to offer please x
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