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posted by spudburf
06 September 2014

Bone pain

Last reply: 18 September 2014 21:06
Hi, has anyone had awful bone pain after finishing chemo?? I was put on tamoxafin and femara and had to stop both as tamoxafin gave me a body rash and femara was unbearable due to joint pain. I now have been prescribed Aromasin but am holding off on taking it as my joints still ache a lot. Has anyone else had similar experiences? I would really appreciate some advice. Thanks
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posted by Avril
11 September 2014

Breast Cancer Stage 4

Last reply: 13 September 2014 09:10
I was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. Had chemotherapy, lumpectomy, mastectomy and radiotherapy. In May I discovered it had spread to my pelvis and spine. Had a tumor removed from my spine followed by radiotherapy. Am now on chemotherapy[Taxol] weekly. One week off per month. Feel very anxious as wonder if chemotherapy is working as originally I had only a partial response to chemotherapy. Find it hard to live each day day by day. Would love to hear from anyone in a similar position.
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posted by Bizzybee
21 September 2014

reconstruction advice

Last reply: 17 October 2014 15:37
Hi all I havent posted anything in a while - im a year post chemo and mastectomy and life is good at the moment. Now Im starting to think about reconstruction - i do want it done but really dont want to go back to sick mode again and recovery. I am thinking the LD flap is the best option for me as i have had radiotherapy and am afraid the implant wont work. Does anybody who has had this done have any advise. The thing that is putting me off is that its not just one procedure I will have to go back later for a reduction on the other side. So what im wondering is will i be going around for a while with two misshaped boobs - do they give you fillets or whatever to wear in your bra so you look normal. Also has anybody had an implant after radiotherapy and was it successful. Thanks everybody bizzybee
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posted by tealeaves
18 September 2014

Facebook group for younger women with a BC diagnosis

Last reply: 09 October 2014 15:22
Hello to any younger women with a breast cancer diagnosis: In case you haven't heard of this, I just wanted to let you know of a Facebook group where I have found a lot of support. It's called 'Younger Breast Cancer Network (UK) Secret Group' or YBCN. It's well run/moderated etc and seems to be gaining a lot of recognition in the UK. Though it's a UK-based, secret group (so you have to message them to join) it's also open to women in Ireland. In fact they have recently set up regional sub-groups, including one for Ireland. Hope this info is of help. Maybe see you there. Ciara x
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posted by Avril
15 December 2014

Stage 4 Gals

Last reply: 29 December 2014 09:53
Hi to all stage 4 gals. Avril here. My trials[breast cancer spread to bone] are well documented on other posts! My motive is selfish as was just wondering how you all were and seeking support. Probably you are all very busy getting ready for Christmas. Is anyone else finding the whole Christmas thing tough? Am going through the motions. I have an only child aged 9 and sometimes I just feel like bursting into tears when I think about things. I have a great husband but who thinks that everything will be just fine. Have two more sessions of Taxol left, last one on Christmas Eve .Chemo went ok, just tired but not sick. And then scan in the New Year. Was 'researching ' on the internet and got really upset. Prognosis just seemed so poor and these were supposedly reputable sites. Gals, just cannot get into the 'Live for Today' mode aka you could be knocked down by a bus at ANY time! Though to stay sane it is what you have to do. Thinking of you all. Avril.
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posted by Kerry
03 December 2014

To reconstruct, or not......

Last reply: 22 December 2014 20:20
Hi, Is there anyone that chose not to reconstruct and have no regrets? In the first 6 months of this year, I had 4 surgical procedures; 2 were related to breast cancer. I'm thankful that I didn't need chemo or radiotherapy. My life has returned to normal and I'm comfortable and happy with how I look post surgery. The fact that I'm in my early 40's, both my oncologist and breast surgeon are advising me to have breast reconstruction... (and they recommend sooner rather than later). I am happy with how I look and more importantly relieved the cancer hadn't spread beyond 3 lymph nodes....... do I really need to have breast reconstruction? Will I feel the same way in 2 to 5 years time!!!!
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posted by Dubmum
04 December 2014

How long does it take to order a wig, for chemo in jan

Last reply: 09 December 2014 21:56
I am starting chemo AC-T in January and am wondering when I should go about getting the wig, now I presume. How long does it take to order the wig and actually receive it. Is anyone starting chemo in January, I have been told I will have Ac and taxol for 8 sessions every two weeks. This is harder than the one I thought I would get, I thought it might be every 3 weeks, but will just have to get on with it . Any advice from anyone to someone facing into this .
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posted by LindyLu
09 December 2014

Getting fipple tomorrow

Last reply: 21 January 2015 23:10
My 6 year cancerversary was last Friday 5th Dec....I actually forgot until today! Tomorrow, Dec 10th I get my fake nipple (aka fipple). Have been waiting 20months for this (clearly not urgent). It represents what I hope will be the final chapter of my BC journey (save the tattooing). Will report back in a few days LindyLu
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posted by GlassHalfFull
10 December 2014


Last reply: 17 December 2014 23:35
Hi Ladies, I've just been perscribed the antidepressant Amitriptyline by my oncologist. I only filled the script this morning so haven't actually started to take it yet. Only 15mg. It's for lots of things really. I'm struggling 2.5yrs on with my tamoxifen. Just the usual stuff: joint pain, moods (my family are ready to divorce me!!) foggy brain, residual pain in my breast and under my arm from surgery etc etc etc. You all know them. Anyway I'm just wondering if anyone else has had experience of this drug. What I might expect etc. And when it says don't drink do they really mean DON'T DRINK or is it still ok for me to have a glass or two of wine on a Friday night. I've given up so so much in these last 3yrs. I'm not quite sure I'm ready to give up my two glasses of red at the weekends!! I know I should have asked my oncologist yesterday. I was so overwhelmed at being prescribed yet another drug that it went clear out of my head. Cheers Sarah
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posted by Mar63
23 November 2014

Pain after surgery

Last reply: 03 December 2014 00:11
Hi ..Had mastectomy and lymph nodes removed two weeks ago. My arm is hypersensitive if touched, like sunburn pain. Also, If I raise or extend arm, it is very painful on the inside above the elbow, as if muscles and tendons are being/or have been overstretched. Can anyone relate to this. Will this go away soon?.. Doing my exercises for arm but doesn't seem to get any relief .Kind of difficult to describe really, but maybe someone can relate. Thanks in advance. Mar 63
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