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posted by Kk
22 January 2018


Last reply: 01 February 2018 09:51
Hi ladies still can't believe I'm here I'm 36 had lumpectomy last week all results came back clear nodes and surround don't know if that's the right word but ye know what I mean. Am now waiting on results of a test to see if i need chemo it has been sent to America any one had this done really scared at the thought of chemo knew i would have the radiotherphy but the thought of chemo really scares me. Would love any feedback x
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posted by Sarah O'Callaghan
05 January 2018

Glioblastoma diagnosis

Last reply: 08 January 2018 10:52
My husband has recently been diagnosed with an in operable and incurable glioblastoma brain tumor. Since his diagnosis his depression has gotten worse, I am caring for him on my own. We have no family in Ireland they are all back in the UK. I'm struggling to get the support I need my own health as decided to fail me with tonsillitis and laryngitis. He doesn't see me as some one looking out for his best interests he's had a number of incontinence issues of the last few days and gets very aggressive when i try to clean him i have no home help or carers sorted at this point they told me that they have people on there books who have been waiting since November. when I broke down and asked what am I supposed to do, there reply was 'i don't know'. I desperately need help I feel like I'm sinking. I just need someone to talk to. My husband was diagnosed on the 21st of December. But since the summer he's been segregating us from our friends. I have no one to turn to and no one to talk to. I know this may seem selfish of me thinking of my own needs and wants but I'm still only human and I do everything I can for him. Why can't I get the help I need for me. Please be honest and tell me if I'm being selfish. I understand this is hard for him I really do. I watch my caring, kind loving husband disappear and a man I don't know take his place. I know it's hard for him to come to terms with this as well. I'm only 27 and the last year has gone from great to out right cruel. I'm not sure how to handle this. I feel like I'm losing my own identity. Sarah.
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posted by bgtpur
20 December 2017

chemo waiting times

Last reply: 21 December 2017 16:50
Hello, I wanted to know what are the waiting times for chemo, my dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer, stage 3, Oct 31st he hasn't received any chemo , today Dec 21st he had his first information session and it looks like he won't receive chemo until mid January so was wondering if this is normal? Thanks, Bridget
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posted by Elda
15 December 2017

Kras testing

Last reply: 19 December 2017 09:55
Can anyone tell me if they test ur tumor for leas before begining treatment??? I'm due, to start chemo radiation after x mas I'm female 47 single parent of 3 boys 6/8/12 in cork,,,, low tumor, 2.5/3 cm T3 N2 M0 inside the anal verge so as u can imagine I'm anxious that this treatment works, so I can b reconnected afterwards
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posted by happy39
23 November 2017

Take Zinc with Tamoxifen

Last reply: 27 November 2017 09:58
Hi, I have tinnitus for the last 6 months and I was told by a person who had tinnitus that zinc cleared hers. But I have heard since that it is not safe to take zinc with tamoxifen, that it affects the benefit of tamoxifen and that breast cancer patients should not take it. Anyone know if this is true
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posted by AndiRib
19 November 2017

LD flap reconstruction

Last reply: 21 November 2017 20:57
Hi, I am new to this forum. I am 40 year old Dublin lady. Married with two kids (8 & 9). I was diagnosed with stage I breast cancer on the 13th Oct. I just have it in my left breast. I have had a unsuccessful lumpectomy. I agreed with the doc to have the masectomy if the lumpectomy did not remove enough and the margin was not good, which it was not. The doc routinely does reconstruction surgery with the LD flap method in the same surgery as the masectomy. Has anoyone on here had the same done at te same time? I am trying to do some research before I meet back with doc on Thursday. Surgery is planned for the week after. Never thought I would be dealing with this, no history in my family, no other symptoms except the (large) lump in my left breast. Chemo, radiation and hormone therapy are all planned too. Thanks for reading.
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posted by Squirrel
14 November 2017

Family getting screened

Last reply: 21 November 2017 14:31
Hi all just wondering is there free screening for sons of father who has colon cancer?
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posted by RoseToo
06 November 2017

THE PORT. Thoughts?

Last reply: 09 November 2017 12:24
Dear all, I am a recently diagnosed new mum in my thirties currently undergoing chemo for stage 3. Chemo not going too well and my arm feels like its going to cease working. Can anyone recommend or make any comment about the port? My only concern with it is infection and discomfort with it at night / in bed. Sleep seems precious enough these days. Id really appreciate any feedback as it seems to be the obvious option with this arm pain / vein irritation. Thank you. :)
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posted by JenDoyle
28 October 2017

Nausea after a breast biopsy

I had an MRI biopsy yesterday. I had one done about a year ago and I was just very sore after it and thankfully the results were good. Apart from being worried about results this time round and being very sore, I have actually been feeling very nausea all day. I’ve been drinking plenty of water and sucking mints to try and ease it but it’s not helping. Has anybody ever had this happen after a biopsy.
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posted by Linbin
09 October 2017


Last reply: 09 October 2017 13:32
Hi everyone, first time poster here! I found a lump in my breast 10 days ago, saw my GP 1 week ago who sent off the referral to the Breast clinic in Waterford. Does anyone know how long I'll be waiting to see someone? I apologise if I'm asking this in the wrong place. Thanks xxx
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