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posted by julia
23 September 2008


Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi there I was diagnosed with d c i s in march of this year and had a full mastectomy and immediate reconstruction done in april . When my results came back after the op I was told the the pre cancerous cells had not spread out side of the duct and the lymph was also clear. I did not need any chemo or hormone treatment I am still finding it hard to get my head around the fact that I had such a radical opertion done and thats it" go away and get on with your life" is what my surgeon told me. I still worry that maybe I should have had some chemo as an "insurance policy " especially as I have never heard of any one in simalar situation every one I meet ask me when I am stating my chemo and look shocked when I tell them I dont need it. Any body out there with a simalar experience ?
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posted by hazel
21 October 2008

Post mast. and chemo

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi, I am just wondering if there is anyone else out there thinking the same as me. I am a year down the road after my op and chemo from breast cancer, hair etc is back to normal and while it was great to see all of this happening, I seem to have come down with a bang. I was very positive all thru my treatment and now all of a sudden I feel uptight and worried. I can only explain it like panic attacks and when I recall what I have gone thru, I get this sick feeling and have it in my head I am going to get the cancer again and my time is short. I have no medical reason to think this but it is keeping me awake at night. My family and friends all tell me how well I look and I was great etc., but at the back of my mind I keep having this horrible feelings. I do not want to talk to my family about this as they have gone thru enough sleepless nights about me and they now have gone back to believing it is all over. Am I bringing this all of myself, has anyone else out there with breast cancer gone thru this or going thru it. I would be interested to head from you.
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posted by Bevan
26 October 2008

Talk to me

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
have been checking out this website and I dont find anyone talking about how they feel or how they are coping before after or during. I am a member of an American breast and everyone their talks quite openly about how they feel, up or down and the community is their for everyone. Is it just an Irish thing that if we dont talk about our feelings they just dont exisit. I often wake up angry that it was me who got BC but then at times I feel okay about it. I dont know what I am suppose to feel some times and people look at me and say "God its great to see you got over your trouble" I didn't get over anything I just got on with living. Do you feel like this at times. Sometimes I still suffer from Chemo Brain even though I'm 2 years on. Is this normal? Do you want to tell me what's happening in your brain. I know mine is not quite up to scratch at times. Sometimes I hide and sometimes I cry for no reason and some times I just get on with it. I feel lonely sometimes wondering what am I suppose to do. Am I weird or What. let me know what you think of when you think of BC. Talk to me. Bevan
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posted by jaykay
04 November 2008

To the most wonderful Da in the world xxxx

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi Ya Da, It feels like forever since I spoke to you but it’s only been 12 days , the night you left I was in complete shock Da cause I just would not let myself believe that you were leaving me . There are so many thoughts going on in my head at the moment which I am sure you are aware of cause I can feel you around me a lot of the time and I think the times that I am scared you have just gone to check on the rest of the clan to make sure they are ok too. It feels so strange not seeing you Wil , I hope you knew that I was there with you when you had to leave and I hope that you weren’t scared Da and didn’t have any pain. I’m trying to fill my head with happy memories Da and not sad ones Like the baileys coffees god that was so funny Da and when you brought me out for my 10th Birthday and bought me the Snow white and seven dwarfs washing game ye know the little basin and washing line and the little scrubbing board you probably don’t remember it Da but the reason I do was you were swinging my arm and singing and I begged you to stop cause I was scarlet funny how you remember these small things isn’t it. It was so hard to say goodbye to you da and If I seemed distant and quiet it was only because you wouldn’t of wanted me to make a scene in your words ( stop making a show of me ) through gritted teeth ha! Ha! Does it seem that that I act normal a lot of the time Da and I don’t miss you ? cause you do know that , that’s just me trying to block the pain of loosing you out of my head cause I reckon if I let all the emotions in Da I will just go to pieces. We are all looking after Ma for you and doing our best to keep her spirits up and she has been so strong for all of us just as you would have been. I’m gonna sign off now Da but just always remember that I love you so so much and I’ll always be your Kate. I love you always and Forever Love Katie xxxxxx
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posted by Anna
07 November 2008

Liver cancer and lesions in the liver

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi there! My Dad has been battling cancer for almost 5 years. It originated in the colon but is now very active in the liver, and has lesions in his lungs. I am just wondering what exactly lesions are - sre they cancerous spots in themselves or are the caused from the treatment of the liver cancer? Thanks! :)
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posted by Linda
17 November 2008

DCIS in 06 and cancer now in my lymph nodes anyone else?

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
My name is Linda and I am 34, in 2006 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiotherapy. I have recently discovered a lump in my armpit on the same side which has been diagnosed as malignant. The plan is for an auxilliary node clearance and mastectomy this week followed by more chemo. Still waiting for MRI results to check I don't need a double mastectomy. I am just wondering if anyone else has had to go through this experience after thinking they were in the clear? Especially anyone around my age - I thought early menopause was bad enough!! Also I am planning on persuading the plastic surgeon to go for silicone reconstruction - the other options just sound too traumatic! I'd love to hear from someone who is out the other side of this. I know this sounds mad but a part of me missed all the support during my previous treatment and I can't help but feel that part of me wished this on myself again - am I going mad?? Linda
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posted by purplebeatle
30 November 2008

throut cancer

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
We just found out my grandad has throut cancer he is still waitin to get a bed 2 get more tests done to see if its spread it is the size of a fist he has been having pain at his ear and throut going down his throut now and starting to get pain in the front of his head now. I was just wondering if anyone could please tell if they have had any experance with this and how they got on. I would b so thankful with luv Aoife
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posted by irishjim
30 November 2008


Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi, my wife was diagnosed with DCIS a few months ago and has since had a full masectomy, reconstruction and a further cosmetic op to her other breast to match up with new size of reconstucted breast. She is just home from final cosmetic op and has been unbelievably strong throughout. I am getting the feeling that she would like to have the oppertunity to meet with someone who has been through similiar and is of similiar age. My wife is in her mid 30's and we have 2 kids under 6. Based in South Dublin. I hoping there is someone else out there in a similiar position. Hope to hear from someone.... tks. J
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posted by happy
12 December 2008

New here

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi, Just came across this message board and thought I'd join. To give you a bit of background, I was dx with bc about 18mths ago. Had a mastectomy, chemo, rads and I am currently on hormone treatment - zoladex and tamoxifen. I also started on zometa about 6 mths ago due to loss of bone density. I read recently that new research shows that zometa combined with tamoxifen can cut recurrences by nearly a third- good news! Unfortunately like many women, I was only in my twenties when I was diagnosed and was initially misdiagnosed for over a year. Ok, I've rambled on for long enough. Thanks for listening and hope to hear from you soon.
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posted by susie
13 January 2009

Hello to everyone

Last reply: 12 October 2015 11:22
Hi i just wanted to say hello,i was diagnosed over 3 years ago with breast cancer and happy to say im doin very well thank God,its great to find a site like this xx
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