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posted by Superwhy
04 September 2013

Pain in shoulder after lumpectomy .

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
I had a lumpectomy at the end of July. The last 2 days my shoulders are Quiet sore. I rang the breast nurse and she thinks I have just done to much and the shoulders muscles are sore. I rested yesterday evening and did very little all morning and the shoulder is sore again. Don't have any swelling. Anyone have this.
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posted by youngk
05 September 2013

anyone going to conference have a spare room?

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
I have booked to attend both days of the conference. I am coming up from north Tipp so will have to stay over. I am looking for accommodation for the Friday night but the only affordable option is a shared dormitory in a hostel. I just wondered if any of the Dublin ladies going to conference would be able to put me up for the Friday night? Looking forward to meeting some of you there. Thanks, Karen
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posted by Anncorr1981
12 September 2013

Fertility Post treatment

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi all Just wondering if there are any good stories out there regarding fertility after chemo? Im a little worried. Diagnosed at 29 years old and finished ACT in November 2012. I've had no period since second chemo in July 2012 and still no sign of it. 2 weeks ago My FSH blood test was 114 when it should be 10 ish in someone my age. It's getting me down. With triple negative cancer there was no more treatment from oncology so I feel a bit in limbo now especially when chemo is causing this. Ann
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posted by Ania
14 August 2013

Expander implant swap

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi all another question for ya, I am a little worried about the exchange surgery to swap my expander for Implant. It has taken me 9 months but I am finally (just about) comfortable in my own body again, and getting used to these hard lumps of plastic in my chest,but I am afraid I won't like the final implants. Anyone who had the surgery I would appreciate any feedback, anything at all!!! Cheers thanks ladies for all the support I really would be lost without ye!! Xx
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posted by cwitch
19 September 2013

Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi again, Hx finished chemo & plan was to go to radiotherapy, but this has stalled without a given reason, yet. Anyone else in same boat? Know why? How soon, statistically, have symtoms, returned for sclc after chemo? Know it will vary case by case, but on average, how long do the benefits of chemo last? (Etoposide & Carobplatin). Scans done when chemo finished & all good, shrinkage, maybe not enough, what is % looked for? Tks
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posted by Deise
24 September 2013

Hot and cold sweats

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi I'm due to have my 5 th chemo this week and am suffering really bad sweats both day and night. I'm having taxol and cyclo and wondered does this happen to everyone and is there anything I can do? Many thanks deise
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posted by Josephine
23 September 2013

Hysterectomy worries

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi all I haven't been posting for a while. I've looked in every now and then to check up on you all. It's like an extended family! So I've been keeping well but am off to hospital tomorrow for a hysterectomy (incl ovaries). Is there anyone out there who has been there, done that? I'm scared about the immediate post op and also about the sudden menopause. I know I'm better off without the hormones but it doesn't make me stop worrying about what its going to be like! Thanks Jo Ps I didn't make it to the conference, ended up with a miserable cold since Thurs. I'm jealous if you all met up!
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posted by Superwhy
26 September 2013

Hair dye after chemo

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
How soon did u dye ur hair after u finished chemo. My hair is growin back but it's quite grey and before I ditch the wig. I want go dye it. I forgot to ask the nurses.
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posted by Catherine1964
30 September 2013

Boost radiotherapy sessions

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Good afternoon all! I am tomorrow finishing the first 15 of my radio therapy sessions, and am glad to report little enough grief (tiredness, yes, red skin, yes, but no lesion - cross fingers). On Wed, I am therefore starting the final 5, booster sessions, in which the radiations will be specifically focused on the site of the ex-tumour. I'm just wondering: can I expect greater intensity on a smaller surface, and does that mean greater likelihood of lesions/skin damage? Thank you in advance to those with experience who are willing to share! PS - re. tamoxifen and its side effects. I had my first night sweat last night, after 1 1/2 month on the stuff. It woke me up, but thankfully I fell right back to sleep C
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posted by kazoo
01 October 2013

lymphodoema question.

Last reply: 21 October 2015 11:50
Hi, just looking for advice. I had lymph nodes removed about two years ago, had a touch of lymphodoema, but v mild, got it checked at hospital physio but never heard about another appointment and it seemed ok, so plodded along. Now my hand is swollen like tendonitis. Going to check with GP but just thought I'd see if anyone has had this? Would physio be the way forward?
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