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posted by daisies1507
12 June 2013

ovarian cancer

Last reply: 24 October 2016 12:40
Hi, anyone out there who has been diagnosed with recurrent/metastasis ovarian cancer. Have finished the chemo part (taxol & carboplatin with avastin) and I am on Avastin only. However, down in the dumps this week and concerned about mortality. While there are lots of women like me - I can't find anyone in the same boat. Just wondering if it is normal to have these down times as I have been upbeat until now. Have not told family members about this feeling, as I think they would watch me like a hawk. Mo
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posted by ciaraf
18 February 2016

Just got told it's not curable

Last reply: 17 June 2016 21:42
Hi everyone, My name is Ciara and my mum (52) was diagnosed with stomach cancer in June 2015. She was put straight onto chemo with the idea that the talk of surgery would be had further down the line. The oncologist we had at the time was very pro surgery which obviously made us feel like this Cancer was something that could be cured. However, 8 months down the line, and after countless rounds of chemo (which has kept the cancer stable) we have a new oncologist who has told us that we should have never been led to believe surgery was an option and that there is no actual cure for my mums cancer. She is going to be starting on a new antibody treatment which will hopefully keep it at bay, but we are left reeling. I don't know how long you can live with stomach/gastric cancer? Scared, confused and devastated all at the same time and I don't know what to do.
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posted by Avril
06 April 2016

Holiday Insurance

Last reply: 14 June 2016 18:51
Looking for advice. I have stage 4 Breast Cancer and usually post on the Stage4 Gals website. How do others obtain holiday insurance.i know you are supposed to declare all details or policy could be declared invalid should you have to make a claim. Woula appreciate any advice.
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posted by Avril
10 May 2016

Stage 4 Gals HELP!

Last reply: 14 June 2016 18:42
Avril here! Would love to hear from others in the group. Wonder how everyone is getting on. I am still on Zometa/Faslodex monthly cocktail.Live in Galway but do not have contact in the 'real' world with others with Stage 4 diagnosis only with the other ladies I have 'met ' on this site. Am not working so have too much time to think.
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posted by Happyness
28 May 2016

Worried about cancer coming back

I am playing a waiting game and was just wondering how others in a similar situation are coping. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012 at 38 with three kids under six so it was tough but we got through it. Obviously I had to leave work while I was sick but returned eventually. Things didn't work out and I went ahead with another surgery this past January to sort out pain in my shoulder that I was experiencing due to the first surgery. All was going great. I was offered an excellent opportunity to go back to a really exciting position, one where I could work from home and set my own hours so we booked a holiday to disney world with the kids as one last hoorah! Three days before we left I was in agony with cramps and thought my appendix or something was about to explode so was brought to my GP. He sent me to hospital where I was scanned straight away. The results were not back before I left for holidays which is a good thing. I felt much better after our break and got the email about the new job when I got back so made an appointment to go see my GP about returning to work. I left totally deflated. Those scans showed that there is thickening of the lining of my womb and so I need to go for further tests and will not be certified fit to go back to work after all. I am on tamoxifen following breast cancer and this is something that I have been told to watch out for because apparently it can lead to cancer of the uterus. I'm trying not to freak out. Life goes on with a busy weekend ahead with the kids soccer, basketball, hurling, parties etc etc but all the while this is in the back of my mind. I'd like to know if anyone else with a history of breast cancer has had similar issues and what were the next steps.
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posted by evelyn123
02 February 2016

Stage 4 Young Moms

Last reply: 27 April 2016 12:08
Just wondering how you manage Kids, treatment and the tiredness. Really struggling at the moment. I work 2 mornings this is to keep my brain busy and an outlet from the whole diagnosis however with the kids homework, after school activities, the housework etc I find by 7.30pm I am good for nothing. Thinking of getting a cleaner for 2 hours a week. Thoughts please?
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posted by chelsea
01 March 2016

smear find

I recently had my routine smear 3 weeks ago and while having it my gp noticed 3 growths/polyps in my cervix which she is referring me for a colposcopy plus I have to have them removed and biopsy can anyone help me with this matter I try not to worry but its the waiting thanks
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posted by littlemsmaggie
08 February 2016

pregnant and never had smear-terrified

Last reply: 01 March 2016 12:31
hi all. im a first time poster. I am 31 years old and am ashamed to say I ve never had a smear test. I am 27 weeks pregnant with my first child. for some reason since Saturday I ve been terrified about not having had a smear. I am due one in august which I fully intend to have. I have myself convinced I ll be one of the people that will be told its too late when I have it. have spent weekend in tears.
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posted by cwitch
07 August 2015

Still checking in

Last reply: 01 March 2016 11:50
Hello, just to say a year on and I still check in on this website with totally admiration for patients, their families & nursing staff. The cancer journey is a very difficult one & I think of all the Irish people on this journey, people I do not know but people that I understand how it is for them. Take care everyone.
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posted by Avril
31 August 2015

Calling Stage 4 gals

Last reply: 25 February 2016 09:35
Hi All Stage 4 Ladies, Anyone out there and how are you? I was diagnosed with bone mets May 2014[all usual treatments] and wondering if there is a fellow anxious Molly out there? How are you coping? At the moment Bacardi and zanex help me! Less time consuming than juicing! I know there were other ladies out there-Ellie, Lemrac, Deefed, Veronica,Mary B and Debbieb. Would love to hear from someone/anyone! Avril.
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