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posted by A1986
02 September 2017

Hodgkins Lymphoma

Last reply: 04 October 2017 09:54
I was diagnosed with HL just about 2 months ago and going through chemotherapy now , also have been prescribed Neulasta injections now and the side effects are just horrible . Was wondering has anybody else had that ? The nurses are saying it should ease after first couple of days but it just gets worse then ...
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posted by Needsupport
12 September 2017

Inoperable Pancreatic Options

Last reply: 04 October 2017 09:48
Hi, my mother has just been diagnosed with inoperable pancreatic cancer. The good news is that is has not spread, however, it is wrapped around vessels. If there is anyone out there that can point me in the direction of some options I will be forever grateful. Thanks in advance
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posted by Vonmcdonald
28 May 2017

SCLC - what's going to happen

Last reply: 02 October 2017 23:57
My husband was diagnosed with SCLC in November 2016. We were in shock, he went from playing golf on November 22 to getting a diagnosis of advanced lung cancer on November 25th. This was quickly followed by hospitalization on December 11 with pain and dehydration,(lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks). Started chemo, cisplatin and etopiside on December 19, and has had six chemo, ten chest radiation and four whole brain preventative radiation which was finished May 5. He has been hospitalized since May 2 with infections and pneumonia, hes still in as the temp is still going up ....we were shocked, we had this vision that he would be resting at home in May, not sick in the hospital.. We are shattered, and worried, as if this is what is going to happen then how will he survive if he needs additional chemo after the next scans? I'd love to connect with someone who is. going through SCLC, I don't what to expect and I'm worried about his care.
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posted by Sylvau
23 September 2017

Very worried

Last reply: 25 September 2017 11:43
Hi, about a year ago I noticed a red patch/rash on my breast, it was close to the nipple area and about 2 inches wide ,but spreads around the nipple area After showering it would be very pinkish/red ,whine cold it's more purplish. Then a few months ago I noticed a slight dimple under my breast, very small but visible, I decide to be brace and see the doc, he did see the redness but not the dimple ,but he referred me to the symptomatic clinic, unfortunately I think the letter got lost in post because 2 months on I hadn't been called so I said it to my dr, he gave me a copy of the referral letter to post , I was called within a week. The dr at the coinic seen the redness and dimpling and sent me for a mammo and an ultrasound, the mammo was clear and during the ultrasound the dr pointed out the was some kind of infection as it was showing on the ultrasound , he said it was more likely to be a shin infection than a breast infection, nothing else showed up, I was asked to return in 4 weeks which I did yesterday, the dr literally look at the problem breast and acknowledged the slight redness( it varies in colour dept depending on conditions,e.g. Hot cold ) he also acknoledged the slight dimpleing . But he couldn't feel any lumps so he sent me on my way, now I'm still worried, I had read up about inflammatory breast cancer and it's very hard to diagnose, and sometime doesn't show on ultrasound and mammos .i am so worried that it has me missed.i have quite large breasts and I have noticed the affected one dose on occasion seem to get bigger ,also the rash doesn't disappear j,if it showed on an ultrasound dose that not imply there is something there ? What should I do? I haven't been told what the rash could be ,I'm 43 and I'm really worried something might have been missed.please advise
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posted by alexperezromia
14 September 2017

Questions Ovarian Cancer

Last reply: 14 September 2017 16:50
Hi since the last month, my wife has been feeling symptoms similar to the Ovarian Cancer described on the website, we went to the GP and got a referral for a Gynecologist, after this the doctor indicate she has cystocele and the bladder is prolapsing a bit, and small cyst on the ovary and he recommended to start with some exercises in the mean time we get an appointment for the Physio, for the Cyst he recommended an contraceptive pill. however she's been feeling very worried due she has the symptoms very similar to this cancer. do you have a recommendation of what to do?, currently we are planning to go to another doctor and explain our case, and request for the blood test CA-125. Thank you very much!
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posted by LymphomaSoph
14 September 2017

