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posted by kazoo
26 August 2012

Feeling blue...

Last reply: 26 August 2012 17:30
Hey there all I finished my treatment at Easter. Diagnosed Jan 2011, on tamoxifen for 3 months to shrink large tumour, followed by chemo for six months, then two lumpectomies and eventual mastectomy (jan 2012) and then radiotherapy. All done now, on tamoxifen again for five years and awaiting reconstruction. It's 8 months now since the mastectomy and I feel like I'm coping with it less than I was when it was done. I feel really out of sorts, can't bear to look at myself and have taken to even sleeping in my bra as I hate waking up in the morning with no boob. Is this normal?? I am keeping active, swimming, walking, am back to work, taking care of the kids etc and on the outside I seem fine - and some days I am grand, not down at all time. I am generally a very positive person, during my treatment everyone was impressed with how positive I was and it really helped me get through it all. But now I just feel kinda lost...and I don't feel able to talk to family or friends about it, which is why I'm on here I guess. Maybe I need to get some counselling, I don't know...anyway, just fancied a moan/rant and find this place always helps.
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posted by Gtlheart
26 August 2012

Help ... Radiotherapy skin care.

Last reply: 27 August 2012 19:21
Hi all, me again with more questions for my friends to answer. How long after treatment do you wait to apply your first lot of aqueous cream/ Aloa Vera and how many times do you apply the creams each day. When applied after treatment do you wash off all traces of creams that night before next treatment. Not too sure if all the washing might harm the skin. Are you best to wear a cropped type vest or a bra. I know you can't shave, use deodorant, talc, perfume shower cream etc but when radiotherapy is fully finished when can you start using deodorant and start to shave your underarm and stop using baby wash creams,not looking forward to the no deodorant and hairy underarm now as with these hot flushes I will be sweating and smelling so much. Thanks for the help. Take care G x
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posted by Irish Cancer Society
27 August 2012

Supporting people with breast cancer” - Annual Conference

Last reply: 04 October 2012 10:01
The Irish Cancer Society’s Annual Patient Conference “Supporting people with breast cancer” takes place on the 29th September 2012 at Dublin Castle, Conference Centre from 9am - 4pm. For further details and to book your free place please visit: or contact Valerie Abbott on 01 2310518. Lunch is included. If you would like to speak to a specialist nurse about breast cancer call freefone 1800 200 700.
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posted by katz35
27 August 2012

sister with secondary cancer

Last reply: 28 August 2012 14:08
hi all im new my wonderful sister who is 48 met me for coffee recently and told me her breast cancer is in the bones and her time is limited .I do not know a thing about cancer and i am totally struggling .I am hoping she is wrong can anyone PLEASE tell me the truth .She began with breast cancer 2 years ago ,had chemo then breast removed and radium after the operation it was discovered that they did not get a clear wall dunno what that means it travelled to liver where she had modules ,she has got small dose chemo but has never beeen totally away from chemo.Now her bones can anyone please shed some light please .She is so amazing and told me where she wants to be laid to rest ,Im not ready to loose her and am so afraid of telling my daughters who adore her ,please can anyone tell me what i dont know
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posted by Mariek2212
04 September 2012

Oncatype DX Test Results

Last reply: 09 September 2012 18:58
Hi anyone out there have the above test done? I recently got results back and I fall into the middle grey area, do I have chemo or not, choice is up to me, a nightmare. Currently there is inconclusive evidence to show it works for those who fall into the middle bracket. Any takers. Mimi
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posted by Mayfair
06 September 2012

AC Chemo Sep 12

Last reply: 29 September 2012 03:33
Just wondering if anyone is starting chemo this month. Just had first infusion on Monday 3rd and was surprised the infusion only lasted 45 mins. Didn't think too much about it at the time, but, reading other forums for diagnosis same as mine, the infusions were 2 hours plus. Anyone shed any light please? Also thinking (not complaining!)whether that is contributing to side effects so far only mild fatigue? Maybe I'm jinxing myself and will be hit by the mother load on day 5.....yikes! Oh and appetite through the roof! Like "hangover belly" constantly! Was told that might be the steroids and should calm down. Here's hoping. But I suppose if the chemo does its thing, I'll deal with a few extra lbs and baldness.
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posted by caroline71
10 September 2012


Last reply: 12 September 2012 07:49
pain in my hands and feet is unreal I was plagued by constant pain in my hands and feet when standing or resting. Burning sensations, electric shocks and feelings of sharp objects sticking into me. Everynight I'd spend hours trying to get to sleep. I have severe neuropathy, then out of the blue, , my eye lashes fell out and the pain in my hands and feet escalated drastically I was prescribed Lyrica. This removes the pain but does not repair the damage done by the chemo. I was very concerned about the side effects, especially the dizziness, as I am pretty unstable for a few minutes when I stand up. I was terrified of having a bad fall and ending up worse off. I am on lyrica for years any way but not helping this pain my liver is fine but they had to rule it out got home from hospital at 6pm long day again my chemo is stopped my body cant take the toxins anymore back 3 weeks hoping then I can have surgery has been very tough onn me since I started my oncologist said she needs time to talk things over with my surgeon I got some answers today I am high risk for the reacurance and it comes back in the lungs she finally told me today spoke to all my family and they cant handle it so I really am having a tough time have been so sick now I just have to wait cancer of the breast my cancer is called triple negative is the name of it if you want to look it up I know and it wont get better till they decide what to do now I had a lot of bad days and on the bed a lot as my mobilty went so I can barely walk but I have a wheel chair and a walking frame to help me they gave me 3 TC 1 ac AND 1 TAXOL I am having my sugery on wednsday 12th this week having one breast off cant have Re construction Dx 4/19/2012, IDC, 6cm+, Grade 3, ER-/PR-, HER2- Dx 4/19/2012, IDC, 6cm, Stage II Chemotherapy Taxotere
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posted by Josephine
10 September 2012


Last reply: 05 October 2020 15:08
Hi all I've had the 4 AC treatments and am changing to Ta*ol on wednesday. Now I'm terrified all over again! I had got used to the pattern with the AC. The doctor said the ta*ol may not be as sickening but there could be 'other side effects'. I was afraid to ask what! But of course I looked up the net, bad idea. Could anyone calm me down before Wed? Thanks girls. Josephine
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posted by wilmaone
10 September 2012

To lift or not to lift

Last reply: 01 November 2012 15:19
Hi ladies Am set for a bit of tidy up surgery next week.Am sick at thought of general again even though its only a day case!Surgery is on my new boob and to tidy up scar on tummy.Just wondering as i need to decide whether or not to get the other 'good' boob lifted to match.Im very undecided as its another surgery,more scars and recovery again,but mainly im afraid to mess about with it'if it isnt broke dont fix it'.I am so confused this just doesnt get any easier. Anyone else had a lift done?How did it go?any advice appreciated. xxx
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posted by Dane7
15 September 2012

Returning to Work

Last reply: 18 September 2012 12:03
Hi Ladies Overwhelmed by the idea of how you cope with the normal and cancer. Set for surgery on Monday then radiotherapy. Pressure to return to work (financial) but that involves a commute and am the sole carer for a 4 year old as husband works out of the country (thank you recession). When did you return to work post cancer. Did your employer allow a phased back approach etc. Thanks in advance for any shared experiences. Dane
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