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29 April 2019

Holiday after lumpectomy

Last reply: 20 May 2019 16:47
Hi there, looking for some advice please? I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on April 8th last. Unfortunately didn’t get clear margins so am booked in for a 2nd op on May 13th. Thankfully nodes all clear so no more surgery needed on lymph nodes. My partner and I are booked to fly for a week to Lanzarote on the 25th May (holiday was booked months ago before my diagnosis) surgeon reckons I’ll be okay to travel and could do with the break before I start into radiotherapy. Has anyone else travelled that soon after a lumpectomy (12 days)? Would welcome any advice? Also any suggestions on travel insurers who will cover mid treatment? Unfortunately my annual travel insurance policy which I took out in May 2018 expires the day we are due to fly out!
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posted by mkmk15
02 May 2019


Last reply: 20 May 2019 16:22
hi there, my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer and prescribed Decapeptyl. For his first injection, he was given Casodex for 10 days before the injection and for 10 days after it. We are now 2 months since the injection. From the beginning he has experienced pain and stiffness which im told is a common side effect. But 2 months in, the waves of pain & stiffness are increasing in their occurrence and painkillers are of no use. Thes pains could then disappear after 3 days and hes fine again until another bout. Has anyone experienced this? He has also started suffering from hot flushes. Has anyone come across a safe remedy which may relieve any of the symptoms? Thank you in advance for any help or advice
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posted by Romybriem
14 March 2019


Last reply: 18 May 2019 03:28
I'm finding it hard to cope with my husband's cancer. I'm depressed and feel isolated. Also feel guilty for not coping better
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posted by BohsMan
10 November 2015

Post Prostatectomy - Erectile Dysfunction

Last reply: 06 May 2019 23:58
I had my prostate removed coming up to 2 years ago, due to Prostate Cancer. Luckily the cancer was contained within the prostate and I got the all clear soon after, so feel that I am lucky from that respect. My consultant did say that they were able to spare one set of nerves, and was confident that I would regain erectile functionality. We tried various drugs and penile injections, with varying degrees of success and failure. I now use a pump and can get a very good erection with it. I am losing hope of ever being able to get a natural erection, after 2 years. Is there anyone else out there who is having similar experiences, or better results. There is very very little discussion about this aspect of Prostate Cancer. Granted i'm alive and well, had no chemotherapy or radiation treatment and as i said, count myself very lucky. Look forward to hearing from someone on this topic. Cheers
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posted by Triona34
05 April 2019

12 week wait for symthomathic breast clinic

Last reply: 03 May 2019 14:12
Hi all, I found a large marble size lump over a week ago, attended my GP on the day who made the referral while I was with her. She said she placed it as an urgent referral and since then I have being going slightly crazy with worry. I can’t concentrate on work or anything really ... I havnt told any family as I don’t want to worry them. Attended the GP again yesterday as the anxiety is overbearing I havnt been sleeping which I think is adding to my slight craziness. So GP contacted the clinic to no avail and this morning I received a letter saying I will be called within 12 weeks I’m at a loss and have no idea what to do .... I was hoping 2 weeks and due to my age I was thinking maybe within 6 at most. A 3 month wait just seems unbearable has anyone else had this experience or paid to go to a private appointment .... I can ask friends and family for some money but not hundreds
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posted by KD
27 April 2019


Last reply: 03 May 2019 14:11
I have advanced bowel cancer. I notice online that there aren't as many posts although it's very common. I am only 42 and a mother of 4 who always ate well and excercised. I have a braf mutation which is aggressive and patches moved to my liver, intestine and one lymph gland. Only symptoms where when liver began to hurt as my bowel tumour was very narrow. Chemo has rid cancer on the gland but is proving resistant elsewhere so I'm now on Cetuximab still and tablet chemo. It would be good if there were more post out there so I added mine.
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posted by Maverick Joey
27 April 2019

Lump on skin of prostate

Last reply: 03 May 2019 13:48
Hi, Before I talk to my problem. I am a 23 years old. I just noticed it today that i have a lump on my testicle. . I mean the outside skin of the testicle. It hurts a little when I touch it. I believe this would be just a normal pimple but I am just worried.The colour of is red not too red just like a pimple red Also, I have this little red ones when it touches it hurts but it did not form any lump on my pelvis where the above of my private parts and the pubic area. Lets be clear that I do not have any symptoms and I have just found it today. I checked my gland on neck but it did not grow or anything. I am still looking for personal consultation but I just want to have advice on this problem. I hope you could help me. Thank you for the time. Regards, A.
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posted by Kildaregirl
27 April 2019

Found a lump, now what?

Last reply: 03 May 2019 11:25
Hi all, I found a lump last night in my left breast, what now, just wait to see gp on Monday? Is there anything else I can do? Feeling so flustered, I haven't told my husband cause I don't want to freak him out.
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posted by Glenn1
23 November 2018

Robotic Surgery

Last reply: 02 May 2019 17:45
Eleven days since my Robotic Prostrate Surgery...what do I expect ???
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posted by cwitch
11 March 2014

Quit Campaign

Last reply: 23 April 2019 09:48
Gerry Collins' advert on the Quit campaign is very powerful. I hope people take heed and try to quit & get family & friends to do the same. RIP Gerry.
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