Belfast lymphoma conference 4 November

The Lymphoma Association is bringing the latest in our regional series of ‘Know Your Lymphoma’ conferences to Belfast in November. This conference will give you a great opportunity to hear the latest on lymphoma from regional lymphoma experts and ask them questions to learn more about your diagnosis. Sessions include: What is lymphoma? Breakout sessions: Choice of high grade lymphoma or low grade lymphoma The psychological impact of a lymphoma diagnosis Diet and nutrition Patient experience The role of exercise after a lymphoma diagnosis Ongoing follow up, getting the best from your review appointments New and future treatments for lymphoma Clinical trials for lymphoma Ask the expert panel: question and answer session with speaker faculty Feedback from previous 'Know Your Lymphoma' conferences: • Interesting and informative knowledge about the intricate aspects of lymphoma, it’s all quite amazing and mind boggling. • Having never been to one of these conferences before, I am pleased to say that I have found this one to be very enjoyable and useful to me. • A very worthwhile use of a days’ time! • This helped me to understand my illness far more than I did when I was diagnosed. I wish I went to something like this sooner. The webpage for the conference is and the number for the conference team is 01296 619 412 if anyone wanted to find out more or book.
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posted by spudburf
02 April 2015

DIEP Flap Reconstruction

Last reply: 07 September 2017 15:06
Hi there, just looking for confirmation that all is normal after my surgery!!! I am 2 weeks after a DIEP Flap reconstruction on my left breast - is it normal to be very swollen?? I'm home now but just about walking around a little as my tummy is very tight and that appears to be where all the pain is. All drains have been removed and I've been back to the dressing clinic already and am going again tomorrow. My PS seems to be happy enough but he may have to do a small procedure where some of the blood vessels didn't take but that will be in a few weeks time. My breast looks double the size of my normal breast and I'm just wondering if that is normal? Or am I being very impatient!
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posted by happy39
16 August 2017

Nipple Tatoo

Last reply: 23 August 2017 14:02
Hi everyone, I am just at the final hurdle and will be getting my nipple reconstructed in the next couple of months, via the cut and twist method. I am just wondering did anyone then go to a tattooist for your tattoo or did you get it done in the hospital by a nurse. I have seen some realistic tattoos from tattooists and some say the hospital ones fade quickly but salon ones won't, just don't know what to do. Any advice please or pics Thanks in advance
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posted by Galway123
06 August 2017

Breast cancer and diagnostic scans

Last reply: 08 August 2017 11:39
I had my lumpectomy early June17 for triple negative breast cancer and have a date to start my chemo next week. I have VHI cover so opted to use this cover for various reasons. I am now told by the hospital secretary that I need to have scan or scans prior to treatment, but as I am unfortunately insured with VHI they will not cover this part of my treatment. I am feeling so stressed at the moment. Has anyone had this experience and how many scans might be required? I believe the cost per scan is in the region of 500euro. Can I have scans as a public patient and the chemo through VHI? or does this not work? The Breast check and surgery was done at UCHG and I met my oncologist there also. Galway123
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posted by deleanbh
26 October 2016

Wish I wasn't here but I am so here goes...!

Last reply: 07 August 2017 20:13
Hi there! I was diagnosed with stage lll invasive lobular carcinoma in my right breast back in April of this year so I had my unilateral mastectomy the day before my fortieth birthday in May (how memorable). I'll be finished my chemotherapy next week and radiotherapy will take me up to the start of December. I'll then begin five years of hormone treatment and the rigorous screening programme for the dreaded "return". So I'm very much in the middle of treatment and feeling the challenge of this journey with cancer. I'm Irish but live in Spain since 2012 and since being diagnosed, I have really felt the "loss" of my country and my people, which is one of the reasons I like reading the threads on this online community. Having cancer is a lonely enough place to be because I find most of the general population just don't realise what you're going through but missing the connectivity with my own Irish kin seems to have compounded that loneliness. In saying that my family have been a great support, and I have been accompanied for almost all my journey so I'm really not complaining. Anyway as a way to cope, I started writing a blog, which has been a life-line for me and I wanted to share it here, if by any chance, it could be of support to anyone else, on this journey with me. You can find it at: It's a cumbersome address, I know, but I'm not too savvy when it comes to techy stuff. I made a mistake when setting it up and must find a way to change it soon. Well I wish you all well and I hope to meet you on various threads. Déleanbh
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