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posted by Tioman
06 February 2017

Bolus Radiation

Hi, I had a mastectomy and auxiliary clearance and am due to start radiation shortly. As I was initially diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer I will be having bolus radiation too. Its a rubber mesh like material that is placed on your skin to give an intensive dose to the skin when the skin has been compromised. I am just wondering if anyone out there had this done as part of their radiation therapy??..and how did you get on with it as I'm a bit worried about it and have been unable to speak to anyone who has has first hand experience of it. Many thanks, Tioman
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posted by bchubby
03 February 2017

Post biopsy & diagnosis distress

Hi, Asking on behalf of my wife, who is strong and wonderful, but struggling with some aspects of this new world we have been thrown into. Has anyone any experience of distress when showering/bathing after a breast biopsy & diagnosis. Biopsy was two weeks ago and we now have a confirmed diagnosis. Managed to get one set of steristrips off last night but it is very distressing and upsetting and every time we are showering th emotional aspect of things is very difficult for her. Anything we can do? Or try? This seems like an amazing forum full of strong, inspirational people.
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posted by bchubby
03 February 2017

Post biopsy & diagnosis distress

Hi, Asking on behalf of my wife, who is strong and wonderful, but struggling with some aspects of this new world we have been thrown into. Has anyone any experience of distress when showering/bathing after a breast biopsy & diagnosis. Biopsy was two weeks ago and we now have a confirmed diagnosis. Managed to get one set of steristrips off last night but it is very distressing and upsetting and every time we are showering th emotional aspect of things is very difficult for her. Anything we can do? Or try? This seems like an amazing forum full of strong, inspirational people.
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posted by Sparklejars
25 January 2017

Hysterectomy at 93

Last reply: 26 January 2017 16:29
Hi, We are currently having trouble deciding whether my 93 year old Granny should go ahead with a Hysterectomy. We are waiting on her doctor to have an interdisciplinary meeting to discuss the best course of action. She initially suggested we go ahead but did state that she hadn't performed this surgery on a woman of her age before. My mum and I thought it might be helpful to try and get some insight from others who may have been in the same situation. Has anyone else had experience like this? I understand no one can make the decision for us, but my Granny is really relying on my Mum's input. I don't expect anyone to push us either way but would really appreciate any advice or shared experiences. My granny was always in great health and only started slowing down in her 80's. We have already been discussing moving into a home before this diagnosis. We are just worried that she will never fully recover from the surgery, and it’s so hard to compare that to doing nothing, having already agreed that she is not strong enough for chemo. I would really appreciate any help at all, Thank you for reading.
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posted by Anne Marie
03 January 2017

Can node negative BC spread

Last reply: 16 January 2017 11:34
Ive had her+ node negative bc twice 2012 and 2014 lumpectomy and rads then mastectomy and chemo 2nd time. Ive had prophylactic mastectomy and oophorectomy. I take Letrozole. My back aches on 1 side and my joints are sore. Im wondering has anyone had this diagnosis and treatment and still developed secondaries?
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posted by Lorri46
10 January 2017

Nipple reconstruction

Last reply: 11 January 2017 11:38
Hi there, I've had dcis and Paget's disease of breast had my nipple removed and 3 cm of dcis in October and 2nd operation for clear margins in November. I'm currently having 20sessions of radiation feeling very lucky caught early etc, but after living with this I realise I need to have nipple reconstruction the dr only mentioned tattooing he did say if radiation changes breast size he will fix it at the moment it looks more or less same as other one , my question is can nipple reconstruction be done on public system or do I need to pay for this surgery? Has anyone else had this done not nipple reconstruction and mastectomy just nipple reconstruction thanks.
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posted by Caroline walsh
26 December 2016

Operation for mole

Last reply: 05 January 2017 15:50
Hi I am due to have operation for a freckle on my back in Feb problem is I am highly stressed and have exams in Jan my hair is coming out in clumps really did not realise how stressed I am
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posted by luciebutterfly
27 October 2015

Tamoxifen hasnt worked

Last reply: 10 December 2016 09:01
I am wondering if anyone of my age (40) has the experience of a 2nd breast cancer diagnosis within 4 years, in spite of being on Tamoxifen (for the last 3 yrs)?
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posted by Avril
06 April 2016

Stage 4 Gals

Last reply: 21 November 2016 20:35
Hope you are all doing okay. I have been okay but in those very dark places and have been reading your old posts to keep my spirits somewhat up.Those posts are terrific. Have been trying to check out holiday insurance and know I gave a very silly answer to one of the girls last year when she asked a similiar question. Have copped on thatthis is regarded as terminal as I was blissfully considering it chronic! Cried for about two hours over that yesterday. Had an appointment with a counsellor yesterday and stupidly asked her if I would live to see my child's confirmation[2 years time].Of course she can't know but you know how you desperately cling to something. Mad I know. So cried for another hour over that and then wore sunglasses to hide red eyes while doing the school run! Burned the dinner and let my daughter on you tube for the night[Should have been engaged in educational activities!] So there is my selfish rant. all ME Me Me but sincerely hope you are all doing well post 1916 celebrations!
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posted by myra101
24 October 2016


Last reply: 12 November 2016 20:45
Hello, I am new to this. I have lost my sister-in-law to overian cancer and who is my brother's wife. Has anyone one else dealt with this
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