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posted by jonathanadler
12 September 2022

Do metastatic patients never fully get rid of the cancer?

Last reply: 21 September 2022 16:17
I am a metastatic breast cancer patient, after 12 years remission from ER+, PR+, HER2+ my cancer came back as ER-, PR-, HER2+. It is a mass in my chest, in the lymph nodes of my right armpit and a tumour on my pancreas. However both my breasts are clear. I've been receiving Paclitaxel, Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab on the first week of each cycle, Paclitaxel on the second week and then a third week off. My recent CT showed things have shrunk a lot and after one more cycle of chemotherapy I'll start maintenance with just Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab every 3 weeks. I'm confused because when I first had breast cancer I was treated until it was gone, then put on Arimidex tablet maintenance. This time around I'm starting maintenance even though there is still some cancer left. My oncologist said it will never go away fully and this is what we do, but I just wanted to check if this is common? It feels a bit horrible still having it in me... All the best, Bernadette
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posted by cal89x
10 September 2022


Last reply: 12 September 2022 14:48
Hi there, My mum had an appointment the week before last as she suffers with cysts a lot. On the day she was told yep her cysts were back and they were drained and not else was done or showed up on the mammogram or scans. She said her doctor did mention to a trainee doctor. this patient has been here before, knows the routine and something about coming back in 6 weeks. My mum then got a letter in the post 3 days later asking for her to come back in 6 weeks for another mammogram and ultrasound. Is this normal? Someone had mentioned that this was normal procedure if they didn’t get a chance to chat to you on the day and there is nothing to worry about. Thanks
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posted by Elpalda
02 September 2022

Amidex tablets and tofj

Last reply: 04 September 2022 12:44
Hi, I'm 95% vegan and am trying to increase my protein. I started putting tofu into soup. I take 1mg of Amidex tablet every day. Is it ok to eat tofu when taking this tablet? Is there any food I should avoid? Many thanks, Elaine
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posted by jonathanadler
25 July 2022


Last reply: 27 July 2022 10:44
Hi all, I'm a hormone receptor-negative, HER2+ metastatic breast cancer patient receiving Paclitaxel, Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab on the first week of each cycle, Paclitaxel on the second week and then a third week off. I have osteoporosis that predates this relapse and take a Prolia (Denosumab) 60mg injection every six months to protect my bones. This is my first injection while on chemotherapy and I'm wondering if it's safe? My doctor said it was fine, but didn't really stop to think about it and I'd value a second opinion if anyone has had any experience!
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posted by OM
27 June 2022

Breast cancer

Last reply: 01 July 2022 18:54
Hi...I was diagnosed with stage 2 grade 3 IDC her 2 neg not in nodes. Finished AC therapy and I am due to start taxol for 4 rounds. AC was not great as in tired and weak shaky feeling but that was it basically....not bad really. How do women find taxol therapy? I know chemo affects people differently but just a general idea would be great. I'm done with no energy for few days after chemo with kids on school holidays.
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posted by Fairyandbutterfly
14 June 2022

Axillary clearance and chemo ahead. I'm 39 with an almost 8 yr old and a 3 year old. I feeling completely detailed after yesterday's lumpectomy and node results.

Last reply: 18 June 2022 22:23
I don't know what to feel think, say or do. I turned 39 in April and as a present I was told I have breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy on May 31st and nodes were removed. They thought tumour was 2cm and that it didn't look like any nodes were effected. I got my results yesterday. Tumour was 3.4cm and 5 of the 6 nodes have cancer in them. I now have to have every single node removed armpit. I think its called axillary clearance. I was told I'm borderline stage 2/3 but that can go up based on results of axillary clearance. Chemo will start about 6 weeks after this next op. And last for 6 months(maybe more, maybe less). I have 2 young girls. Amira, meaning princess, is nearly 8 and a huge worrier and over thinks everything (like me) and Yara, meaning little Butterfly, is 3 and a huge Mammys girl and was breastfed up until 2 weeks before my first op. I havent told either of them yet what's going on. I was hoping to have lumpectomy and radio therapy as was thought initially based off ultrasound and scans. Now I will have to tell them. Have you advice about how to tell a complete worrier and Mammys girl almost 8 yr old. I don't know how or what to say. And also I'll have to say something to my 3 yr old. How do a explain things but not have it scary? I'm scared. Amira will be 8 on Friday and all thats going through my head is .... Will I be alive for 9th? Its so over whelming for me. I also have a tumour consistent with looks to be a meningioma which is parked aside for now. I feel like I've a huge mountain to climb and I don't know how to do it and still be a mammy. My husband works long hours. He's gone from 5.30 am til about 6.30pm so I do everything else, school runs,(about 25/30 min from home) activities (about 35 mins from home) and playdates, parties etc. Plus all in the house. We've cats, dog and chickens. Is there anyone who is in similar situation to me? How did you manage everything? How sick were you? Have you recovered? Did it get worse? I feel alone, I don't know anyone similar age with young family with this horrible diagnosis. Plus since my op, I cane home to a 5 day tummy bug inn3 yr old then I got uti and the bug, now I'm over them and she gets a uti (started antibiotics yesterday evening) yesterday (yes day of results) and 40.2 degrees fever I'm struggling to keep down. How do ye manage cancer, chemo and surgeries with young family? Sorry for long post. I feel completely derailed and overwhelmed. Thank you for reading.
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posted by Christine Eichbaum
25 May 2022

Stage 4 Breast Cancer

Last reply: 02 June 2022 20:59
Hi, I have been diagnosed with stage 4 BC about three months ago, am on Ibrance/Anastrazole and starting on Zometa injections. Had initial BC four years ago, after that clear Mammograms. By chance they detected nodules in my lungs through a CT scan, and now have confirmed it to be secondary BC. It is also in my bones and lymphnodes. Would love to hear from someone in similar's an avalanche of treatments and a rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts...
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posted by libra1975
18 May 2022


Last reply: 27 May 2022 20:51
Hi everyone, I was just wondering if anyone else has had the same problem. After my lumpectomy I developed cording in my armpit, going down past my elbow. I got physiotherapy for it, and it was as good as gone. I am doing my exercises every day. But now it's actually back again. The therapist signed me off last week, saying my range of movement is great. I told her then that it felt like the cording is coming back, but she just said to continue with exercises. Has anyone else experienced that? I thought, or hoped, once it's gone its gone.
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posted by worried22
25 May 2022

Mammogram Recall

Last reply: 25 May 2022 13:27
Cancer diagnosis 7.5 years ago Triple positive all the therapies Been recalled back after mammogram check up and in a heap Convinced it is back again could it be scar tissue causing a distorted image all these years on ? Thanks - going insane
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posted by ash mammy of 2
09 May 2022


Last reply: 18 May 2022 13:39
Hello 👋🏻 I have my appointment in the breast clinic on Thursday as you can imagine I’m up in a heap as I have a very large lump roughly 5cm so I’m imagining if it is cancer it’s going to be later stage? Could you tell me please how long I’ll be waiting for results? I honestly don’t know how much more of a wait I can take I’ve downplayed it to my husband as he’s a major worrier and obviously I haven’t told my teenage children yet. Thanks in advance xxx
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