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posted by lolocork
14 May 2012

Breast to Bone

Hi is there anyone out there with breast to bone? I'd love to talk to someone about Femara and Zometa and just generally coping with the unknown. cheers lolo
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posted by FH2
03 October 2011

ONCOTYPE DX Test available on HSE from this week

FYI everyone, looks like the results of the trial please the HSE and they will now be offering this test to see if chemo is beneficial for early stage sufferers. ------------------------------------------------ A new breast cancer test will be available to to all public patients who require it from this week onwards. The HSE National Cancer Control Programme has today approved the use of the Oncotype DX test. The test determines whether chemotherapy would be a suitable treatment for breast cancer patients. The genetics-based test means that about 30% of women who would otherwise have had chemotheraphy will be spared the toxicity and long-term side effects of the treatment. There had been speculation that the test would be deemed too expensive for the HSE to provide, however the National Cancer Control Programme has concluded that the test represents value for money and so will be available to all suitable public patients. The test is suitable for early stage breast cancer and so about 300 women in Ireland will be able to avail of it each year. ------------------------------------------------ (From RTE News website)
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posted by ephemere
22 July 2011


After a pretty shocking start to the day when hair started to go,(pubic hair coming out in bunches in the shower, big surprise)- I just wanted to let anyone in Dublin know that Roches in Kimmage are completely utterly brilliant. Tonight, I have a new wig, and I love it! I feel confident that I can face the world and work and, well just about anything. I hope no-one is going to tick me off for plugging them, but the people there could not have been more professional, kind, caring and utterly utterly experienced in getting the right style for me. (In fact it was a bit of a weird thing to learn my natural style was messy (my partner agreed), when I thought I was very neat and well groomed. But just shows, again, they read me right. I'd been in a week ago but I was too dazed from chemo to take it all in and my partner and Roches guided me, but I wasn't really all there , today I was more on the ball but by then they'd everything sorted anyway. If you have any fear of this whole hair loss thing- go. These people will just make all the fear melt away. xx Very Happy
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posted by tadghspud
10 April 2010

waterford/clonmel breast cancer care

does anyone know why Castineira's clinics are being canceled and moved to waterford and he is not there either
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
13 March 2009

Secondary Breast Cancer

The Irish Cancer Society is dedicated to improving the lives of those living with cancer and intends to develop services for women living with secondary breast cancer who currently do not have a support system to address their unique needs. If you would like to take part in this focus group which takes place on the 8th of May at the Irish Cancer Society building , please contact the specialist nurses on 1800 30 90 40. Regards, Naomi Fitzgibbon Cancer Information Services Manager. Irish Cancer Society.
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posted by healthytips
23 October 2008

Natural Breast Cancer Treatment Strategies

Many women suffering from breast cancer are interested in learning more about natural treatment options. This type of treatment is often referred to in the medical field and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatment, and there are actually a number of different types of treatment options that fall under this category. Understanding CAM CAM is any type of medical practice, system, or product that is not considered to be the standard form of care. There are three areas of natural breast cancer treatment that fall under this category: Complementary Medicine, Alternative Medicine, and Integrative Medicine. Complementary medicines are those that are used along with standard medical treatments like chemotherapy and surgery. A common complementary treatment is acupuncture, which is used to help with the side effects associated with cancer treatment. Alternative medicine, on the other hand, is a natural treatment approach that is used instead of standard medical treatments. Special diets to treat cancer, for example, may be used rather than chemotherapy. Integrative medicine takes care of your mind, body, and spirit by combining standard medicine techniques with CAM techniques. Natural Breast Cancer Treatment Techniques Involving the Mind and Body There are a number of treatment techniques you can utilize to help ease the pain and assist in the treatment process. Some of these techniques include: Biofeedback - using machines to learn how to affect certain bodily functions you are normally not aware of, such as your heart rate. Meditation - focusing breathing or repeating words or phrases in order to calm your mind. Yoga - using special stretches and poses with special attention given to your breathing. Hypnosis - creating a state of relaxed and focused attention and concentrating on certain ideas, feelings, or suggestions to assist in the healing process. Creative Outlets - special therapy such as dance, music, and art. Imagery - imagining certain pictures, scenes, or experiences in order to help the body heal. Biological Natural Breast Cancer Treatment Options It is also possible to treat your breast cancer by taking advantage of things found in nature, such as herbal products and dietary supplements. These can include certain foods, vitamins, herbs, and special dietary plans. Soy products are one additive that have shown a great deal of promise when it comes to preventing and treating breast cancer. You should also include whole grain foods, beans, nuts, fruits, vegetables, fatty fish, low-fat dairy products, flaxseed, green tea, as many herbs as possible, and either virgin oil or canola oil in your diet. All kinds of herbs are good to add to your diet because they increase your intake of phytochemicals, which may help to fight cancer. Body-Based Natural Breast Cancer Treatment Options Body-based treatment options are those that work on one or more parts of your body. These techniques manipulate the body in order to achieve a greater level of health. Massage involves manipulation of the tissues, while chiropractic care manipulates the skeletal system and joints. Reflexology, which utilizes pressure points in the feet and hands to affect parts of the body, is another type of treatment. Deciding if Natural Breast Cancer Treatment Options are Right for You Before deciding to start a treatment program, it is important to discuss it with your doctor. There are certain foods and supplements that can actually interfere with other forms of treatment, so you want to be sure the plan you are following is safe. Your best option is to consult a professional that is trained in natural strategies. Your doctor or nurse might be able to refer you to a specialist. If not, contact your local cancer center or hospital and ask for names of professionals that might be able to help you. Before working with the person, however, make sure he or she is licensed to practice in your state. Your health is important, so you need to be sure to have the best care possible. Article Author: Sandra Clair
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