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posted by CCPT
06 January 2020


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posted by Mamabear
05 January 2020

Survived the last 6 months

Last reply: 06 January 2020 15:32
Was with my partner of 2 years and was living with him and his kids when I got cancer back in April he asked me to leave 2 days after xmas he said he never loved me since I got sick he just stayed with me out of pity bacj now living on my own .Next oncologist appointments on 15/1 not sure how im going to cope any help would be appreciated
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posted by dotgos
15 December 2019

Her2 positive

Last reply: 06 January 2020 11:25
Hi everyone, just started the journey, I was diagnosed 2 weeks ago , I have had my lumpectomy, good margins and nodes look ok , about to start 6 months of chemo , very overwhelmed, if there are others in the same boat would like to keep in contact xx
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posted by dotgos
21 December 2019

Contraception at 55 ?

Last reply: 23 December 2019 12:16
Hello , I hope this topic is appropriate, I was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 weeks ago and have had a lumpectomy. I was advised to get my merina coil removed as my cancer is her2 positive, and had this done last week. I am so used to not thinking of precautions and had sex yesterday with my Hubble for the first time since my diagnosis. I am now in a panic as even though I am 55 ?? Was I supposed to take precautions, I rang my gp who couldn’t really help , and am due to start chemo in January . Has anyone any advice or am I worrying over nothing ??? Thanks
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posted by JAYK
12 December 2019

mammogram query

Last reply: 16 December 2019 16:03
had mammogram today, they said to expect results withing two weeks. Is it safe to assume that everything is ok, or they would have told me something today?
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posted by dotgos
15 December 2019

Skin and nail care

Last reply: 16 December 2019 12:13
Hello everyone, I was diagnosed less than 2 weeks ago and have my lumpectomy. I am due to start my chemo in early January and have been reading up to try and prepare for it. Should I be getting a range of skin creams and nail creams now ?? I am back for some results tomorrow and wonder does the breast nurse recommend particular products or is it trial and error. Are there safe cleansers, nail polishes etc Maybe I am mad but just trying to prepare myself, thanks all Dotgos xx
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posted by dotgos
27 November 2019

Awaiting biopsy results

Last reply: 15 December 2019 10:29
Hi everyone , I have just joined today , I had biopsy of left breast on Monday and radiologist said 2.5cm worrying shape mass, I met the nurse who said most likely cancer, I will be getting my official biopsy results then, I havnt told my family yet, I am 55 and my daughter is back to work next week after maternity leave , it’s a tough time for her, my sons graduation next week , and he has had a tough time lately. My head is all over the place and I feel like screaming and running for the hills , but trying to appear really calm. I am due to work tomorrow and Friday , I work in a hospital , not sure what to do. Sorry for the rambling text , I am not a whiner , just trying to make sense if all of this , any help much appreciated xx
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posted by smcpadden
05 December 2019

New Here

Last reply: 10 December 2019 10:52
My father was diagnosed about 4 years ago with lung cancer. He’s also suffered with emphysema for longer. He managed at home for the past few years with my mothers care. Over the past few months his health had deteriorated. Upon our last appointment they told us he wasn’t well at all and could be a matter of weeks. He was admitted to St Mary’s yesterday and was in good spirits that they can fix him. We know at this stage there isn’t a lot they can do, but are going along with his expectations things might get a bit better. It’s been a sad experience that comes in waves. He’s very much still with it mentally. I just wanted to share and perhaps here from others who have had this experience.
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posted by Kimbery
26 November 2019

Just found out 2months ago

Last reply: 02 December 2019 16:23
Hi can I get information for breast cancer please?
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posted by Rainbo
29 November 2019

Can I Query the consultants wait time decision?

Last reply: 02 December 2019 16:21
Hi All, I have a lump in my breast and my GP has referred me to a breast clinic. On the referral my GP advised it is urgent and requested a 2 week wait for me. I have called the clinic as I have not heard anything and I've been advised I have been put on the 12 week waiting list. I am worried as my lump appears to be growing. K want to get this checked put asap. Can anyone advise if I can ring the consultant (or even his secretary/assistant) who made that choice to query his decision? TIA
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