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posted by Nettie
15 November 2018


Last reply: 23 November 2018 15:25
I am 58yrs and have been diagnosed with early stage breast cancer, I underwent surgery twice. have been prescribed Tamoxofin and was I am worried about the side effects of this drug, I am a wheelchair user and my mobility is not great and the risk of blood clots from tamoxofin worries my especially. any feedback welcome.
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posted by Mac78
08 November 2018

Capsular contracture

Last reply: 13 November 2018 13:41
Hi all. I am wondering has anyone experienced capsular contracture. I am 10 months post bilateral masectomy with immediate silicone implant reconstruction and am now experiencing pain , swelling, rising of the breast and orange peel appearance on my skin. It has only happened on one breast (the one i had the cancer in) . The other is perfectly fine no issues. My oncologist does not think it is related to my radiotherapy as i finished this in August with no problems. It has only become an issue in the last week or so. I have an appointment to see my surgeon in the next few days but my doctor thinks this could be one of the reasons i am having these symptoms so long after and i was wondering has anyone been treated for this or had to have their implant removed or replaced because of this or what treatment they received. Thanks in advance ☺.
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posted by Mac78
12 November 2018

Peau d'orange

Last reply: 13 November 2018 13:40
Hi all. Has anyone experienced peau d'orange on their breast with implant reconstruction. Have an appointment tommorow to have it checked. I am nearly a year post surgery.Thought it might be capsular contracture which i can deal with but am freaking out now because did the worst thing and googled it and its all about inflammatory breast cancer which has just added to my stress level. If anyone has experienced this symptom and can tell me their experience i would appreciate the insight. Thanks
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posted by Lindal
21 July 2018

Scared out if my mind

Last reply: 12 November 2018 12:01
Hi all I'm trying to be very positive about my breast cancer diagnosis but I'm so scared I've been dianogsed with stage 2 breast cancer in waiting in ct and her I which is making me think it's spread I keep getting pains in my side and back and convince myself it's everywhere please tell me it gets easier all this waiting for tests I need to know What I'm feeling with I'm at my wits end can't sleep or eat now I feel wrecked even before treatment
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posted by Ailoco
11 October 2018

Vulvar cancer

Last reply: 09 November 2018 09:17
Hi I was diagnosed with Vulval cancer in Jan 2017, at the age of 39. I had a partial radical vulvectomy 4 days later. All going well at my checkups until my 18 month check. Seems there are some areas of concern again, although my consultant thinks that should treatment be needed after the biopsy it will be laser treatment. I know women with this cancer are very few and far between, and I am a member of 2 online groups but they are uk & america, so thought I would post here and see if there is anyone else in the same or similar position, closer to home. Btw I'm in Dublin
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posted by Kirbs82
03 November 2018

Irregular shaped lump

Last reply: 05 November 2018 15:17
My G.P. last Tuesday sent an urgent referral to breast check for me I won’t be seen for 10 working days and i fear I will be gone totally bonkers. My lump/growth running length ways upwards from nipple. I was hoping it may have been caused my lifting weights but gp didn’t indicate either way. Any reassurance be greatly appreciated.
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posted by Runner girl
31 October 2018

Hair loss during Taxol

Last reply: 05 November 2018 13:16
Probably one of the most googled questions for someone on chemo, what will happen to my hair. Well I just finished 12 sessions of weekly Taxol and my hair has thinned significantly. It started around start of week 6 and continued for couple weeks. It has slow down now as very little hair left. I would guess I have lost 70% volume but still have coverage with what I have. So I started wearing a wide hair band to camoflage it somewhat....
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posted by tattooeme
16 October 2018

I hate Cancer

Last reply: 17 October 2018 15:39
It has taken my father a wonderful kind loving man who cared for our mom for years before she passed he was the most gentle and caring person iv ever known I know how I felt when he passed I still feel empty and sad and there's days I could cry for hours just the smallest things that would set me off my dad passed on May 27th 2017 exactly a year before my dad got his diagnosis but not only my dad my nephew who was 26 at the time was diagnosed with cancer also and to make it harder for us all my husband was also diagnosed with cancer I have so much hatred for that word I can't even begin to explain how much I hate it my beautiful wonderful caring dad passed last year our hearts broke and still are my nephew thank God is cancer free a year after surgery God willing he will stay that way as for my husband I had to tell my children that we have to make as many memories as possible with him the doctors told us it's just a matter of time left. So please forgive me for using the word hate but I hate cancer.
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posted by aoife
07 October 2018

Family planning after breast cancer

Last reply: 16 October 2018 10:21
I'm wondering if I can get some advice from personal experiences about family planning post-breast cancer. I've been on Tamoxifen for the last 3 years (since Aug 2015) and am recommended to remain on this for 2 further years to complete the standard 5-year treatment. My husband and I are eager to start a family but, as a result of my ongoing treatment, this is on hold for now. I've heard some ladies may have shortened their treatment to start their families and I'm curious to hear what influenced or supported their decision in doing this? I've sought advice from my consultant, who is supportive in every way; however I'd like to hear from ladies who've been through this tough decision making process. I realise everyone's situation is very different but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
28 March 2012

Managing Money

Last reply: 15 October 2018 16:51
If you’re having financial difficulties after being diagnosed with cancer, we have a list of useful resources and more information on our Financial Aid Scheme. See ... ging-money You can also download the Irish Cancer Societies “Social Welfare Support” booklet and the SEAI “Keeping Well and Warm” booklet. The Irish Cancer Society also administers the Travel2Care scheme on behalf of the National Cancer Control Programme. For more information see ... assistance.
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