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posted by murphyahp
12 January 2009

Post Op Breakdown

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Just wondering if anyone else went throught this. Its now 6 weeks since I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstrucion. Op was tough but I am recovering well, I think, and prognosis is very good. The thing is I seem to be more upset now than I was before. My diagnosis was a bit hectic I suppose. I was told I was fine only to get a call back 10 days later to say the dr had reconsidered. I am delighted he did as he was right and he was brilliant and looked after me well. I have absoutely no complaints. Naturally I was upset being told I needed a mastectomy as I had large area of DCIS but now that I'm recovering I cant get the whole thing out of my mind. It's now after 3am and I have been up crying for the past hour while the house sleeps. Its very difficult getting comfortable to sleep anyway but I find it's my mind that keeps me awake really. Every moment I seem to be thinking about the drs, the operation, the breast clinic etc How do I move on from this as I'm begining to think I'm losing control. I'm usually a very level headed person and to everyone else thinks I'm coping so well but I'm not really. Sorry for rambling and I know there are lots of people with much worse diagnosis but I'd be grateful for any advice Thanks. Aileen
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posted by jen
18 August 2008

lung cancer

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
can anyone tell me the effects of alcohol consumption on lung cancer treatment
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posted by jen
23 August 2008

answers please!!!!!

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
i need answers, my friend with lung cancer was just told thay dont expect him to survive the year, what does this mean? why cant they treat it surely theres something that can be done!! hes 22!!! please help
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posted by Stars777
05 September 2008

Anniversary for dear husband

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Stephen Gleeson went to be with the Lord 17 th Sept 2007,age 51 yrs,born in Limerick and grew up there.he lived in Beal,Co.kerry for past 27 yrs.He bravely faught bladder cancer for the past year before he passed away...he was my love and our 7 kids and myself miss him soooo much... Please pray for then as the first anniversary comes about...we cant still believe we wont see him again this side of heaven..
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posted by donna65
13 October 2008

So-o-o Fast

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
My husband has just been diagnosed with stomach cancer that has mets'd to his lymph glands and his liver.....and maybe elsewhere. We are so angry that it was not picked up during one of his many doc visits. He takes good care of himself, sees docs regularly, takes his prescribed meds as ordered He complained of stomach issues and was prescribed a myriad of different drugs, none of which worked.AND NO ONE TOOK NOTE! I finally went to the doc with him and demanded that some testing be done. Surprise, surprise, how devestated we are. Just needing to vent a bit I guess. We are all trying our best to stay positive, to not give up hope. Pain level is minimal at this point but he is chronically exhausted. Have an upcoming app't with an oncologist although neither of us has a lot of faith in chemo or radiation. I'm a geriatric nurse and over the years I've cried to my husband about my patients and what they put themselves through to prolong their lives a bit longer. I would be gratful to hear uplifting sucess stories. Thank you,donna65
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posted by dizzy123
09 September 2008


Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi, I'm a new person to this. My father was diagnosed with lung cancer in August & has 1 blast of chemo. I just found out last night that his chemo treatment is only to help him cope rather then been given for cure reasons. I have not been bringing him to his appointments & I feel like I am not been given all the information. If its a case that it has spread to his bones, which I believe it has & it is in his lymph nodes, would he have been given a time span, prognosis or do they only give that info if you ask the doctors? Thanks in advance for any help, its all muddy water to me!
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posted by eliza
18 September 2008

caroline kelly r.i.p

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Im new to this site but my mam was diagnosed with cervical cancer about 10 yrs ago. She lived through the pain and suffering of cancer for about 4/5 years but unfortunately died on the 1st july 2002. I miss her so much 6 yrs later to me it never gets any easier.My mams last wish was to travel to Lourdes one last time as she knew she was dying but never told myself or my sisters. Thanks to the South Tipp Hospice and the CASA group my mams wish was granted and she travelled to lourdes.Unfortunately my mam died on the plane home from Lourdes so we never got to see her before she died. Cancer of any form is a terrrible disease and it can destroy families. Cancer runs in my mams side of the family two of her sisters have had breast cancer and survived her nephew at 18 got cancer and also survived but unfortunately her aunt and uncle passed on from this disease also. To this day myself and my 2 sisters since my mam died are waiting 4 genetics tests to see if we have this cancerous gene and ave still not received it. The cancer care in this country should be improved for both cancer suffers and thier families...
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
17 April 2008

What are the signs and symptoms of lung cancer?

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:14
The symptoms of lung cancer can include any of the following: -Repeated chest infections that don't improve even after treatment -A persistent cough or change in a long term cough -Shortness of breath, for example difficulty breathing when climbing stairs -Coughing up blood-stained phlegm (sputum) -Chest pain, either a dull ache or sharp pain especially when you take a breath in or cough. -Unexplained weight loss or loss of apetite -Feeling more tired than usual. Remember all of these symptoms can be caused by conditions other than cancer. If you have any of these symptoms it is important to go to your GP.
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posted by kingarthur
10 July 2008

parotid tumour

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:14
Hi all , a family member has just been diagonsed with a cancerous tumour of the parotid gland and I am just wondering is there anyone else who has an experience of this.
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posted by ptrkehoe
18 July 2008

Treatment for Prostate Cancer

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:14
My Dad who is 83 is receieving treatment for Prostate Cancer since 1995. Since 1997 he is taking Cassadex & Prostap every 12 weeks. Both those treatments are no longer working plus the cancer has spread to his hips & possibley the spine. the Doctors are now considering radiothreapy & steroids. He has a lot of pain in his lower back plus he is losing feeling in his legs. How succseful would the new treatments be. Also the bone strengting treatment has had a bad effect on his kidney function.
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