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posted by lorr
08 January 2019

Biopsy Sample

Last reply: 23 January 2019 11:56
I have recently requested a paper review including a review of my biopsy following a diagnosis of a primary adenocarcinoma in my bladder. Hospital in Boston is carrying out review but are having difficulties with Beaumont Hospital releasing the biopsy as Beaumont say this is not normal. Does anyone know if I have a right in insisting on Beaumont releasing my biopsy as this is essential for the full review of my case?
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posted by Justy
28 November 2013

follicular non Hodgkin's lymphoma

Last reply: 09 January 2019 20:54
Hello, I'm new here and wanted to say hi. I got diagnosed with follicular non hodgkins lymphoma in September 2013. I'm a 34year old female. The diagnosis felt like a slap on my face . I'm worried of course. I have so many questions (Google is not helpful. It scares me) Is there anybody else here with the same cancer who would like to talk? Take care, Justy.
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posted by Imlost2019
05 January 2019

Mam has six months multiple myeloma

Last reply: 07 January 2019 11:55
Its 1.20am, ten hours since my mams consultant rang me to say that her multiple myeloma is aggressive and not responding to the treatment. She was diagnosed two years ago, had stem cell transplant and rounds of chemo but only got 11 months approx before it came back. i have one sibling, im 40 years old and i am devastated. My husband is asleep beside me right now, my four children ( under ten) are asleep. Im here frozen since i got the call. My dad doesnt know only myself and my brother. Ive one friend in my lofe who lives 3 hours away and my mother was and is my best friend. I can breathe, i cant move. Her ldh is over 700 and six months is the max she will get.
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posted by Rebel
04 December 2018

Triple Negative BC

Last reply: 23 December 2018 22:31
Hi folks I have recently been diagnosed with stage 2 TNBC. I have had a mastectomy and am due to start chemo in early January. I’m absolutely terrified as when I google TNBC it’s so negative. I don’t know anyone who has had TNBC so any help or advice would be really appreciated
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posted by setty58
20 December 2018

Cannabis as an Alternative Medicine

have you ever tried Cannabis as alternative medicine? I have a sleeping disorder that I can't sleep 2 nights straight. I tried to use a mask but I felt drowning but my friend told me to try cannabis and finally, I can sleep 6 hrs straight now. and I came across this article and I learned a lot of information to grow,
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posted by sophytc
06 December 2018

erratic thermometer

Last reply: 10 December 2018 10:25
I badly need some advice. I'm in the middle of chemo for breast cancer and have to monitor my temperature for signs of infection. I was advised to buy a Braun ear thermometer and it's driving me insane. The readings are wildly erratic. At one stage it read 39.1 in one ear and 36.9 in the other - which can be the diference bewteen a rush to hospital and not having to worry (my digtal oral thermometer gave a reading of 37.4). The same ear can vary hugely within seconds. I've just come out of hospital after 5 days of febilre neutropenia. My temperature was reading normal every time they took it in the hospital but as soon as I was home, my thermometer decided I was 38.4. Has anyone else had this problem? (Some on line reviews would suggest I'm not the only one) Can someone recommend a reliable ear thermomter?
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posted by Angie
02 December 2018

Neck cancer

Last reply: 06 December 2018 12:12
Hi had neck cancer consisting of tumour on voice box in November 2017 was brought to Galway and a trachy was put in place because tumour was blocking air way....the MRI an the CT were done an also cancer on tongue...I was in no pain an felt healthy Was in hospital November right threw till February....had 36 Radium and 1 large chemotherapy session Home in February felt fine didn't need any medication for pain doing daily chores etc out driving around Then the follow up scans started in April which showed that treatments did not work More scans an biopsy done in Galway till August 2018 showing cancer still on voice box Referee to start James in Dublin where in September there was a clinic an in October there followed more scans and it just shows the voice box and some glands having happy enough to do a lyranectomy but before the surgery he decides to do a final biopsy .......which revealed the cancer in tongue an osepagus the lyrnx an pharynx plus the voice box and the glands surgery out of question at this stage as I would end up worse than I Ammar the moment......which is by the way still no pain an just have the trachy.....still able to function as normal Just waiting around now for idea of next step........please anyone reading this don't put off a sore throat as flu or cold get it seen by a ENT doctor straight away if it last more than 2 days
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posted by Kenzie
25 May 2018


Last reply: 06 December 2018 09:25
Today I received the most terrifying news that I have breast cancer. I'm 47. I can't remember most of what I was told because my mind went into this numb state. Something about triple negative and invasive but small in size. I am freaking out. I'm terrified I'm going to die and leave my son who's 7 without me. Hubby is very supportive but his positivity is upsetting in a weird way. He wants me to be normal until we know more but I want to scream and cry. I'm pathetic I know. Has anyone felt like me?
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posted by Pinkthings
24 November 2018


Last reply: 27 November 2018 14:22
My Mother in law has recently found out she has sclc. My concern is her home, its mouldy damp and has 20 years of dust build up. She is currently in hospital with pneumonia. I fear the dust etc will cause her to become ill again. Do we treat this the same way we would treat an asthmatic? I also fear her care when she comes home from hospital. Can anyone give me some advice?
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
27 November 2018

Share your lung cancer experience

If you have been affected by lung cancer and are comfortable sharing your story, let us know.We need people to tell their stories about cancer to help us raise awareness in newspapers, radio, social media, and other places.Learn about becoming a media volunteer by contacting us today:
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