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posted by worriedrelative
11 August 2015

Two questions?

Last reply: 19 August 2015 10:40
How long is the wait for chemo? relative met with oncologist almost 3 weeks ago and no sign of appointment yet. It's 5 weeks post surgery. Getting concerned now - that it will recur in that space of time Secondly, the surgeon said they got all the cancer, and that they were doing the treatment to prevent recurrence. Does this mean the cancer is gone? Our main worry is that there are some rogue cells flying about and that the wait for chemo might mean they have a chance to multiply and spread.
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posted by bettersoon
23 July 2015

Anyone had implant replacement?

Hi all, I'm scheduled to have my expandable implant replaced with a standard one in 10 days. I'm excited and hoping it will be easier than the reconstruction surgery. They tell me it's like "changing a tyre"! Has anyone else had something similar? What was the recovery times like? I've done the lymph removal, nerve issues, reconstruction, so none of these are a factor.... I've been offered a lovely new job to start the following week and am hoping for a new start, clean slate, no cancer story! Thanks
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posted by larkinpark
20 July 2015

Surgeon unable to find Lymph nodes

Discovered I had early stage IDC last November and had two lumpectomies within two weeks, second one to get clearer margins and remove nodes. I have since had radiation and taking the dreaded letrozole since February with side effects and tiredness kicking in now. When I returned for my results I was astonished when my surgeon told me they were unable to find any Lymph nodes under my arm despite being in theatre for longer than normal while he searched. Anyway he did a second tracer test in the lymphatic system and assured me that the cancer didn't spread but he himself said he never came across this before even though it is possible. Unfortunately this is hampering my recovery because I keep rthinking 'What if he missed something' and I'm feeling fearful all the time. I dont know whether this still leaves me open to Lymphodema and I dont think they know either. I had an excellent surgeon in one of the main centres in Dublin. Has anyone else experienced or heard of anyone who had similar?
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posted by Mel1
15 May 2015

Implant surgery after radiation

Hi Everyone, it's been ages since I've been online, I hope everyone is keeping well. I went for implant/ expander exchange last week. I've had radiation so my worry now is that I don't get any infection or encapsulation which is a risk with radiated breast tissue. Is there anyone on here who has had this surgery and if so has it been a success? Thanks in advance!
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posted by glendaandpaul
09 February 2015

abnormal hair growth on chemo patient's husband

My question : did any other husbands / partners experience unusual symptoms during their partners treatment ? my wife had breast cancer, lumpectomy, lymph glands removed, Chemo and radio therapy around 1998. During the time of her chemotherapy and radio therapy I had unusual hair growth under the armpits, I had never had it before that time or in the fifteen years since. We sleep side by side, so 8 hours close proximity exposure to chemo patient per night. The hair became coated with a heavy yellowish rubbery coating, they felt like the fibers you would find between the segments of an orange when you peel it. They were very easy to pull out and the coating went right to the base of the root. Sorry for the graphic description. Was this related to my wife's chemo / radio therapy, is it common, or an unusual occurrence . On a lighter note we used to just refer to them as my sympathy cheesestrings, yeah,, yuk She is doing fine now and has had no recurrence of the cancer, it's all a distant memory now, seldom revisited.
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posted by Anng1
04 January 2015

Partial capacity benefit

Hi I just wondered if anybody has gone down the road of partial capacity benefit while returning to work. I'm planning on returning to work but would definitely be unable to work full time at the minute. So I was told about this. Was hoping to hear if anybody has used this or applied and how they got on. Thanks in advance Ann
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posted by happy39
15 October 2014

Waiting List so Long for Breast Reduction in Mater Dublin

Hi Everyone I am still awaiting my breast reduction on my right boob (as I had mastectomy on my left in 2010); I am to have the procedure done in the Mater Public Hospital in Dublin. I am on a waiting list since June 2013, I contacted admissions and the waiting list department to enquire where I am on the list but they told me to contact my surgeon's secretary but when I met with my Doctor in July 2014 for my annual checkup he couldn't tell me where I would be on the list either. Did this happen to anyone else? Can anyone tell me how long you were waiting for your op in the Mater? I would be so grateful
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posted by WicklowLady
26 June 2014

If manufacturers unsuccessful to submit samples

Why would you post here? Very insensitive. Who cares about your golf clubs!!!
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posted by youngk
12 April 2014

update TUG flap recovery

Hi all, 7 weeks since the op now. For anyone considering TUG flap reconstruction I just wanted to update you on my recovery. Although I still feel tightness in my legs I have regained most movement (squatting still a bit of an issue). Still a bit of tightness when I raise my arm to the side, but otherwise no issue with the reconstructed breasts. Looking forward to the minor procedure on 8th May to tidy up the scars and even up the two sides. (A bit more fat to be removed from my hips by liposuction, and put back into the new breasts!) Roll on Summer!!!
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
24 February 2014

Lymphoedema Awareness Month - Open Day

We would like to let you know about an upcoming open day as part of Lymphoedema Awareness Month, organised by Lymphoedema Ireland on March 1st, 2014 in the Lodge, St Lukes’s Hospital Rathgar, Dublin 6. This meeting will take place from 10am until 2pm. To register your attendance email [b:39ys0x1h][/b:39ys0x1h] or text [b:39ys0x1h]087-6934964[/b:39ys0x1h].
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