Breast cancer
posted by sunshine71
09 April 2013


Last reply: 10 April 2013 17:19

[color=#8000FF:b7sy0so4]Hi all....another question. Had 4 x AC then 12 x Taxol chemotherapy. Finished a few weeks now and in middle of radiotherapy. Had menopause symptoms big time with moods, hot flushes etc. On Saturday,Sunday however, I felt very premenstrual and lo and behold it was that. I've been told periods can return but then when I go on Tomexifen in another few weeks I'll probably go back to menopause again????? The joys![/color:b7sy0so4]



commented by WicklowLady
09 April 2013

09 April 2013 16:59

Where you having rads sunshine. How is it going, I'm half way through at Vincent's. I think it depends on your age . I'm 50 and have slim chance of periods coming back. You're obviously only young

commented by Lucky
09 April 2013

09 April 2013 20:47

Yep I agree with WicklowLady - as far as I can see it depends on age - I'm 49 and periods stopped v early in chemo sessions - finished that + then RT, now Tamoxifen-chances of them coming back at this stage are probably slim. You are much younger tho ... good luck!

commented by Ania
09 April 2013

09 April 2013 21:27

Hi sunshine, it's a lot to deal with on top of everything isn't it?! I had menopause symptoms during chemo, hot flushes, mood swings and periods stopped. After chemo they returned. I started on tamoxifen and although the hot flushes and night sweats started up again I continue to have normal periods while taking tamoxifen.

commented by yaya
10 April 2013

10 April 2013 11:02

Hi Sunshine,
I had regular monthly periods on tamoxifen for 2 and half years as well mixed in with flushes and night sweats oh the joys Image removed. up until I had my ovaries removed now just extra flushes and sweats to deal with.
I was 37 starting tamoxifen so maybe girls are right and it's an age thing,
Best wishes with it all.

commented by sunshine71
10 April 2013

10 April 2013 14:16

Thanks ladies....sounds like age is a big factor. Will chat to oncologist when I have my next appointment after rads....but looks like its a case of grin and bear it... Image removed.

commented by WicklowLady
10 April 2013

10 April 2013 15:31

You get good at grinning and bearing after a while in this new world ..... As another hot flush arrives Image removed.

commented by WicklowLady
10 April 2013

10 April 2013 15:33

Image removed. Meant to be that face!!!

commented by LindyLu
10 April 2013

10 April 2013 17:19

Sunshine, you could ask your onc about ovarian suppression. I am on the SOFT trial - suppression of ovarian function. There are quite a few different ways to chemically surpress. Trial is to see if there are advantages to shutting down ovaries for premenaupausal women. No results out as yet.

Advantage of chemical shutdown is no periods Image removed.

Disadvantage are flushes Image removed. plus some aches and pains! osteoporosis ...

I was highly ER and PR positive and just wanted to make sure my hormones were on shutdown for a few years post having children.

Worth checking with your onc for sure.


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