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posted by Dolly
23 July 2018

Suspicious calcifications a year after mastectomy

Not sure about the dcis, that sometimes is missed if no calcifications are present I believe. I had a 2.5cm tumour with nearly 6cm of calcifications and had to have a mastectomy on my left side last July. I went back for my annual mammogram two weeks ago and was recalled for a suspicious cluster of calcifications. I had another biopsy today. The odd thing is that I was told today that the cluster wasn't presenting itself on the mammogram and the calcifications were scattered but they biopsied the exact spot I was told the cluster was. They also said the calcifications were on my mammogram last year and hadn't changed much in appearance. I asked why on earth they hadn't been checked out last year and got some nonsense reply. I'm not quite sure what to believe.
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posted by Worrybug
17 July 2018

Going for biopsy tomorrow, very nervous

Last reply: 18 July 2018 14:36
Hello everyone, I'm going for my first biopsy tomorrow morning and and pretty scared. I found a "lump" in both breasts only two weeks ago. My doctor found one area of thickened breast tissue in my right breast, and three In my left. My doctor was obviously concerned, so sent me to the breast clinic asap. I'm worried, as I get rib pain, on my left side, and also feel some aches in my bones. I'm panicking, as the areas of thickening are quite large, to feel at least, and my left breast causes me quite a lot of pain. Not all the time, but last night, I found it hard to sleep with the pain, and it hurts when hugging or even just sitting/lying down (again, not around the clock). Should I be concerned about this? Or are all these symptoms unconnected? I'm 36, no known history of breast cancer in my family (as of yet). I think this thickened tissue could have been there for some time, as I've recently lost weight.. about two stone since March (my mom passed away in early March). Another symptom I'm having is that my hands and feet go numb, very easily.. again, I'm not sure if any of these things are connected or not, but i may as well document them here, so I can refer to them. Any advice or support welcome. Thanks.
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posted by fridgemagnet
13 July 2018

Dealing with the authorities after death of my wife.

Last reply: 18 July 2018 12:31
I'm depressed after the death of my wife from lung cancer. She survived the cancer, but never recovered from the treatment, and was bedridden for a couple of years, before dying. We were separated, she living in the UK, me in Ireland. Helping her out, and, in the end, burying her, was difficult, as the Irish part of my pension (I'm 70) is non-contributory, so I am allowed only 2 weeks a year out of the country. I have exceeded this allowance, and am now up for a pension review. To make matters more wearing, my youngest daughter (27 yrs) is mentally ill, and very difficult, and now needs my help, but I am already over my allowed 2 weeks. My question is - is there any organisation that can help me with the relevant authorities?
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posted by desperately se…
13 July 2018

After chemo where now?

My husband Tom (28) was diagnosed with Colon cancer in Jan this year. Thankfully the lymph nodes were clear despite initial fears as they were inflamed. Cancer was labelled 2B. It was a T4 tumour. The cells were moderate to poorly differentiated which are not the best kind. 6 months of Chemo is finishing soon. I am terrifed and unsure how to proceed. Tom's oncologist does not fill me with great confidence as we haven't seen him since January and there are some other worrying aspects of the care that bother me. I would appreciate any advice. What should happen at the end of chemo? I only know about the colonoscopy and the CT scan. Is there any blood test that can be done regularly or other things we can do to stay alert to cell changes. He tested negatively for lynch syndrome.
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posted by Rufus
30 June 2018

How do you actually GET a diagnosis? I'm stonewalled !

Last reply: 02 July 2018 13:46
Have symptoms whch could indicate several types of cancer. Co-operative GP (a Godsend !) referrem to an Oncologist, who apparently will not see me UNLESS I have already BEEN diagnosed with cancer - so WHERE do we go from here? I am being pushed around in circles. Is there a moratorium or numerial limit on cabcer diagnoses in Ireland; an age limit, restrictions because of where you live, what type you've got or whatever?
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posted by bebrave
22 June 2018

Waiting times between referral and triple assessment

Was referred urgently for triple assessment to the Mater. Was supposed to be seen within 2 weeks, got an appointment for 4 weeks. I phoned Beaumont, and managed to get an appointment for next week, one week after been seen. I would advise others to get a copy of your referral, and phone around other hospitals to see if you can be seen earlier.
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posted by Nikaa2018
19 June 2018

Pea Sized Lump in Armpit

Last reply: 21 June 2018 13:48
Hi ,I am 23 I just wanted to know if anyone has experienced something similar. And Google is a bad option as it has increased my worry. So about six months ago I have discovered a small hard painless lump the size of let’s say those tiny plastic balls that are stuffed in kids toys ( I couldn’t think of anything else) to now growing to be about pea sized with another larger lump attached to it ( the larger lump is let’s say the size of a 5c coin) . They are both hard , and when I touch it I can move it just a little bit but when I realease them they go back in the the same spot in my right armpit. No Pain at all even if I touch it. Two days ago I got a full pain that went from where the lump is and carried through my whole arm for a short while , but this could be just my mind playing tricks. I don’t know. If any of you ladies has experienced something similar , I would really appreciate you posting your story as I don’t know whether i should worry or not.
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posted by olive75
09 June 2018

oncotype results

Last reply: 11 June 2018 13:29
hi . first time using this . diagnosed with stage 2 grade 3 breast cancer last month . age 42 . have had lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy . didn't get clear margins so had second surgery. sentinel node clear . original tumour was 2.5cm grade 3 . my oncotype results are back but I've been told oncologist gone on hols and won't see me until June 19th . is there any one else that can even give me recurrence score ? I'm going out of my mind waiting .
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posted by Flowers
15 May 2018

Capsular Contracture

Last reply: 11 June 2018 09:38
Hi, just wondering if anyone has had their breast implant removed altogether and not replaced due to Capsular Contracture.
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posted by fionat
18 May 2018

Going abroad to treatment

Last reply: 31 May 2018 16:29
My dad has just been diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer, I have been reading a lot about proton treatment etc and some good things about Germany for treatment. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience of this and any recommendations. Thanks in advance
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