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posted by wilmaone
18 July 2024

New pain in good breast ,stressed

Last reply: 19 July 2024 10:43
Hi all just wondering if anyone started getting pain in their good breast ? Little back ground ,fist time diagnosed in 2011 ,local recurrance 2021 ,finished all chemo treatment jan 23 . Since then have been diagnosed with having had a TIA (not related and years ago ) and then diagnosed with cardiac issues (seeing cardiologist next week) I’m on 6 month Ct scans with oncology and all so far is clear . But I’ve noticed I’m getting annoying pain in the same area of my good breast that comes and goes in bouts in exactly the same spot and is getting more noticeable . If I press in the area it’s sore and I can feel lumpy tissue . I have breast clinic appt in September so am thinking just wait and see but am also getting a little anxious . Would it be stress from all other issues going on ? Am I just being overly anxious ? Thanks for reading . Xx
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posted by Miss Teak
04 July 2024

Elective double mastectomy

Last reply: 08 July 2024 15:13
Got a breast cancer diagnosis a few weeks ago. One breast involved and one lymph node. Some family history of breast and ovarian cancer but not enough to be put forward for genetic screening. My gut is telling me I need and want a double mastectomy. Medical are dead set on a lumpectomy. Fighting them on this is actually causing more stress than anything. I've read all the papers about lumpectomy + rads having similar outcomes. But my gut is still screaming at me that it won't be enough in my case. Did anyone here get a double mastectomy under similar circumstance and if so where did you get it done?
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posted by lb1986
18 June 2024

Mammogram in Galway

Last reply: 19 June 2024 17:08
Hello, recently attended gp for routine check up and she felt a lump. Refereed to symptomatic breast unit in Galway. Consultant didn't feel anything worrying and sent me for a mammogram. I was told results could take up to 2 weeks which feels like a lifetime, do they ever come earlier or if something showed up would I be told sooner? Trying to be patient!!
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posted by greeneyes40
16 May 2024

Infertility after breast cancer

Last reply: 21 May 2024 10:33
Hi, I was diagnosed with lobular hormone positive breast cancer last year. I have finished treatment but I am on Zoladex and exemestane for the next few years. I was diagnosed at 39 and have no children. As the cancer was hormone positive and in the lymph nodes they have told me that it would be a big risk of recurrence to come of my medication to become pregnant which I am not willing to take. I have always wanted to be a mother and now this has been taken away from me as a result of breast cancer. I am wondering if there is anyone else in the same situation and if so how did you come to terms with it ? Thanks 🙏
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posted by Eve1234
30 April 2024

Scalp Cooling

Last reply: 14 August 2024 20:23
Hi All, I wanted to share my experiences of scalp cooling in the hope that it helps other people. I am just completing chemotherapy 12 rounds of Carbo Taxol and 4 rounds AC for breast cancer in a private hospital. Against the odds I have kept the vast majority of my hair. It gave me such freedom not to have to explain to people about my illness and kept things normal for my young kids. It has not been easy but it was worth it. Some words of advice. - It may not work so prepare yourself and get a wig and coverups etc. I felt happier that I had these should it not work for me. - Become the expert. Don’t assume that oncology ward staff are the experts. I had nurses who didn’t even know how to turn on the machine. Read everything you can on - Know what cap size sits the most effectively on your head (tight but not uncomfortable) and insist on it each time. - Know much pre infusion and post infusion time you need the cap on based on your type of chemotherapy. Don’t ever allow staff to reduce this time! You need every minute. - You will need to be your own advocate. Right from the beginning the attitude from oncology staff was negative. Whether this was from being too busy, indifference or where they’ve seen not working. I had nurses discuss opening how it wouldn’t work for me (it did!) and say to me how they hated the process. I was made to feel like it was an inconvenience so there may be sessions where you have to be a little pushy! - Practical tips Buy a silk pillowcase, use a soft baby brush to brush your hair, wash your hair only once a week with Simple shampoo. Dry your hair naturally or on a cold setting. Before putting on the cold cap use a water spray bottle to wet your hair (can be really difficult to wet your hair properly in those tiny toilet sinks!) Once wet brush conditioner through it then put on a hair band to protect your forehead - I got my hair cut twice during the 6 months. I just asked my hairdresser to be super gentle and not use hot hair dryer. - Even if it works you may still shred a lot of hair and this can be the most difficult time but persevere. Best of luck
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posted by MicheleC
25 April 2024

Waiting on results

Last reply: 21 June 2024 16:36
Hi, I am out of my mind with worry. I am 58 years of age and only went for my first mammogram on March 21st. I have a history of childhood abuse and lots of body issues so I kept delaying it and the Covid etc, anyway I got recalled last Monday 22nd, I had the mammogram and the nurse said there were calcifications on both breast and they needed to look a bit more. Then I had an ultrasound, the doctor said 'we need to do a bit more investigation' and said she could see a shadow somewhere on my left breast. I've no lumps or symptoms. She then said she would like to biopsy both the shadow and the calcification and did I want to do them that day or come back another day. I opted to have them done there and then. I then seen the breast nurse who gave me an appointment for next Wed 1st for the results. I was in bits and very upset etc and since then cannot sleep or focus either at work or at home. I've never, ever been so terrified in my life and am having panic attacks. I need some tips to calm down before Wed. Thank you x
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posted by corsa
18 April 2024

Zoladex hormone injection stopped after 9 yrs

Last reply: 19 April 2024 15:48
Hi 👋, I vaguely remember setting up a profile on this site in 2014 when 1st diagnosed age 37yrs with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer & here I am thankfully living life to the full almost 10yrs later. While I have remained on 3wkly IV treatment all this time, I am so grateful to be in remission. Small setback 4 yrs ago when heart was affected by herceptin & now cardiology patient too but all is under control. Latest change was start of Feb when I stopped zoladex 3.6 monthly injection due to severe cramps/muscle spasms in legs/abdomen causing me to pass out & since then I've waiting to see what happens as my reproductive system is shaken up I in menopause or was I already in menopause after initial 6 mth chemo treatment taxol/AC . A week ago I suffered bad lower abdominal pain & attended out of hrs doctor who gave me antibiotocs/pain killers for UTI infection but now infection has cleared & pain remains so possibly reproductive system awakening.... would love to hear from anyone else who was on zoladex injection long term & any side effects they had after stopping it. Ive had the odd nite of hot flushes but more concernee about recent abdonima pain. Oncology where I attend are aware & will discuss at next meeting.
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posted by kransom
02 April 2024


Last reply: 03 April 2024 11:39
Hi, Has anyone here had experience with seroma's and discharge post treatment? Struggling with this at the moment and would love to talk to someone who has dealt with it.
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posted by diasydoo
25 March 2024

Paclitaxel Herceptin starting March 2024

Last reply: 26 March 2024 15:45
Starting TH ( Paclitaxol and herceptin) March 25th. 12 weeks and then 9 months of herceptin. Interested to hear how others are getting in with this treatment.
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posted by Daiz
22 March 2024

Urgent breast clinic app

Last reply: 27 March 2024 12:15
Hi all! Went to see my GP on the 13th of this month with a large breast lump. He sent for an urgent referral to St James’s breast clinic. I got an appointment for the 15th of April. The wait is killing me! She I try to go private or just wait? I’m stressing myself out here…
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